Are there any incels here?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by The Purifier, Oct 25, 2019.

  1. It has. We need to shake our perceptions of what being worthy of friendship means. I used to be socially unfit and I would creep people out. I'm fine now, and I think people value my company.
  2. Triplex VII

    Triplex VII Fapstronaut

    I know men who have been with more women than I can count on all my fingers and toes. Me? I have only dated 3 girls over the course of my whole life. And then I dated the first 2 again years later, and I married the 2nd one. Point is, quality is much more important than how many, and the right woman is worth waiting for. I heard once that you do not find love. Love finds you. That was true for me. Additionally, while I dont believe you find love, I do recognize that it takes real effort to maintain. I would simply make myself truly ready for it so that when it arrives you are prepared. And this comes from doing the best you can for yourself, and making yourself into the best You that you can be.
  3. Agreed! My wife was my fourth significant other. I didn't lose my virginity until college. Now that I'm happily married, all those other relationships are water under the bridge. I've never had a bad break up and always stayed away from drama. Being with a wonderful woman makes me think how blessed my life has been.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Hisself

    Hisself Fapstronaut

    I see redpill being mischarachterized a lot in this thread. I discovered redpill concepts this year after my best friend was “zeroed out” at 26 and committed suicide. Along with nofap the redpill has saved my sanity. Many redpill guys will tell you the same, people have removed nooses from their neck because of redpill philosophy. Redpill is about evolutionary psychology. Plain and simple. Redpill is not about hating women, in fact it is specifically about not hating a woman for what she can never be to you. There is no “the one” that is key to the redpill. Men and women are different and have different mating strategies. Men like sexual novelty and a variety of partners (pornography addiction works on this) and women are hypergamous which is a dual mating strategy of short term “alpha seed” as in the guy who’s an asshole but has a six pack and is confident and has cues of successful genetics. And long term “beta need” which is long term provisioning/provider. Women who are in their teens and twenties are generally looking to have fun with shorter term sexual flings and generally hit their epiphany phase at 29-32 where they want to settle down with a provider before their sexual market value (aka looks) decline. A key redpill concept is that women are looking for different things from a man at different times throughout their life and if you want a relationship to work you must always be on your game. If you start getting fat and lose your job and motivation she will start looking to get her needs met somewhere else, there is no “happily ever after”. I could go on but long story short. I was a “nice guy” up until about six months ago and I have had more success and peace of mind than ever before since realizing this and adjusting. I’m not an asshole and I’m quite kind but I’m not a nice guy. There is a difference. Studies show that women are attracted to dark triad traits so by knowing this you can adopt the aspects of these traits that are pro-social and will also benefit you, and discard the aspects of those traits which are anti-social and might be against your moral identity.
    Blues017 and Demodectic like this.
  5. chris555

    chris555 Fapstronaut

    A lot of people that are mgtow have gotten burned in the past (like divorced or cheated on) or just do not like the current rules for marriage in general. It is way to easy to divorce now a days which can be catastrophic to men and they're futures.

    At my old work on the railway pretty much every man that has worked there has gone through at least one divorce. Some where kicked out of their houses, and all of them have to pay huge alimony or child support cheques every month which is crippling on their bank accounts. Now MGTOW has many people with different beliefs but I honestly think they do have a lot of good points in certain aspects.

    Many MGTOW'S that live for themselves actually have very good lives. A lot of them retire early they go on trips around the world or just spend time doing the things they love stuff that most people married men can't do.
    Deleted Account and Demodectic like this.
  6. The Purifier

    The Purifier Fapstronaut

    That is good you found your own Hildegard von Mariendorf but I'm looking for a Frederica Greenhill.
    dankestmemes likes this.
  7. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    Is pickup techniques where you try to copy the qualities of assholes and psychopaths? [ Psychopathy is one of the traits you said women are attracted to]. I would say you are leaving a few key points out though. Most of those assholes are drug dealers and they can act any way they like as long as they have cocaine and the drug-addicted women will keep coming
    Second, you are creating your own truth if you are actively searching for women like this. What kind of psycho wants to be with a manipulative, selfish psychopath? She is probably evil to and it's no wonder she treats guys [ and people ] bad.
  8. Hisself

    Hisself Fapstronaut

    All throughout human history women have been attracted to high power, dominant men. Women are attracted to men with status and how did you get status throughout history? By being fearlessly dominant. Fearless dominance and “superficial charm” are characteristics of trait psychopathy. These are attractive to people in general, and women in particular. Not to be offensive, but guys like you are the reason this is taboo. Women don’t usually openly admit to liking assholes and “bad boys” because there is a social stigma attached to it. Not only that but they may be consciously annoyed by an asshole and sexually aroused biologically. These are not mutually exclusive. There are studies that show the period of a woman’s ovulation cycle where she is most fertile is when she is more aroused by dominant behavior. There is also a term hibristophilia which refers to women who find serial killers arousing which explains why Ted Bundy had women flocking to his court proceedings to get a glimpse of him as well as how Charles Manson managed to get a group of women to leave their families and eventually commit murder for him and face the gas chamber all while smiling because they had his approval. Lastly it is common for pimps to clean up their women so that the money they make isn’t going to drugs or getting stolen. It is unwise business to “pimp” a girl with a drug habit so pimps will often get the girls clean or get rid of girls with habits.
  9. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut


    I don't know what pimp comment was about? Traditional pimps beat their women along with other horrible things and exploit them to the extreme it's a vile form of slavery.

    There is a study that shows that 99% of studies are complete bs. How exactly do they measure the arousal of all these women during their cycle along with their fertility? What other factors are involved. Are the guys pretending to be dominating to them good looking are the nice guys ugly, etc?

    I assume women traditionally looked to men to provide for them and take care of them. Power and status probably appeal to them and appealed to them maybe similar to how large breasts attract men that doesn't make them monsters, or incapable of falling in love or having loyalty. Women often marry up to rich guys, apparently wasn't as common with men, but now we see cases like that convicted felon who was the boy toy for some billionaire heiress. That guy had neither power or status [ sorry if your not familiar with the story it was in the tabloids, I'm not gonna google it]

    As for Ted Bundy. Well, there are guys here into female domination and being dominated by women. I call it a mental illness it's not the norm.

    Many of the high power dominant men were not assholes. You are wrong many where good men, honest and faithful. None of the good things in the world today would be here if that were not the case. I guess you got Genghis Khan along with some others, but he didn't need to attract women he just raped em.

    You are mixing dominance with bravery they generally don't go together. Many who act "dominant" are not all that brave. Bravery is a great quality, trying to dominate everyone is a vile quality. If everyone starts acting like a psycho like you describe you will have chaos.

    There certainly women into bad boys, into criminals into assholes, but most of those women are assholes themselves, stupid or mentally ill maybe abused.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2019
  10. LOL. Tbh I think I got someone with the best of both.
  11. Hisself

    Hisself Fapstronaut

    A convicted felon being the boytoy to a rich upper class woman illustrates my point perfectly. Women are aroused by dominant asshole men. Being socially dominant is attractive to women. Men are hierarchical and therefore more dominant men get more women. There was a recent study that showed that women find 80% of men unattractive. They are attracted to the top 20% of guys. When women are in their proliferative phase they are attracted to dominant men and more masculine features for short term sexual flings. This is their peak fertility and when they are biologically and subconsciously searching for good genetic stock. During their luteal phase they are more drawn to their “nice guys”, or their provider/provisioner. This biologically speaking would suggest that after she gets the genes of the “asshole” she searches out a “nice guy” who will take care of her while she’s raising the baby and vulnerable. Look up “Hormonal” by Dr. Martie Haselton. She is an evolutionary psychologist who studies female ovulatory cycles and has performed these studies. You can look into the methodology and refute what you want but these studies have been major players in the field of evolutionary psychology. You go on in your last response to rattle off a bunch of unfounded assertions which appear to be gut reactions to what I’m assuming is emotionally unsettling information to you, I’ll use one of my favorite quotes here.. “That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence”
  12. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    Go to any bar on the weekend and you will find that women are not seeking out the best genetic specimens, lol, and no I'm not hurt by the "truth" you are dropping on me, and thanks for the personal insult, lol. I'm an asshole but women are not attracted to me, lol.

    The convicted felon does not illustrate your point at all. You are assuming he is "dominant and an asshole". Google the word "boytoy" you don't know what it means, lol. Nothing about a boytoy is dominant. Billionaire women are not all dating convicted felons what stood out about this guy was that he was GOOD LOOKING. Who you think called the shots in that relationship though?

    Is Brad Pitt dominant, is he an asshole? No, he is not along with 99% of the Hollywood stars. Most of them will back down in a confrontation with the average person much less say a Big country Nelson, but Brad will get far more women if he wants them. You can also look at his relationship with Angelina who is the dominant one there, or maybe Brad wanted to adopt a bunch of children from Africa?

    You are just quoting a bunch of "shit social science" there is studies to prove everything under the sun and more studies to disprove it. Psychopathy does not work for society is what I was trying to explain if everyone is a psycho then you will have chaos. The philosophy you are adopting is wrong your reasoning is flawed, IMO. It's basically satanism repacked as something else with some bullshit science based on a misunderstanding of evolutionary theory to prove your absurd assumptions which are ludicrous.

    Not every woman or man is the same. There is variation. LGBTQ etc, etc yet due to your scientific study apparently every woman on planet earth including Mother Teresa and the Reverend's wife is chasing after a bad boy. That's insane!
  13. NAXALT fallacy: Not All X Are Like That. Just because we can name examples that are at either end of a spectrum or the tail ends of a bell curve, does not discount the existence of the mean.
  14. Hisself

    Hisself Fapstronaut

    Acting “psycho” is short for psychotic which under the 5 factor model of personality would be described as having high neuroticism. A crucial trait of psychopathy is low neuroticism. So this is a conflation on your part. Psychopathy occurs in approx. 1% of the general male population. It occurs between 15-25% of the prison population and 3.5-5% in high level corporate positions, this shows that there is an advantage to psychopathy in a capitalist society and that it is being selected for. This is not my religion by the way and I’m not particularly ecstatic with the way intersexual dynamics and social dynamics work, it’s just where an honest review of the evidence leads. Again read Hormonal by Dr. Martie Haselton who has worked with professor Gad Saad, both respected in their fields. Read The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist. Read Sex at Dawn by Christopher Ryan. Read The Red Queen:Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley. Read The Evolution of Desire by David M. Buss. Before you go throwing out any more assertions or anecdotes, read any of these books on human mate selection and male and female sexual strategies and the research will speak for itself. These are not crackpot ideas, they are well researched studies and map onto evolutionary theory.