My porn addiction was only about 5 years and I’ve had girlfriends this whole time

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Deleted Account, Feb 23, 2020.

  1. How long will it take me to cure PIED? I’m on hardmode day 43 and haven’t watched porn in 6 month. How long should I have to wait to cure this problem I have been flatlining for months. Thank you
  2. Dalian

    Dalian Fapstronaut

    I wish the "how long?" question was an easy one to answer. My understanding is that this is a pretty individualized thing. I am currently on my longest streak to date and I'm learning about all this as I go, so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt, I guess.
  3. BertrandR

    BertrandR Fapstronaut I followed exactly this guide, and I'm cured. I cured my PIED. If you are in hard mode form 48 days, you are rebooted, or maybe you need more time, you know it, the important thing is that you don't need porn anymore. after that, you need to have sex. It is normal to be In a flat line, now you have abandoned the porn neuronal circuits, and you need to create new circuits with real sex. I started trying to have se after 40 days of noPMO, and I was in flatline, then one day, I had penetration, without condoms, and the day after, with condoms. actually I'm having sex regularly every day with condoms. I usually need time to get an erection, a lot of stimuli, and sometimes my erection is not 100%, but I can have sex, is something, and I know it will get better. Important is to try to have sex, even with flatline. You could pass a period in which is difficult to ejaculate, but it's normal. really I tried a lot of things, even before knowing this forum, but the better way, sometimes, is the easiest, I followed exactly this threat, and I cured PIED. Simple. for any question, feel free to ask. good luck. :)
  4. Brooo I tried following this thread to and went 49 days hardmode and tried sex with my gf but still had ed. I continued trying normal mode with my girlfriend and I have been flatlining ever since. I think that method won’t work for me and I need to do the hard 90
  5. BertrandR

    BertrandR Fapstronaut

    really! I'm really sorry! yeah maybe you could try hard mode for more time om hard mode. you can't have an erection during this flatline even with a lot of stimuli, like bj?
  6. Nah I cant