Got laughed at

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Cypher123, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. Cypher123

    Cypher123 Fapstronaut

    I asked my friend to hook me up with a girl and he did so while I was chatting to her she told my friend I was ugly and she laughed really hard so now I'm starting to think I'll be lonely forever
    helpinghand4all likes this.
  2. helpinghand4all

    helpinghand4all Fapstronaut

    Dude 18 days are nothing, stop being obsessed about people, I'm ugly as fuck if you want to take a look at me then tell me and I don't give a fuck what people think about me just stop being obsessed about people who don't like you, if they say you're ugly that's because they're testing you reply back with the meanest comment you can or leave it like that if you really don't care, nobody's perfect, you think you're not as better as others are, and that will soon disappear after day 50 automatically I used to be like you, they're exploiting your thinking reply back on their imperfections, no one is perfect, on a long streak you automatically get this ability to reply back and when you reply people will get hurt. Currently if anyone, even my crush says I'm ugly I can easily rip them apart emotionally. You're thinking of yourself as ugly that is why the world can exploit you. Anything else you want to ask me you're welcome, they're just pushing you and exploiting you they know you can do better, don't worry you'll eventually learn to put yourself first, you think of other people being better than you that is the reason why you can't reply.

    And you'll stop giving a fuck who laughs at you, because rarely anybody will and if they'd be, they'd be laughing at your innocence. I'm just telling you you'll grow, so much so that you'll look back and think what an idiot I was.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2019
    Cypher123 and Kligor like this.
  3. Tommybowser

    Tommybowser Fapstronaut

    that was.mean of her
    Cypher123 likes this.
  4. Wow that was a really heartless thing of her to do...I'm sorry Cypher123
    Sam78 and Cypher123 like this.
  5. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    Don't give a s*it man,put yourself on first place,people like that girl is almost everywhere today.Don't insult anyone but,if someone insult you then give reply,thats called respect yourself.Love everyone but yourself the most.I m in stage of changing just like you i realized this very soon,idiots from real life teach you to be like this.
    Sam78 and Cypher123 like this.
  6. GunnarMaxim

    GunnarMaxim Fapstronaut

    Well she's obviously pretty ugly herself to be so insensitive towards you. I would not dismiss this exchange though. Why do you think she said that? Was she trying to make herself feel better or do you think you're unattractive? It's okay to be unattractive because in majority of cases it's something we can work on and isn't set in stone. It is widely subjective, but there are some objective truths to being attractive. Beauty is being in alignment with good health and proper mannerisms. If you're not already conscious of those two things then it wouldn't hurt to consider improving on that now rather than later.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
    angelpart, Blob95 and Cypher123 like this.
  7. Cypher123

    Cypher123 Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot for the support I'll try forget about it and focus on not breaking my streak
    Roady and FellatiousD like this.
  8. Move on to the next one! You’re too good for her if she acts like that. Also, looks have nothing to do with them liking you or not. Women like confident men who are okay with who they are. That’s why you see some ugly dudes with good looking women. Start working on liking yourself and not caring what others think. It will build your confidence and make women easier to approach. Good luck buddy, I hope it works out for you.
    marr708 and Cypher123 like this.
  9. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

  10. Hey man, it happens. Welcome to Earth
    Cypher123 and FellatiousD like this.
  11. Hamad2020

    Hamad2020 New Fapstronaut

    Well my advice for you is not to take to heart ,I would advise you to start working out and going to the gym really turns people into amazing. As long as you workout and take care of yourself, no one is ugly
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  12. Dont take stuff like that personally. Girls are often just testing you to see how you react. Work on what can be worked on. Girls dont care if you lost half your face in the Vietnam war if you got good posture and a strong frame.
  13. marr708

    marr708 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Perhaps you could start playing an instrument or start singing. I have seen a zillion ugly musicians with hot chicks... Lyle Lovett, Seal etc, etc. Music has a secret power over women [my mum actually told me that when I was a teenager]. Kinda weird, but helpful, ha.
  14. These are the girls you want to avoid.
  15. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Sadly, some immature people are invulnerable to the truth that they are ignorant precisely because they are ignorant - whether that's socially speaking or otherwise.

    From a personality perspective, saying someone is ugly when they can hear it is a pretty ugly thing to do.

    Beyond this I can't really say anything helpful if you're slave to the p. I don't do this or any other deep work in order to get a girl, I do it so I don't need to. I may CHOOSE to if they're pretty cool, and if they are also interested, but there's way too much dumbassery in the world to let that shit sway your mind. I've come to see the ugliness with a woman even when they're hot, precisely because of behavior like this.
    marr708 likes this.
  16. True! bros before hoes.
    I got laughed at because I defended my friend (she said he's ugly), but I'm happy for that. No man can call himself a true man if he doesn't defend his team.
  17. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    I think this is the natural consequence of addiction. It depends if I am interesting the meaning of hook up correctly or not. If you wanted sex then it makes perfect sense. I got laughed at one time like that and I was so sick in the head with pm+ addiction that I said out loud to the person I was selfishly pursuing sex with "you should be flattered" because I was confident I was the better looking one. I was unconscious trying to turn shame into pride, which is like going from third class on the Titanic to first class. Nowadays I turn shame into love and acceptance which is more like alchemy making lead into gold. Shame and guilt were natural for me when I was using others for sex, and of course it's no surprise that they were using me at the same time. Addiction puts me in with less and less nice people. Takers take and tend to hang out together, I've liked the switch to giving even though it means I still have to hang out with takers a lot in order to give, to exactly the extent I don't want anything from them they can't hurt me. This way when I feel hurt I know where the source is, it's in my self and therefore I have more chance at influencing it than what originates in another person.
  18. blademaster87

    blademaster87 Fapstronaut

    It means she thought you were ugly. Should have told her to fuck off.
  19. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    No. That makes you look like a sore loser.
  20. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Bullshit. If she calls someone ugly, it's because she has no manners and propably has some internal problems that'll bite her in the ass sooner or later. The best thing you can do most certainly isn't to degrade yourself by engaging in a petty fight with her, but to just get her out of your life and focus on someone who can behave herself like an adult.
    helpinghand4all likes this.