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  • D
    30 Days ? You are doing great. Even if you fail as long as you keep fighting and getting up.
    Deleted Account
    First of all I am flattered ^^. Second, could you Write them a little better. Some are not really questions. Change it a little bit so I can give you a more satisfying answer :)
    I tried editing but it's showing an error, the question is simple what can make you more successful "aggressive" or "sacrificial thinking to help people" ?
    Deleted Account
    Do you want to know which thinking is the best for yourself so you can help others ? If you want to help others then you should understand in which state they are. Your helpful "action" or words should be the most fitting for the person. Most important is that you are calm and understand what the person needs. I don't think I understand the question good enough to give an answer. But I hope this helped you.
    Get stronger so you can carry yourself through this and help others. If you need help then you need to get stronger.
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