Relapsed after first week

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by NewUser2690, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. NewUser2690

    NewUser2690 Fapstronaut

    Hello All,
    I first heard about NoFap like a week ago and I was really inspired by the spirit and the success stories in the forums to end PM addiction once and for good.
    I started the week really strong and was feeling great mentally. I even started jogging for 20-30mins every time and was focusing more on my work during quarantine.

    However, I just relapsed and had to start my counter again today. I feel so ashamed because I was going strong for like a week and I was really feeling better mentally, physically and spiritually.

    I think that outdoor activities have been helping a lot but it is a little difficult now with the coronavirus situation. Also, I think that decreasing the amount of time I spend on my phone can really help by having less access.

    I just felt like sharing this will help me reset my mind and get back strong and maybe help me get a few tips from older members especially on decreasing time spent using smart phones. What is the best way to spend less time on your phone during our current situation with extended hours spent at home?

    Stay Strong all. We can beat this
  2. VarunN

    VarunN Fapstronaut

    It’s the same case with me! I guess we need to follow a proper schedule in a day to abstain from pmo because in this quarantine it’s absolutely dangerous to stay idle
    | Nico | likes this.
  3. NewUser2690

    NewUser2690 Fapstronaut

    You are absolutely right

    I started today that 100 push ups a day challenge. Along with jogging daily for 20-30mins outdoors.
    I think this kind of physical activity can help you get your mind off it
    | Nico | likes this.
  4. Jerry120

    Jerry120 Fapstronaut

    Good luck! My phone is my biggest Achilles heel. In addition to the opportunity for discrete access, it is the general act of just looking at it that has affected me. The process of looking at it for other things still maintains the link to a habit. That way we're still connected to the action of looking at a screen. Also, we must try to observe when we look at are phone. Are we looking at it when we're frustrated? Are we looking at it when we are bored? Disappointed? Distressed? Something to think about.

    Corona virus really has got us in a bind mate. Stay strong and positive and let's fight this drug.
    Coffee Candy and | Nico | like this.
  5. GloryIsAllMine

    GloryIsAllMine Fapstronaut

    I can't tell you how to spend less time online ( since I stay online the whole day) but I can tell you how you can use it rightly.

    - Take up some online courses in the domain of your interest and get some relevant certifications ( Udemy is my favourite site)

    - Watch documentaries on various topics ( Search DW Documentary on YouTube)

    - Watch inspiring movies ( Filter out movies with the top IMDB ratings)

    - Watch meaningful animated movies

    - Install kindle and download high-rated books on the topics that interest you

    - Watch some high-rated TV series with a good storyline

    But the best can be: Use the Internet to become the producer of content rather than always being on the consumer end. Start a blog ( costs only a little to get started) or a YouTube channel. That's the best way to use the Internet.

    When one has relapsed, the natural instinct is to do the reboot. But once the vitality starts recovering, there will be sexual agitation and one is bound to fail if one allows sexual energy to get manifested in the physical body. This is a vicious cycle.

    The key is to clean off all the sexual impressions and memories lodged in the layers of your subconscious mind. Rewiring your thoughts is the key. Meditation, repeating affirmations or mantras, nipping off sexual thoughts in the inception stage, connecting and surrending yourself to the higher power, connecting with your breath, reading rebooting content are some of the few things that helped me and can be of help to you.

    I wish you all the best on your next streak. Beware of chaser effect and don't go into the binge cycle. Pick yourself up instantly.
  6. | Nico |

    | Nico | Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Welcome to the community :)
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  7. Hey, welcome to the NoFap community
    : )
    It's nice to see you here fighting the good fight alongside us!
    First let me go ahead and drop some helpful links for you:

    Getting Started Guide / Forum Rules / How to Use the NoFap forums/ Glossary/ NoFap Panic button /
    Set up your day counter /
    Rebooting Resources/
    Accountability groups (new!) /
    About NoFap/ Support Nofap
    Here is just some advice:

    First and foremost please take a careful look at each section in the forum, there may be something(s) you will find to be of big help to you.
    Secondly I advise you to be active on your profile(as there a few active people in the profile section). Please start by choosing an avatar and then begin posting frequent status posts to show you're active and needing support/encouragement.
    The forum has got a neat little feature that shows freshly posted statuses for all users to see.
    People will find your profile and give you support.

    There’s a portion of people who love communicating in the profile section..(it should be and is )mostly spportive talk but it doesn't hurt to deviate from supportive conversations. It would be great to have you join in and become part of the team!
    We support others in the threads, profile posts, and journals/reboot logs.
    Once you receive some support, please be sure and be grateful to the member for the help/support you received and consider giving some in return to anyone you wish.

    Thirdly, you should highly consider creating a public journal/reboot log (in the appropriate section for you) to write about your days in depth for us members to follow along on your journey and offer support to you on.

    Please start your journal in the correct section and with that, also try your best to post in the correct sections as it is mandatory and would be helpful to the mods who organize the forum. : )

    Last but not least: Good luck on your journey here, make sure to really give it a try with all your heart!
  8. All might 2212

    All might 2212 Fapstronaut

    Don't give up man !!!
    Keep going and don't worry every one here have relapsed before it is perfectly fine. :)
    NewUser2690 likes this.