Muscle loss

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by cadia guardsman, May 3, 2020.

  1. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    Hey everybody, since this quarenteen how many kg you lost? I was 81 Now im 78 Lost 3 kg and i really look tinner , that shit is bothering me alot and it makes me mad, cuz im exercising all day with some weights that i brought but they are low weight just 10 kg and i even brought more stuff but its not helping me on stopping my shape getting worst

    Anybody knows some good exercises that really push the body without doing more than 10 reps?
  2. Emileo Delcarme

    Emileo Delcarme Fapstronaut

    Have you seen how ripped dudes are does calisthenics? No weights required. Plus you can do it at home or at a park.

    I'm at home 24/7 because of the strict lockdown in my country. I've started calisthenics training about three days ago. Just to keep my heart pumping and not just be skin and bones but to have a little definition and healthy heart.
    cadia guardsman likes this.
  3. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    I’m definitely losing muscle due to a combination of the quarantine and a torn meniscus in both knees. Pretty sure I’ll never be where I was before all this.
  4. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut


    Yep that stuff is cool altough i prefer normal lifting weights but thanks!!!
    Im checking some exercises
  5. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut


    Shit that sucks, you cant exercises your upper body?
  6. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    I could do push-ups, dips, and core stuff, but it’s hard because I’ve had access to a gym for 25 years until now. So it’s hard to deviate from my normal routine. I’ve basically been cycling every day to keep my legs strong.
  7. OheyApple

    OheyApple Fapstronaut

    If you don't have much equipment you just have to think outside the box. Try use what you have.
    1. Try slow down on the tempo for example when doing push ups - 3 seconds on the way down- hold for 2 seconds - and 3 seconds up. This definitely give you a pump and break down on more muscle fibres!

    2. Try difference hand grip variations - wide grip, form a triangle with your hands (targets the triceps), reverse grip (works upper chest). For legs for example do normal squats, single leg squats rest one leg on a chair, try master pistol squats! Incredibly difficult. For shoulders try placing yourself upside down and legs touching the wall and do presses like that -very difficult.

    3. Try add weight. You like wear a backpack fill it or add the dumbbells you have. You could do pull ups, push ups, back extensions- forgot the name but works ur lower back and even hamstrings.

    Hope this gives you some ideas, let me know what you think! :)
    cadia guardsman likes this.
  8. James2James

    James2James Fapstronaut

    Are you starting lifting? If so, what are your goals? Are you trying to gain weight and add muscle mass? Do you NOT have a lot of free weights to work with?

    I have some knowledge in this area, so let me know and I'll send you some good tips.
    cadia guardsman likes this.
  9. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut


    Thanks man , im doing that stuff of a backpack full of stuff on my back , um doing that almost all day ahah my parents think im crazy , but its helping me a bit

    Yeah Thats stuff of holding down pushups didnt think about that, sure it Will help

    Thanks also for the other tips!
  10. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    Ive being lifting for an +-1,5 year ,and my goal is manly gaining muscle mass but im ok with a bit of fat, i want to go to 84kg , prior to this quarenteen i was with 81 ,now 78 , before i started lifting i was 70 kg , and i really gain gains on gym um a relative short time thank God it was surprise, but also i do martial arts and train everyday and that also helped ,before this quarenteen happen i was forced to Change alot my lifestyle

    I do have free weights , 2 of 10kgs, i sometimes merge them and do with 20 kg but it isnt enough and my tecnice isnt also the best . I also have a stuff i dont know how to say on english that are 4 of 2kgs that i can put around my arms

    Also im somedays a bit unfocused on train sometimes i rest more than i should because of messages and seeing stuff on the phone (not porn related of course ahah)
  11. James2James

    James2James Fapstronaut

    63 it doesn't seem like you have a lot of free weights. I take it you are just using dumbbells, correct? No bench? No pull up bar? No bands?

    Gaining muscle mass without a good amount of free weight to use is very difficult. Body weight exercises are fine, but if you are looking to put on 10 kg (22lbs) of muscle mass (not fat!!!), you are going to need some weight to move. Also, diet is VERY important in your goal. You may already know that proteins are very important to your muscle growth as are good fats. There is a debate on which diet is best: less carbs, more fat - more fat, less carbs..etc, but protein is important to muscle growth. If you are not supplementing protein, then maybe you should with a good clean whey isolate. Creatine is another supplement that can help tremendously in muscle gain. It's very affordable and not at all bad for you. If you were to take TWO supplements, those are the 2 I would take - a good quality creatine and a good quality whey protein isolate powder. Eating well is essential tho. If you want to gain 22lbs of muscle tho, you will have to eat a fair amount....and good food, not crap.

    If you can't get to a gym where the heavier weight is, you'll have to accept the fact that you'll have to settle for body weight exercises. Push ups are great for you, and there are many variations. I use push up bars which help tremendously. Time under tension - don't fly through your exercises. The more time your muscles stay under tension, the more the muscles break down and incorporate good repair. Mind-muscle connection is also important to all muscle training. FOCUS and use PROPER technique. Technique, Time-Under-Tension, and Mind-Muscle Connection are all very important to growth. Proper technique is HUGE. If your technique is garbage, you're wasting your time. Seriously.

    Honestly, 22lbs is a lot of muscle mass. It's not going to take a month to get that. It will take a LOT longer than that. I urge you to look up AthleanX on Youtube. That guy has the best fitness channel on YT easily IMO. And he talks about everything I've mentioned here. You don't need heavy weight to build muscle, but you NEED proper technique right off the bat. And if you're not in taking enough calories, that will also be a problem. You need FOOD to build 22lbs of muscle.

    You might have to accept the fact that during this quarantine crap, you just can't get exactly where you want to be. You can still exercise and do thing at home, but you just won't have access to the heavier weights and machines you usually use. That's ok. So'll be over soon. Keep yourself in shape at home and when the quarantine lifts, get back to the gym and on track. Big deal, right?

    I have a home gym setup, so I'm fine. I have a decent bench, dumbells, a couple different curl bars, push up bars, a pull up bar, swiss ball (for abs), a couple yoga mats (so the weights don't dent the hardwoods!) and a couple resistant bands. Bands are GREAT for home use. I love using bands for lat and trap exercises, and stretching (I use them in conjunction with the pull up bar). I have about 110lbs in plates. That's all I need. It's an ok little set up. It all depends on your goals. If your goals are to build LOTS of muscle mass, you need weight to do that. That's where the gym comes in.

    One thing I do really well...I have good technique. I don't lift as much weight as I used to (injuries, age), but my form is really good. Form is WAY more important than reps and weight. Again, if your technique/form is bad, you have to fix that. I can't emphasize that enough. Concentrate on TECHNIQUE. Do it properly. You'll see the differences.

    Time Under Tension
    Mind-Muscle Connection

    Definitely look up AthleanX. You will not find a better FREE channel on fitness, workouts, etc.
    cadia guardsman likes this.
  12. James2James

    James2James Fapstronaut

    DO NOT underestimate REST. Get good sleep. That's when your muscles repair and grow. If your sleep patterns are poor, you will NOT get the gains you expect. People always seem to forget this one. It's vital. The body needs that rest. It's absolutely part of the process.
  13. James2James

    James2James Fapstronaut

    The quarantine is a situation that will pass. Just keep motivated and do what you can - push ups everyday is a good way to stay somewhat fit. As long as you do enough and do them slowly and methodically. Concentrate on the muscle being used as you push up and as you slowly descend. This is important. Don't just blindly blast away with no thought on what you are truly doing.

    I would suggest that when all is good, purchase a set of push up bars, a pull up bar, and a couple different resistance bands for home use...JUST IN CASE. For about 70 bucks (US), you can do a hell of a lot with just those 3 items.
  14. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut


    I have a band , forgot to say that sorry and im using it to do some exercises, but maybe you could told me some exercises cuz im not much familiar to working with that stuff

    Eating and sleeping is not a problem thankfully , i have a nutritionist and have a good diet , also because of this situation i think i never sleeped so much on my life , my mornings i spent sleeping i usually wake up late , because you know the excitement for the day ahead is so big ahahahah . Ive being taking protein , isolate protein exactly for a long time and i didnt stop taking it Now, but i stop taking creatin , because i heard that creatin works better on cycles so when i Will be able to restart gym i Will take it again , for maximum gains , is it ok?

    Ohh i forgot again i do have a swiss ball but i didnt pau much attention on him , just some balance exercises cuz i taught it wouldnt help me much, but is it good? Can you give me some tips on that One?

    My tecnique depends, on the begging isnt bad but sometimes i end up worsting it , also in gym i always liked more machine exercises, and besides that only did some free weights

    The lat in my opinion is the part of my body that fadded most , arms are surprisingly ok, chest is ok, shoulders are ok and back and lat , specially lat the parts that fadded most
    My legs are good i always had strong legs since birth so i even dont exercise them and their still ok
  15. James2James

    James2James Fapstronaut

    I don't think I'm allowed to link to video here, so - -

    Go to Youtube and search for AthleanX. When on his channel, search for lat and back exercises and resistant bands. He has numerous good videos on lat training and band training. He has TONS of free content.

    Re: the Swiss Ball..I do my crunches on the ball but I incorporate a band pullover along with it. I anchor the band to a radiator pipe in my home, and when I do the crunch while on the ball, I pull the band over (held up at the ears) while I crunch. Very effective..lots of resistance and tension. Time under tension is key, as is form.

    JAMES GRAGE has a good channel on Youtube all about resistance band training. Look for him too. AthleanX has everything you need in one place tho. The guy is terrific and I use many of his exercises and LOTS of his advice.
  16. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut

    Thanks man i Will go search it!
    I didnt understand much the swiss ball exercise

  17. cadia guardsman

    cadia guardsman Fapstronaut


    AthleanX is very good!! Found alot of new training Thanks!
  18. The athleanx guy sounds more like a preacher than a fitness guru, but if it keeps people working out, who am I to say what advice people should listen to?
  19. Fomo Sapiens

    Fomo Sapiens Fapstronaut

    I don't know, I've put on weight since the lockdown started. 79kg to 84kg, with 4kg of that being muscle (if the scales are to be believed). This is in about 9 weeks.

    - Buy big bags of rice, 5kg or 10kg, and stuff them in a backpack or duffel bag. Use gloves to get a better grip on these.

    - If you have any bricks in the back garden, they are about 3kg each. You can use them for adding weight per workout.

    - People are decluttering their houses more these days, so you'll be amazed what you'll find lying outside their front door. I got two big sandbags, each weighing 25kg. All in all this adds up to about 70+kg, enough weight for a while, and I only spent a few quid on the rice.

    My current routine is a modified 5 x 5 workout. Two workouts:
    Workout A: Squats, Pushups (substitute for Bench Press), Barbell Rows
    Workout B: Shoulder Press, Deadlifts, Let-Me-Ups under a desk

    I increase weight every workout but I don't do the 5 rep thing. Too restrictive. If interested I can give more details.
    cadia guardsman likes this.
  20. Front squats
    Overhead squats
    Weighted chinups
    Weighted dips
    Freestanding deep handstand pushups on parallel bars
    Clean pulls
    Snatch pulls
    Push press
    Seal rows
    Bent over rows
    Bench press (different variations including dumbbells)
    Overhead press (different variations including dumbbells)

    Is this enough for you?
    Sputnik I and cadia guardsman like this.