How to cancel the past?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by WernerHeisenberg1993, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. WernerHeisenberg1993

    WernerHeisenberg1993 Fapstronaut

    Hello there,
    I'm trying to define myself with this challenge.
    But how you try to cancel the past and errors in it? How can I go on knowing that I frequented s*it holes sites/chats?
    Knowing that I sent pics to transwomen and transgendered people and that I throw away my life in porn?
    I'm on depression during these days, I know that I can improve myself, but I see the past and I see only s*it under a carpet.

    Is there anyone like me here?
  2. yassimhaf

    yassimhaf New Fapstronaut

    I am feeling you. The most difficult and important thing about improvement is letting go. Let go your past and also your future. This might sound superficial or cheesy yet it's the key.
    Let go doesn't mean forget, but saying f$$k my past! f$$k my future! now is what matters.
    I'm having big trouble to overcome my past which made me and still making suffering from deep depression. Say loudly everyday "I don't care about my past" even if you don't mean it. Repeat that so many times till it becomes you new reality.

    Keep it up!
  3. WernerHeisenberg1993

    WernerHeisenberg1993 Fapstronaut

    Thank you man, what I saw and I read is killing me.
    I'll try to forget all this crap.
    I'm an atheist, but in these moments I would like to pray someone.
    What a sh**** world
  4. You can't. You can only move forward. The past isn't the present. In the present, you can define how you'll act tomorrow.
  5. Baller123

    Baller123 Fapstronaut

    You need to be grateful for the current moment and try your best to live in it.
  6. my life again

    my life again Fapstronaut

    Hey man,
    I don’t think you should try to deny or cancel the past - as bad as it might feel, it’s a part of your history. Accept it, and use it to motivate yourself to become better - if it really bothers you what you did, then breaking out of those bad habits will only feel so much better because you know how far you’ve come. Celebrate the little wins - a week without PMO, and you’re already so much better than the person you used to be and that’s something to be proud of. Relapse every now and then? Don’t worry, happens to the best of us. Just keep trying and you’ll be able to leave your old life behind. After nine months of trying to change I finally made it. Am i proud of who I was before? No of course not. But I’m proud of who I am now, and I know that can happen for you too. Stay strong, you’ve taken the most important step :)
    MLetho and WernerHeisenberg1993 like this.
  7. WernerHeisenberg1993

    WernerHeisenberg1993 Fapstronaut

    Don't know how to thank you.
    Probably the cause of my bad habits is that I saw the world as a hell place, but as I see here there are a lot of great people. I had a victimistic way of thinking
    Sirwankalot1 likes this.
  8. my life again

    my life again Fapstronaut

    No worries! I’m sure we’ve all had victimisation mindsets - in a way, we are all victims of our bad habits. But that doesn’t mean we can’t escape. I’m not sure how long you’ve been trying for, but here’s some advice:

    1. Keep track of your successes AND failures. Use a habit tracker. And be honest. The successful streaks give you hope again if you relapse. The failure streaks show you your progress once you succeed

    2. Identify your triggers and deal with them as best you can. This can be a room, a time of day, a mood - find out the conditions that you are most tempted in and find a way to avoid those

    3. Replacing bad habits is always easier than simply stopping. Instead of will powering your way through, try doing something else to distract your mind. I find mindfulness meditation useful, but it can be anything from exercise to reading to listening to music

    Good luck!
    WernerHeisenberg1993 likes this.
  9. WernerHeisenberg1993

    WernerHeisenberg1993 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much, bad habits are the true enemies.
    I'll fight the dragon.
  10. Dear friend close your eyes for a minute and thank god that you can feel your breath that you are alive in this wonderful earth. Thank god and yourself that you want to improve yourself. It's never too late we just have to decide. Try writing a diary daily and practice meditation from headspace app it can totally change your life.

    Why we always think that past should have been better if I didn't in all this it could have been worse, who knows the destiny. Let go of all the regerets and cherish your good will that atleast you are trying your best.

    Please read two books I recommend power over Pornography by Brian Brendenburg and power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale.

    I pray for you to god that he grants you the power to heal.
    Keep smiling keep shining keep