100 Something Days

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by ArtPoet21, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. ArtPoet21

    ArtPoet21 Fapstronaut

    Greetings, just want to point out that I'm at 100 something days of NoFap.

    How do I feel? It definitely has its benefits but I realize I need to quit other habits as well along with this to amplify its effects. I'm still a little lazy and somewhat addicted to social media. I need to conquer this once and for all this year by making simple improvements day by day.

    To all those starting outs I suggest you find a daily routine that works for you. It's highly recommended that you do especially when we're living in this lock down or quarantine. You can write it down or say it in your head something like " Today is 3:00, I'm going to look at my e-mails and bank account, then I'm gonna take some time to read for 30 mins, play my guitar for an hour after that for an hour and then go work out". It's always a good idea to have a detailed map of what you want to do during your day.

    Here's also a couple of things that helped me:

    - Meditation and Prayer. I'm a Christian so I don't need to meditate. I pray and read the scriptures early in the morning. I believe Prayer is superior to meditation. If you're going to meditate, you should focus on God and Jesus. You should do your research on Meditation first, it has a hindu roots. You should really be careful, it can have many bad spiritual side effects if you don't know what you're dealing with. You can open up your third eye as they call it, and you can end up encountering demonic entities. So be ecareful, like I said, I highly recommend prayer over meditation.

    - Taking Cold Showers - I think the best time to do it is around before bed time so to help you with your evening urges before you go to sleep.

    - Delete all the girls you look at in Social media or Instagram. This one I highly recommend you do. Those triggers are not going to help you. I still need to work on this because I'm still a little lazy and look at girls on facebook from time to time. But I catch myself doing this and practice restraint in my thoughts. As I evolve, I'm going to keep working on this.

    - Work out 4 to 5 days a week. Chest/upperbody, legs and back. You can do body weight or dumb bell exercises off those parts and after that, do a little cardio by doing some shadow boxing or kick boxing. This is the best form of cardio in my opinion especially if you're stuck in this quarantine. Look up a couple of youtube videos.

    - Sexual Transmutation- when you're feeling an urge, write and have a list of activities you can do to transmutate that energy. I personally like to read, write, do sketching and play guitar. Take it easy on the video games and movies, they're a little on the artificial dopamine levels, find an earthly activities you can do.

    - If you're starting out, I think there should be a period of time were don't focus on getting laid or hooking up with girls. That will only cause you to relapse. The first 30 -60 days max you should be in celibacy mode. As a matter a fact, when you keep evolving with this stuff, your outlook on relationships with women will change. You will no longer see them as objects but as people. What you will be attracted to will also change if you keep up with this stuff.

    - Watch what you eat, eat a healthy diet. Stay away from aphrodisiac type of foods like oysters and chocolates.

    - Last but not least, Keep evolving. It's a little hard concept to explain, think of an artist learning different techniques to broaden his artwork. Apply that same metaphor to your life. Keep evolving in whatever facets of your life.

    Okay, this is the first 100 something days. I'd like to go hard, monk mode on this throughout the whole year and when I do I'll report back. Love each other and praise God.
  2. Innervision

    Innervision Fapstronaut

    Congrats on your accomplishment! Keep up the good work! For now, I'm struggling with social media too and it's sources of P-sub that are so abundant. Have to watch out for these triggers. all the best
    PowerfulSRE likes this.
  3. Zeeshaan

    Zeeshaan Fapstronaut

    Awesome mindblown. Love you bro.
  4. Abdul_abc

    Abdul_abc Fapstronaut

    Your story is inspiring my friend. Keep going.
    Can you please share the benefits and changes you have experienced in this journey?
    Thank you
  5. ArtPoet21

    ArtPoet21 Fapstronaut


    - The number one thing I have to say is since i live a solitary lifestyle, I'm more at peace with being alone. I feel like I can live out in the woods or forest for months with this thing.
    - Better skin
    - Stop hair loss.
    - More confident with social situations, though I'm still awkward and shy at times. I guess that's a natural part of my personality.
    - I feel stronger and not as tired when I work out and do a couple of push ups or whatever. It's testosterone baby!
    - Also to add to that, this stuff enhances your fitness goals.
    - More happier and content throughout the day.
    - Good anxiety reliever, I'd be super depress right now if I were fapping all the time. This stuff is added confidence that I can fall back on to keep me focus on my objectives and goals.
    - Better attraction with the opposite sex lol. Dude girls are like sharks with this stuff. Even when I'm online writing poetry and using that as transmutation, they can totally detect the energy in my poetry and I've been getting a couple of likes from pretty girls lol. But like I said, you shouldn't be focus on hooking up or sex the first few months if you're a hedonist, you should avoid all distractions and focus on getting past the initial days.
    - Better relationship with God if you're religious or Christian.
    - Just more motivation to do your daily tasks.
    - Increase concentration and focus.
    - More courage. As of the current cultural climate right now, I thought about stocking up and buying a gun just in case there's an intruder in the house wanting to jack up my things. You become more brave.

    The list goes on. But to be honest if you're just going to do it for the benefits it might be an uphill battle especially during the days if you're flat lining . You need to have a moral and Godly connection with this stuff as well, in order to succeed.
    If you're going to be doing it for the benefits and ' shallow' reasons, you;re not seeing the big picture.
    Abdul_abc likes this.
  6. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Good job mate, keep going! Thank you for sharing tips and benefits!