No benefits

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Big mac n company, Jul 2, 2020.

  1. Big mac n company

    Big mac n company Fapstronaut

    Hello Im a 15 year old male and have been doing NoFap for a little more than a month now.

    The reason I started doing nofap is becuase I want to "feel more". I have been feeling pretty empty in emotions and I rarely ever get excited to anything.

    Before starting NoFap I didn't exactly have a problem with PMO. How much I masturbated a week depended on how much energy I had. Sometimes I masturbated only once a week, other times once a second day and some weeks once everyday.

    The problem now is that I dont feel like I have recieved any of the reported benefits of nofap except for a slightly higher self esteem.

    Do I just need to keep going or is it other things I need to do?
  2. GrandRising

    GrandRising Fapstronaut

    Considering that PMO wasn't much of an issue for you and that you're 15 I'd say NoFap might not be the cure for your empty emotions. Definitely a good practice to continue with if you feel it aligns, but I would personally say you'd be OK to MO once in awhile if PMO was never really an issue. Avoid porn, though.

    I'm curious though, are there other things going on in your life that are stressing you out, and how long have you been feeling empty? What you're describing in terms of feeling empty and not being excited by things sounds like symptoms of depression.

    Edit to add: I'm not saying you have depression - it just sounds like the symptoms. There are a lot of factors that can make people feel unmotivated and empty.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2020
  3. Big mac n company

    Big mac n company Fapstronaut

    I don't actually know if its stressing me but I've for long had a problem with getting friends. I have a problem with being able to talk to new people. I do have some friends right now but we barely hang out after school.

    Another thing that might stress me is that I have a lot of stuff to do almost at all times. I either go to school or work most of the days and after that I go to the gym. Some days though I dont really do anything but then I just feel improductive.

    I have not been excited for things as long as I can remember. Actually sometimes I do get excited but it doesen't last for long. For example im going for a vacation in some days but I dont really feel excited or anything for it.

    Feeling empty might have been a poor choice of words from me. I actually do feel happy and sad many times but its not very often. On many days it just feel like I go on autopilot.
  4. GrandRising

    GrandRising Fapstronaut

    Hmm I see. That does sound like there's a few things going in your life that might be making it difficult for you to feel a sense of peace and satisfaction. Would it be possible to organise to hang out with your friends after school, or are there friends you could call or hang out with virtually?

    Mmm, that does sound pretty busy, and also like there aren't enough activities that you can be creative in and that interest you personally.
    Also without having some downtime for yourself it can be hard to feel good and be excited to do the next thing. How are you sleeping and what are you energy levels like?

    I hear you on the autopilot feeling. It's sounding a bit like you don't have enough autonomy in your life to do your own thing which you decide to do that you like doing. Correct me if I'm wrong on that, though.

    On re-reading your post and my post I feel like you're life currently is lacking FUN! What do you do for fun or enjoyment that isn't linked to being productive?
  5. Big mac n company

    Big mac n company Fapstronaut

    Well now in summer break I actually hang out with them more. Like every other week we do some kind of activity. Im also starting to go to the gym with one of my friends soon. I also have a friend I play games with through the internet that I actually dont know in real life.

    Well on my free time I usually play games but nowadays it usually dont entertain me as much as before. I have no other actual other interests that I know about.

    I dont feel like there is any thing wrong with my energy levels and sleeping.

    You might be right about me not having enough fun. I haven't found any interests that I really find entertaining. I do play games but its mostly to chat with my online friend or waste time. Other than that I dont actually know what im entertained by