Have I really PIED?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by momole02, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. momole02

    momole02 Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, since 2016 i have a special kind of ED and i just want to know if it's really a PIED. When i go to my bed and lay down in certain positions i have erections but nothing when i am with my girlfriend or in another sexual situation. I've started the nofap challenge at the 1st January 2020. So i'm approximately at the day 62. My confidence is better, my libido also. I have experienced some flatlines but my erections does not comming.

    * I use to be a huge prone masturbator by the past but i've stopped this since 2016.

    * I've started to do PMO at this year.

    I want to know what kind of ED am I experiencing?


    PS:Sorry for my bad English.
  2. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    Hi buddy,i never had a PIED so i m not sure,but i think you are might under stress.You said when you are alone you can get good erections,but when you need to have sex there is a problem.I think that happens because of much stress(could i do it)or might it is some type of PIED.Don't worry buddy,stay strong!
    Deleted Account and Coffee Candy like this.
  3. momole02

    momole02 Fapstronaut

    Thanks Bro. You're right. Sometimes i feel stressed even in sexual situations because i think of my previous disfunctions.
    Kligor likes this.
  4. BertrandR

    BertrandR Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. momole02

    momole02 Fapstronaut

    Yes i have better erection with some porn. But now with the nofap i begin to be more attracted by real people.
  6. momole02

    momole02 Fapstronaut

    But I sometimes masturbated without erections (even with porn). When I was too stressed.
  7. BertrandR

    BertrandR Fapstronaut

    Yes, it happened to me too, sometimes I masturbated without a 100% erection. Maybe because I used to do too much prone masturbation. then with girl I had no results, zero erection. I usually masturbated one time a day. If you can have an erection with porn, and not with real girls, it is likely PIED, and if it is PIED it can be cured. The important thing is to keep the right way, and not relapse. I followed this method https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?t...and-desensitization-and-how-you-can-to.74377/ and it worked 100% on me, I'm actually in phase 3.
    Deleted Account and momole02 like this.
  8. momole02

    momole02 Fapstronaut

    Ok i see. Thanks guys
  9. momole02

    momole02 Fapstronaut

    How much time it takes to reboot??
  10. BertrandR

    BertrandR Fapstronaut

    Something from 30 to 90 days. It depends on the person, and on how much your addiction is severe. the important thing is to not be dependent anymore from porn. Then, you need to try to have sex.
    momole02 likes this.