Something to Do When Urges Strike

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Shneeperspeepers, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. Hey all! I pray I find you all well. I picked up something small from the store recently that I think may be of interest to some of you. It's a journal book that has 300 prompts to respond to. Each page has a simple question like "if you could travel anywhere, where would it be?" or "what song do you think describes you best?". Responding to the prompts serves as a nice little thought exercise that takes your mind away from the urges when they strike. I found it helpful.

    Here's a link:
  2. That would be an intriguing way to divert your mind. I can imagine a lot easier initial days if I had this book.
  3. I have a self talk regime that I picked up from a guide made by the universal man. You spend around 5 minutes ore more rationally judging your emotions and writing down actual reasons as to why you shouldnt give in to an urge in a notebook. I will usually do this a couple of times then go for a walk and my urge will be pretty much gone.
  4. Umarb

    Umarb Fapstronaut

    The book isn't free. Do you have a copy to share?
  5. I do not have a PDF of the book, but I am happy to purchase you a copy if you want?
    Umarb likes this.
  6. Wow! That's too noble (and a bit gullible too).
  7. Umarb

    Umarb Fapstronaut

    Thanks. This my email [email protected]