All the Negative Effects of PMO

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by goodnice 3.0, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    pacified/complacent, docile, lack of competitiveness, lack of toughness, become a doormat, lose ambition, more of a coward (less willing to stand up for what you believe), endurance declines, self hatred, hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, loneliness, grieving of Holy Spirit (falling away from God), broken relationships, dumber, useless, uglier, weaker, lose creativity, unprofessional, kills love, skews views, leads to other bad habits, the cornerstone of other vices,leads to poor health, lustful thoughts, bad skin, hair thinning, bloated face, distorted eyes, lack of facial harmony, less self control, zombie like, the world becomes cold/dark, you become a loser, powerless slave, lose character, diminished chances of career success, waste time, can't focus, lose strength of heart, destroys personality, makes you more evil, less aware, spiritual decline, no joy no peace, life is hell, You become corrupt, decreased concentration/memory, people avoid you, you give off bad vibes, become creepy, girls won't like you, beta, broken, full of failure, no confidence, decreased productivity. Lazy, disgraceful, Poor athletic performance, poor decision making, poor court awareness, less explosive, slower, worse accuracy, higher inhibition and more hesitancy, too in your head, looked down upon by peers, lack of self respect, negative self image, extremely negative degrading thoughts, constantly worried, anxious, stressed, depressed, always worried what others think, people pleaser, unable to voice opinion, stuttering, no courage, a general shrinking from the spotlight, not wanting to be seen, recluse, drained, lack of vigor/spark, dull down cast eyes, full of shame, brooding, lowered conscience, sluggish, girls subconsciously avoid you, lower T-> worse muscular composition, unfit body, lack of motivation, hypofrontality, treating females as only sexual objects, becoming less human, full of regret, increased susceptibility to disease due to weakened immune system, mental health issues, become unstable, totally unfit for marriage, marriage will be full of problems, divorce more likely, imbalanced hormones, weakened organs especially kidneys (results show in your face). To sum up, you become a NOTHING man. At best, you are an empty shell of your former true self. At worst, you are a literal walking dead man
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
  2. Damn it, man, you hit the nail on the head!
    Thanks for doing that, you reminded me of myself 1 year ago, I won't ever go back to my old ways
  3. Yeah I’ve experienced many of those things. And I’ve had many of those things go away when quitting porn. Which is why I’m serious as a heart attack with my nofap this time.
  4. MikBlomks

    MikBlomks New Fapstronaut

    This post should be pinned!
  5. Ricardo26

    Ricardo26 Fapstronaut

    do you mean PMO can lead to heart attack
  6. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    Very nice of you, be stronger my friend, God is always with you fear not.
    Hello Friend and goodnice 3.0 like this.
  7. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    ty brother, i know you of all people would understand these negative effects, having read soaring eagles posts. Hope you’re well stay safe
  8. goodnice 3.0

    goodnice 3.0 Fapstronaut

    Increased susceptibility of heart attack and a host of other bodily issues and malfunctions i am guessing. Your whole physical constitution is greatly weakened and your brain is addled

    Since your semen is powerful enough to create a child, the body makes sure it uses up its best possible resources to create it. It’s more valuable than blood. Would you donate your blood the same amount you relapse? Now think about what happens when you are throwing your semen away every day or week, when this is more valuable than blood
  9. HegHeu

    HegHeu Fapstronaut

    Weakness in liver and eyes hairloss accelerated aging of body and brain.
    GoldenDreams and Captain! like this.
  10. Ricardo26

    Ricardo26 Fapstronaut

    Stop Scareing people
  11. Ricardo26

    Ricardo26 Fapstronaut

    Stop Scareing people
  12. Goodness me your insights are awesome! I will write a fuller reply later.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
  13. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

    Y r u here if pmo doesnt scare u
  14. Ricardo26

    Ricardo26 Fapstronaut

    i just get scared cus i have Autism
  15. didn't some hospital worker die in the closet while watching porn on shift duty? I also heard of some people having sex for a day or longer and then died. Sex is a stress. But so is working out. But like look how slowly you warm up for exercise compared to sex. Sex is akin to HIIT (high intensity training). It's not something you do just like that. And if you do it often skill is needed. Ultra healthy lifestyle, no ejaculation, no stress, high quality energetic foods, etc.
    Ricardo26 likes this.
  16. Skin becomes unrefined somehow. Look at a newborn baby or virgin, healthy teenager (maybe a girl since boys usually go down the drain by teenage years :/ ) skin is 'shiny' almost. Somehow. Then look at a, sick or old man who has not yet got all shrively skin. Its like the pores are extra expanded and loose and dead. Prostitutes tooo!
    Pure hardmode celibacy past 2 months starts to give you skin like that.

    Eyes become WEAK!. Nofap past 1-2 months. You can stay on the computer all day. But with fapping, it hurts, it burns, it just sucks. No matter how many frequent breaks you take, how much you blink and massage them it just sucks. I imagine the rest of internal organs are in a similar situation. Just not exposed for you to see clearly !!!
  17. Ricardo26

    Ricardo26 Fapstronaut

    do you mean im going to die
  18. iam walker01

    iam walker01 Fapstronaut

    Really dude?, uve not done it for one year?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Doing things excessively can kill people. People have died during huge video game binges because they forget to eat and drink and the stress on the body takes its toll. Excessive compulsion is bad.
    Ricardo26 likes this.
  20. Ricardo26

    Ricardo26 Fapstronaut

    Lol your exaggerating

