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the only women who take an interest in me are promiscuous

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by skepticaljoe, Mar 30, 2020.

  1. skepticaljoe

    skepticaljoe Fapstronaut

    Has anyone else had this problem? these really aren't the right sorts of women for me to date long term because they are more likely to cheat or simply get bored of their partner. these sorts of women are either not into the idea of love and only want flings, or they get bored easily and don't want to settle down. i'm pretty sure the ideal partner for me doesn't exist but it's made all the more difficult because I always attract the wrong sorts of women. it also erodes my self confidence because a lot of these women will sleep with anyone and are not choosy about their partners. which does not make me feel special to her in any way. I don't know what I need to do to stop attracting the wrong sorts of women? I am confused as it is why they are even attracted to a celibate, introverted boring man who never talks about sex!
  2. Please send me there age, photos ,and phone numbers LOL
    red gyarados likes this.
  3. Karimtolstoi

    Karimtolstoi Fapstronaut

    Hey don’t be rude with yourself if you don’t talk about sex it doesn’t mean you are boring. I think that kind of women are attracted to you because they find within something they lost. And that something precisely is the innocence of a celibate like you.
    Anyway keep looking for the right kind of women for you believe in yourself there is nothing wrong with you.
    Good luck.
    palindromo and skepticaljoe like this.
  4. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    I’d be happy to have a woman interested in me for any reason at the the moment. I’ve been celibate and introverted and there certainly aren’t any women throwing themselves at me for sex or anything else for that matter. What part of the world do you live?
  5. skepticaljoe

    skepticaljoe Fapstronaut

    I live in europe.
    I should point out, women aren't throwing themselves at me, far far from it! and I am not great looking either. The problem I think most guys have is that they don't recognise when women are interested in them and they are not very good at noticing their interest. I would say this is one thing I have going for me and that the vast majority of women are at best indifferent to me, usually apathetic, and a lot are quite turned off by me. The context of this is coming from my whole adulet life, so 20+ years and within that there has only been about half a dozen women that I have got to know beyond basic interactions. But they all follow the same personality, including the ones I didn't get to know better. They are all promiscuous, a promiscuous woman doesn't really care what man she gets to know, I am not any more important than anyone else. The reason I got interest is because these women don't have standards beyond the sexual market value.

    Traditional dating is pointless too, the way to get at least some interest from women is to start going somewhere in your life. If you have plans to become something greater than you are right not, women will notice you and come along for the ride. If you are a 6/10 then you need to look at a 5/10 woman because hypergamy will mean she will jump ship for a better guy, especially if she starts to improve herself (like going to the gym).
  6. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    True that men including myself are not good at reading the signals especially when they’re often so subtle. Of course I’m to blame as I’m not an easy person to get to know. Not to mention the fact that I live in a family oriented town where all women are settled with kids by 30-35.
    Traditional dating I think has become just about non existent. People don’t get to know each other the old fashion way anymore. Dating has become more like shopping for a car. Everyone is looking for the best deal instead of reliability. And as far as your reference to the points scale, that goes both ways, but I would point out that women higher on the scale seem more interested in success than anything else.
  7. I have been through what you are thinking.

    It seems like the women that like me are more likely to be promiscuous.

    It's an awful feeling, as though I can only get the ones that take everybody.

    But, also try to see it this way.

    The women that are attracted to you have flaws, just as we all do. (except me, of course, jk)

    And if she likes you, go ahead and dig in and see if there's relationship compatibility there.

    If the spark is there, don't question it.

    Sometimes in life we just have to take what is available, even though it's not ideal.

    It's a problem I go through all the time with musicians.

    Few of them can really play. Or they can play, but they can't communicate in the group.

    One time I had a drummer, and I had this certain beat I wanted.

    He couldn't figure it out. I even wrote it for him in notation, but he couldn't read that.

    So what did I do?

    I had to play against his jacked up beat that didn't match the song I'd written.
  8. skepticaljoe

    skepticaljoe Fapstronaut

    I tend to think there is probably a bias, because if both men and women date/marry up then the only people that would stick together would be exact equals... and to me, relationships have never really been equal even though it's been an ideal to aim for.
    yep , dating is a mess, modern dating is incredibly shallow. people have no patience, they just want your cv and to see how good you look on a website. I want no part of that, maybe I am missing out on opportunities by not playing that game but I would rather get to know a person not browse a gallery.
    Mistersofty likes this.
  9. skepticaljoe

    skepticaljoe Fapstronaut

    I see your point. and that is the perspective I have taken in the past, if live gives you lemons etc. we do the best we can, it's not making me happy though and it's an exercise in futility. but it's also about how happy they are and they are never happy with me because I am also not the right person for them, they will become bored eventually, usually within a couple of months, at best maybe a year. I already find it very difficult to keep the interest of a woman but with women like this it's especially difficult because they are constantly tempted by other guys. the male equivalent might be a guy who is a player, who can't help cheating. those guys never lose that urge to fool around. what would make that guy happy? would it be a quiet,sensible, introverted lady who isn't very fun? I don't think so, I think they would always have their eyes elsewhere. they will always be eyeing up the bubbly, flirty girl in bikini and if you put them both in situation together I don't think he will be able to control his desire.
  10. My suggestion, which might not work, is that if doing one thing does not work, try something else.

    Rather than chasing the women, worrying about keeping them happy, do the opposite.

    Just experiment with it.

    When you meet a girl, take control, and let her know you are the boss, and she is a free passenger.

    Free passengers sometimes have to get jettisoned.

    The driver makes that decision at any time, for any reason, and without notice.

    Be that guy.
    skepticaljoe likes this.
  11. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Have fun with her! She can be a fuck budy, open relatationship etc!! meanwhile you can keep looking for a woman that is girlfriend material.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. I can relate to this a little. I’m not taking a moral stance on sexual promiscuity here (in fact I’m all for it ultimately) but in my experience these women tend to be extroverts.

    My theory is that extroverts often enjoy the company of introverts because it allows them to talk and be listened to. I’ve found this to be the case both with male friends and female (potential) sexual partners and it does wear thin after a while.

    I’ve also been in situations where there’s definitely been a mutual attraction between myself and another shy introvert but it’s that much harder for either person to make a move and it’s just fizzled out. Incredibly frustrating when it’s these people I feel like I would rather spend my time with
    skepticaljoe likes this.
  13. This might not be your problem, but I would question what you are doing or projecting that attracts such a person.

    As a teenager, I had a best friend who was always complaining about guys hitting on her. They pretty much never hit on me when I was with her, even though (not bragging here, just saying what others have said) most people would say I'm more attractive than her. But the thing is, she was really flirty, dressed much more provocatively than me, and I honestly think guys just assumed I wouldn't be interested in them because I seemed like the kind of person who wanted something more serious.

    So as s result, I rarely got random dudes hitting on me, but I did have quite a few deep friendships that turned into meaningful relationships.

    I feel like people do project a certain type of attraction, so I wonder what it is you are projecting to make promiscuous girls think you're into that kind of thing? It seems like if this is an ongoing thing, it might be something you are doing.

    I'm not sure how to advise you without knowing you, but I would question some things like how you dress, how you act, where you are hanging out and meeting these girls, etc. I hear far too many guys wondering why they haven't found their sweet, loyal wife material woman while they are hanging out at bars and clubs. Idk if that's you, but it's something to think about.

    Of course if you are shy, it might just be that the only girls confident enough to approach you are the ones who are more promiscuous, and it might have nothing to do with anything you're projecting. I would imagine promiscuous women are probably more likely to approach and hit on a guy than a more conservative woman who might expect the guy to make that move. So maybe you just need to start making some moves yourself.
    skepticaljoe likes this.
  14. Also, not gonna lie, there is something rather sexy about a shy, introverted guy when you are an outgoing, promiscuous woman. It's a common romance novel trope for a reason. Those more dominating women might be attracted to someone they think they can break out of their shell.

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