Catholic / Orthodox Fapstronauts

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. Thank you all so much. This is amazing, all these resources. Thanks:^).
  2. Orthodox Presbyterian in the house! Sola scriptura
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. chastedude

    chastedude Fapstronaut

    The Fulton Sheen video (I found another copy on YouTube) was beautifully said!
  4. Tomaz

    Tomaz Fapstronaut

    Hi community and friends in Christ,

    It’s been a while since I’ve logged on to NoFap but I know I need your prayers. I keep going through days of being fine and then I think I turn to the wrong things if there’s some background stress or sometimes it seems I’m just being an opportunist and listening to lies that porn is ok.

    I know I need to stop, put real life up front and not bury myself in a place that affects who I’m being and how I am with my family.

    I pray for you all too and I give thanks to such a merciful God,

    Love and Blessings
    an onymous dude likes this.
  5. ForABetterLife20

    ForABetterLife20 Fapstronaut

    Eastern Orthodox Fapstronaut here. Looking to really try and change for the first time in almost 18 months. I had year long streak that had only 4 relapses in it, and I've been kind of stuck in a rut since then; my longest streak in the last year and a half can't be more than a week, maybe two. Not where I want to be.

    Here's a playlist of Eastern Orthodox chants that has really helped center me and relax when I've been feeling tempted. It often soothes my heart and keeps my head on straight.

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners.
    planters1987 and an onymous dude like this.
  6. Hello! I am new here. I started PMO at either 7 or 9 years and I am now 15 and will be 16 in December. My highest streak is 8 days. My Catholic faith is also very important to me and I hope that this thread will help me to conquer the temptations of lust. I also plan on becoming a priest for God, which is one of the biggest reasons why I am fighting this addiction.
    Agnus Dei, qui Tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
    LucasAndre and an onymous dude like this.
  7. LucasAndre

    LucasAndre New Fapstronaut

    Thanks you all for the support materials on the comments!!!
    Everything is so worthy and helpful!
    God bless us all...
    The Blue Ocean likes this.
  8. PilgrimJason

    PilgrimJason Fapstronaut

    Hello folks,

    Just a bit of introduction.

    I am a twenty something Catholic gay man attempting to live a chaste, pure and holy life.

    I heard about NoFap and it’s benefits 2 years ago. At the time it was more of a “It’s a great idea” kind of thing I tried and tried but I keep relapsing. Back to present now and I was inspired to take the opportunity again of developing myself through NoFap/Semen retention.

    I have only started my journey and what I found the most useful is the following

    1) Getting up after the first alarm.

    2) Making a sign of the Cross. Kissing my Brown Scapular and Miraculous Medal. Saying Three Hail Mary’s.

    2) Novena to the Holy Spirit followed by listening to “Veni Sancte Spiritus”

    3) Read a Chapter of Imitation of Christ.

    4) Take a cold shower

    5) Pray the Rosary on my daily commute

    If I can, attend Daily Mass.

    Then constantly remind myself of the love of Christ. Keeping myself Hidden in His 5 Wounds and also in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

    How you start your day affect the rest of the day so make sure to start it right.

    PS: I am new to this forum, is there a place where I can write a journal to keep myself accountable? Thank you in advance.

    God bless
    kb117 likes this.
  9. seraphim64

    seraphim64 Fapstronaut

    A good Orthodox book that many want to add to their reading list is “The Orthodox Path to Christian Victory” by Jon E. Braun
    The Blue Ocean likes this.
  10. Amakusa

    Amakusa Fapstronaut

    Trying to get started again after a long relapsed time. God wills it, I will fight. Let us fight together.
    The Blue Ocean and JoeinMD like this.
  11. kb117

    kb117 Fapstronaut

    This is beautiful. I commend you, sir. Especially in today's culture. God will never give us a cross we can't carry. This post helps me realize I need to start my day off right! I used to attend daily Mass as often as I could, but recently I've been struggling to get up in the morning. I pray the Rosary on my weekday commute, but when I don't commute I sometimes don't pray it. I'll be honest, I love hot showers too much. Join this group if you haven't already.
  12. neustart

    neustart New Fapstronaut


    I would like to start a virtual prayer group for the upcoming Lent. For example, for a week at a certain time, we could pray the rosary together, guided by an audio stream or Skype.

    Would anyone be interested?

    I am still thinking about how to do this technically. Maybe just a page with an audio stream where you can come together to pray the rosary together.
  13. kb117

    kb117 Fapstronaut

    We could all tune into weekdays 8pm ET / 7pm CT / 6pm MT / 5pm PT to pray the Family Rosary Across America.
    neustart likes this.
  14. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Maybe disregard human technology altogether. Perhaps we need to abandon the concept of time when it comes to prayer. All our prayers are aligned in an eternal moment; we don't need to be technically praying at the same clock hour. God in his existence is outside of time, an Eternal Now. It is for this reason that every Mass throughout the centuries is not a repeated event or a repeat of Calvary; they are all one and the same sacrifice and our one participation in the sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary. It is how the Virgin Mary was conceived without sin from the graces of the Cross at Calvary, even though her birth preceded Calvary in time (Mary's prevenient grace). Similarly, all time (and space/place even) somehow collapse whenever we are joined with God in our prayers, especially as the Trinitarian presence lives in our souls. At every adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, we are adjoined to all other times (past and future) and places that we have ever adored God in the Sacrament, as well as joined in all times/places/people that have ever or will ever pray before the Blessed Sacrament: we may even be joined with the angels and saints in heaven who are adoring God in the beatific vision in the eternal now as well. The concept goes on and on whenever we are engaged in divine activities. In the end, all of us would be perfectly united in a resolve to pray the rosary for a specific intention, despite the fact that it may appear that we are praying at different times, which, in fact, we are not, from eternity's point of view.
  15. kb117

    kb117 Fapstronaut

    Beautifully put. I think the internet is a step in the world's progression, inspired by a demonic motivation, to unite the entire world under a unified consciousness led by Satan in a way which fundamentally opposes God's will to unite us under His conscious Divine Being. I think this process of technological unification manifests itself consciously in ideas such as Elon Musk's idea to merge the human mind with artificial intelligence. It's also manifested by the subconscious motivation for global communication (telegraph, telephone, radio, television, internet, twitter, instagram). Satan uses this desire to eventually get us to worship him as one. What do you think?
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
  16. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Interesting depth of thought into that one. All I can say, from observation in Church even, but also outside, is that so many are absorbed and have their eyes cast down into their electronic devises; they're are quite unable to enjoy God's gift expressed in Psalm 121:1-2: "I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, who made heaven and earth." Their eyes and preoccupation are not on God, but naval gazing on nonsense, the latest empty-meaning poll, false news, or anything that entertains or overloads the body's senses. And, although I'm not saying it's an absolute fact, I can't help but consider that all these handheld devices, with at times their accessory earphone extensions, remind me of the Mark of the Beast, which will be present on one's hand or one's forehead, and even the day will come when folks won't be able to buy or sell without their apps and these handheld devices. I'm already feeling myself somewhat behind technology because I don't have a smart phone. I'd rather have the free time for contemplation than be a 24/7 slave to technology.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
    neustart likes this.
  17. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Where in Scripture does it teach the doctrine of Sola Scriptura? Or, do you derive this developed doctrine outside of Scripture, thus self-cancelling out the very doctrine and proving it false. The doctrine only surfaced in the protestant reformation; hence, the beginning of Christianity (Jesus and the Apostles) and its first 1,500 years of existence never knew or professed such a doctrine. Also, where in Scripture does it dictate what books are to be part of the canon of Scripture?, since some denominations now and in history have included some books and have thrown out others, at their whim, unusually to enforce their own false interpretations. Also, whose translation is authoritative? (does Scripture advise here?); again, demonic influence can twist and change words in many translations for false interpretation and to undercut true doctrine as existed from the beginning of Christ's true Church. Also, who or what decides opposing or contradictory interpretations of a scripture even among well-meaning Christians of good will? Isn't some outside authority (like Christ's commissioned Church) necessary in such cases? But, that cancels out Sola Scriptura. Also, historically, there were many other competing 1st-century texts that tried to get into the Bible but didn't. Who/what decided the authentic biblical canon anyway? Scripture? Where does Scripture authoritatively dictate its own canon for the biblical text? If an outside authority determined the very biblical canon itself, then sola scriptura as an absolute, sole tenant again falls. There are many other principles, too, for one honestly searching for the truth here.

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2020
  18. kb117

    kb117 Fapstronaut

    I very much agree. I think people are acting out a form of worship. Think about it. They hold their phones for hours while touching, rubbing, and staring at it. I haven't had a phone for almost two years now.
  19. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    I have kept a old-style, very compact flip phone, pay as you go, which is only good for making a phone call, as was probably meant to be and is all I need. It's other use is telling time in place of a wristwatch, which I always hated wearing but did before these mobile devices. It also feels like a Star Trek device. Ha!
