Seeking support

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Narcissa, Feb 29, 2020.

  1. Narcissa

    Narcissa Fapstronaut

    Hi.umm,i'm new in here and i do want to quit PM and i have tried alot but everytime i failed...i don't know what i should do,i do not have anyone to talk to about and i'm ashamed of this shit but i feel like there is nothing i can do about.i don't enjoy it but i don't know why i can't is affecting my personal life..
  2. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Have you read Your Brain on Porn? Pmo is a process addiction. That’s why you can’t stop.
  3. First of all welcome, and we all hope you can find your way in here.
    In here nobody will judge you so feel free to talk openly, we will do our best to help you.
    Maybe you can consider to start a journal to keep track of your improvement so in there you will find people that might share your journey. Hoping to hear only good news from you, I wish you the best of luck :)
  4. Narcissa

    Narcissa Fapstronaut

    Guys,first of all thank you and second of all,can we find accountability partner in here??
  5. Dexter Moran

    Dexter Moran Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Hi Narcissa,
    I have never had an accountability partner. Therefore I can not advise you of the value or otherwise of same. I would urge you to become an active member of NoFap.

    Engage with your fellow Fapstronauts. We are all seeking healing and support. Give yourself credit you've made your first post. Most important of all you've recognised that you have a problem.
    If you wish check out my journal "Dexter's Journey." You will find links there that could prove useful to you. Start your own journal too Narcissa. Good luck and take care! Welcome to NoFap.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2020
  6. Of course, there's a section to find them, you get in here say who are you searching for(Gender of your AP, maybe age or religion) and you will find the best AP for you.
    For example I would go there and create a thread "Searching for AP, male under 30 years". You do it with what you need.
    Hope I explained myself well :)
  7. Narcissa

    Narcissa Fapstronaut

    Wow,thank you....well,i'm gonna start my first day challenge...i hope i can make it and please pray for me.
  8. Heyyy welcome to the NoFap forum : ) It's nice to see you here fighting the good fight alongside us!

    First let me go ahead and drop some helpful links for you:

    Getting Started Guide / Forum Rules / How to Use the NoFap forums/ Glossary/ NoFap Panic button/ Set up your day counter / Rebooting Resources/ About NoFap/ Support NoFap

    Here is just some advice:

    First and foremost please take a look at each section in the forum, there might be something(s) you may find of big help to you. Feel free to post there :+)

    Then secondly I just advise you to be active on your profile(as there a few active people in the profile section). Please start by choosing an avatar and then make daily status posts to show you're active and needing support/encouragement. They've also got a neat little feature that shows freshly posted statuses for all users to see. People will find your profile and give you encouragement/support.

    Theres a portion of people who love communicating in the profile section..(it should be and is )mostly spportive talk but it doesn't hurt to deviate from supportive talk. It would be great to have you join in and support others in the threads, profiles, and journal. Make sure and be grateful for the help you received and give some help after receiving some. Invest in some people's journeys. We could always use your help and in return you shall receive some as well!

    Thirdly, You should also highly consider creating a public journal/log (in the appropriate section for you) and write about your days in more depth for us members to follow along your journey and offer support to you by way of posting in your journal.

    Last but not least: Good luck on your journey here, make sure to really give it a try with all your heart!
  9. Narcissa

    Narcissa Fapstronaut

    Heyyy,thank's good to find a female here...thanks alot for your support and sorry for my late reply..i didn't notice it.
  10. You're welcome. There are many others here :+)
  11. Leashed4good

    Leashed4good Fapstronaut

    Welcome Narcissa,
    We are all here for you. If you need to talk abt issues relating PMO or addictions. It can be stressful not having support from family and friends. Don't take stress as it will spiral deeper into the problem. Focus on few days clean, then a week and so on. You are here, that means you have drive to overcome this habit. And for that give yourself credit. Wish u best of luck and see you around.
  12. Narcissa

    Narcissa Fapstronaut

    I just wish i could give myself some credit.i just wish i could stop punishing how is it that i'm feeling so strong at the begining of the day and the thought of having PMO session on that day looks like so disgusting and i tell myself that today is so diffrent and you are not going to give in but then when i'm stressed out or when i'm sad and i feel like i want to cry the thought of PM comes to my mind and i just give in and i don't find it pleasurable anymore but i do it and i don't know why and just after that i feel so bad and i just can't stop the bad thoughts and the tears and i punish myself with looking at it more and more and more till i come to the point that i don't feel anything...but the next morning i wake up only to remember what i saw and what i did the night before....i try to be strong and to give other's hope but there are days that i question my own words that i wright on my status....
  13. Leashed4good

    Leashed4good Fapstronaut

    I understand how you feel, not completely but I also get stressed and when I am sad, the want to my fetishes become very strong. I have just come to the point where I have ruled out porn all together. But the cravings are like an addiction. For example if I had a fight with somone i care about I imagine me and her in those sexual thoughts. But I am able to hold off from Ming.

    You are not alone. You are just early in the process maybe. You can not use M to run away from life's problems. It is a beautiful feeling that should associate with love and happiness. Don't punish yourself, value yourself. You have got to break this vicious circle. If it a pattern you recognise then the next step is disassociating M from stress coping mechanism and associating it with happy feelings.

    Again, don't doubt yourself. We all have bad days.
  14. - Turning

    - Turning Fapstronaut

    Hey, I just want to say that, if you are going to go on this amazing journey, you are going to feel mentally and, maybe, physically stronger! I have tryed PMO a couples times, and everytime I came out as a stronger, and more confident person then I was before. The thing that really helps me, is learning the guitar. Playing an instrument is a good distraction!
    Good luck!
    - Turning
    | Nico | and The Free Bird like this.
  15. LifeChanges213

    LifeChanges213 Fapstronaut

    As many of the follow fapstronauts already mentioned.

    1.) Accept that this is a real problem and that you wan't it out of your life
    2.) Educate yourself on this topic, to the point where you can teach this to someone else like a university professor.(i provided a link to a page that is kind of like the ultimate overview of pmo)
    3.) Once you start this journey, take one thing at a time and make increments of progress. That is key here. Don't tell yourself you will exercise everyday if you never exercised before or that you will not use the internet, etc. Don't make unrealistic promises to yourself. It can do more harm than good.
    4.) Exercise vigorously! Even if its just having long walks or walking to work, take strides in taking care of your physical health. In the end, you need to feel good about how you feel in your own skin. For a little boost in getting your mojo back, I would recommend making friends with squats and deadlifts. (take Zinc as supplement)
    5.) Know your cues and trigger signs that lead to pmo. This is cruicial. Knowing this or not can be the key to your success. For instance, if your graphic video games / comic books have pictures and scenes that will trigger your mind to pmo, then your best bet is to avoid it until you can easily brush it off. For me personally, the triggers came on the next day of a long drinking night. It can come in all shapes and color so prepare to be vigilant if you do not know yet.
    6.) Put yourself in uncomfortable situations. For me, I personally wake up 1 hour earlier than I am supposed to and start my day with a cold shower. With the extra time I have, I am on this forum and it helps me keep accountable.
    7.) If you ever relapse, that doesn't really make you take 1000 steps back. Although your count restarts from 0, the progress you make doesn't suddenly gets erased. Think of it as a muscle.
    8.) If you relapse, NEVER BINGE for the next couple days. This is probably the worst thing you can do in terms of your nofap journey. if you relapse, don't give yourself an excuse and be resilient!
    9.) Once you start physically noticing your benefits, for me it was my tiger like eye contact with anyone I spoke with and the looks I have been getting from the ladies, I became more and more determined.

    Anyone can do it, and everyone has been where you are feeling at the moment and it sucks. But I encourage you to be active in these forums and to start rebooting.

    I wish you the best brother and hope you make the life change today. Don't you want to be the best version of yourself?? I know everyone has that version of themselves in their head. I believe you will be him one day!
    EdricKr, | Nico | and The Free Bird like this.
  16. Hi @Narcissa, all the best to you! If you want to join 'The Matrix' challenge click here> 'The Matrix'
  17. Narcissa

    Narcissa Fapstronaut

    Hi...can u explain more abt this challenge?