Fight club 2020

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by NF SINCE BIRTH, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. Its still a bunch of days left in 2020. It would be pretty hard to start from scratch at January 1st so lets start the planning already. I am inviting everyone who are interested to participate in this thread.

    1st stage is the planning/brainstorming stage. Everyone have different goals. My overall goals for 2020:

    1. Improve my mental health

    2. Improve my physical health

    3. Improve my social life

    4. Start studying again

    All of these are pretty large goals and pretty vague. Not sure if the goals will be exactly the same going into the new year. Maybe I will be able to formulate it better at a later point.

    My mental health for sure needs improving. The first and most obvious thing is to do Nofap. I strongly recommend the following resources for anyone serious about this journey:, a great online course for porn addicts., contains tons of facts about porn addiction and the recovery process and 100s of links to other sites/articles etc.

    To improve my mental health I am planning on starting to meditate regularly. Twice a day for at least 10 minutes would be ideal. I am also going to hit the gym. If I can do 1 day a week for the first few weeks, then increase until I am at 5 days a week that would be good. Then I need to find some hobbies so I can meet people.

    I am interested in team sports, chess, reading, hiking, outdoors activities, martial arts. I will have to do some research about stuff happening in my area and go to some events.

    I am going to talk with a psychologist at least once a week.

    I have neck problems so I am going to visit a physiotherapist once to twice a week for some time. It also helps me to get out more. They have it at my local gym so maybe I can combine the two.

    Get back in touch with my old friends. I have been mentally ill for a couple years but I have some pretty good friends who would love to hear from me. I just need to reach out.

    Watch a motivational video daily. Spiritual advice, recovery videos, workout videos or whatever fits the description.

    I am going to get myself a cat. This is going to happen no matter what so I dont really need to set it as a goal. Pets are super nice for feeling better. And I hate when my cat is watching me doing filthy things. I am 100% certain it judges me and tells the devil.

    I want an aquarium. I already have one but I have to ask my landlord to allow me to fill it with water. Its 720 liters.. If it doesn't work out I'm going to get myself a smaller one.

    Set up a television in my apartment. I am not watching television a lot but my therapist told me to get one. Just the sound of people talking in the background can help against feeling so alone.

    Read 5 pages a day. Going to pick some good books and make it a habit of reading 5 pages a day. That is minimum. I wont limit myself to just 5 pages if I get into a flow.

    Read this entry post once weekly and update it with new ideas.

    Do a little Spanish every day. I use an app called Duolingo for that.

    Limit my sugar consumption. In general I want to cut out all foods with excessive amounts of sugar. Not planning on cutting out sugar entirely to begin with but reduce it a lot. Also eating healthy food in general. To help me with that I am going to install a fitness app on my phone and track myself for a while until it is a habit. As a side note I am also going to get myself a workout diary where I track my progress over time.

    I think I covered a lot. If I can stick to this plan I picture myself being in a much better spot a year from now.

    Now, share your goals!
  2. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    I think it's good to distinguish goals, plan for getting there and the measurement used in the plan.

    My number one priority is to have better peace of mind and meaningful relationships, which falls under spiritual. Parts of the plan includes going to events that might relate to inspirational books and recovery meetings, which is trackable and measurable, and asking people to hang out which is also measurable.

    Second is body and mind although it's obviously also connected to the first. I have access to a clinical machine that stimulates the default mode network of the brain for at least a few months, I want to take advantage of that and essentially see if that helps the first and second goal - also measurable in terms of regular use, I could do it at the same time as meditating and be mindful of the effect it has on my brain - which can be felt. 2b would be the body, back to cold or contrast showers. Start with something as simple as 20 seconds of cold at the end and introduce more of the cold gradually. Winter is a good time for that since the pipes are cold whereas summer the water doesn't get all that cold.

    I will read some stuff around mental and maybe even physical development, but I'm really finding the peace of mind is key since I've been really busy and under a lot of stress.

    Plan of practice:

    1. A chapter from an inspirational book at least every other day, (could be short chapters)
    2. 20 minutes with the machine every other day
    3. call a friend or potential friend every other day
    4. the usual meetings about three times a week - some of which might be substituted with meetings of spiritual groups and not necessarily recovery groups which can frankly get a bit stagnant.
    5. 20 minutes of walking at least every other day.
    6. cook something, anything every other day
    Almost forgot - a daily inquiry practice, which I started this thread for. This is very different because everything else can feel like a chore, inquiry is about opening up possibilities and your mind.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
    TangoTao and NF SINCE BIRTH like this.
  3. Wow . that's great. I will soon think about the changes i am going to make and update it here. Right now, i am going to make an 11day streak of Nofap HM from 20dec-31dec, 2019.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  4. New year is approaching fast. I am currently looking at my economy and I need to find ways of making more money somehow. I am currently getting monetary support from the gov which isn't a lot. Just enough to cover the basic costs of simple living.

    I do have around 2000 dollars in stocks atm. I also have 1500 dollars in credit card debt. I could sell my stocks and cover the debts right away but it doesn't seem like a good option. It is my savings in a way and I dont want to touch it. I figured I could sell some of my stuff. I got statues and paintings worth at least enough to cover the debt right away. Then I need to focus on increasing my income.

    1. I looked into mining bitcoins today. I have a high end gaming laptop but I was quite disappointed with the speed I was mining at. It is barely going to make me 5 bucks a month. I am considering investing in a proper mining rig which isn't too expensive. If it can net me 100 bucks a month I would be happy.

    2. Getting back into my studies is a good solution long term. Not going to see results right away but securing a job in the future seems like a smart plan.

    3. Favours online. I am pretty good in Spanish now. Maybe I could help people doing their homework or something. I am also pretty good in a couple games so maybe helping people out for money would be an idea.

    4. Writing. I see myself as a pretty knowledgably person. I have a lot of interests and know a bunch of stuff in depth because I am a super nerd. Like bitcoin mining for example. I could probably learn anything I set my mind to. I could use some of my specialized knowledge and write some short handbooks. Maybe sell them on Amazon for a small amount of money. I also just like writing in general so maybe I could write a proper book about something that interests me.

    5. Find a part time job. I dont want to work my ass of with anything but working say 10 hours a week with something to get that extra side income. I need to increase my monthly earnings by around 400-500 dollars to be happy and able to save up as much funds as I want.

    6. Read good books. Think and grow rich and the compound effect are great. I need to read them again.

    7. Start writing down business ideas as I get them. I have a pretty creative mind sometimes. Right now I dont have any great plans other than investing my extra money into stocks. Brainstorming in progress.
  5. Cover the credit card debts first, if you can. Otherwise they will bite you in the ass. Interests are just too high. At least that's my fifty cents.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and xwjbkw like this.
  6. xwjbkw

    xwjbkw Fapstronaut

    DON'T GET A TV. If you don't want to feel alone then leave the house. TV ADDICTION IS EQUALLY AS HARD TO BREAK. This is coming from someone who knows from experience.
    FX-05 likes this.
  7. xwjbkw

    xwjbkw Fapstronaut

    Oh yeah and don't talk to a therapist. Before you know it they'll convince you to get on medication. Watch out for those snakes, there is zero scientific evidence for every single "disorder" in the DSM V psychology manual. The whole psychology industry is a fraud designed to sell drugs for the pharmaceutical industry. Look it up yourself. I studied this.
  8. So far so good. 10 days of Nofap. I am leaving the hospital for good on monday and are starting from scratch. It is going to be hard to get back up again after staying here for 8 months. I feel pretty done with this place. It only makes me frustrated. Hopefully never again. Terrible insomnia today. So many worries. If I can get trough these first few weeks then I think I am going to make it far.