Mad that i can't get through this

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Renekton, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. Renekton

    Renekton Fapstronaut

    So i just masturbated for the 4th time in one week. in April i managed to stay 1 month and half, i gave in and masturbated... i thought "hey man, 1 month and 2 weeks... i'm still on the game" since then i managed to get maximum 2 weeks, and each week i masturbated... now i masturbated for the 4th time (not hardcore stuff at least, Cams or non-nudes pics). I'm mad because i just had a festival where i'm living, it lasted 1 week and everytime i went to it (3 days or 4) i managed to talk to girls and get them to flirt with me and i flirt with them. i managed to get a couple of contacts. then why the fuck am i not talking to them and i resort to masturbation? it pisses me off so much. i know that if i can go 1 month without touching my dick, i can go through this easy... so here i am, i'm establishing a new objective. 1 month without touching my dick, after that i'll try to have sex.

    i'm done watching girls go through me because i always think "damn, if i fail in bed again i'll be so embarassed and i blow it again". and i like a girl and i have a chance, but i don't go for it because of this. it's embarassing and it's pissing me off. and now she is moving out of town and i can't do nothing. she was really cool. i won't let this happen again.
  2. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    Keep on fighting man. It's not about how many times you fall down, it's about how many times you get back up.
    Beware, the following content contains advice you might not want to hear right now.
    If a big part of your reason for quitting is to just start having sex, you aren't going to have much success, since sex will then become your new porn and masturbation. Sex is a part of a loving relationship. If you haven't made the commitment and married her, than you probably aren't ready for sex, and neither is she.
    Some of this comes from my religious beliefs, but it is also supported by science. For instance, the chemicals released into your brain during sex/orgasm forms a strong emotional bond between the two people, or in the case of masturbation, you bond to the pmo itself. If that doesn't convince you, check out this link
    It's not long at all.
  3. Renekton

    Renekton Fapstronaut

    thanks for the supportive words man, much appreciated for your time to even reply :)

    but you are mistaking this, i want to be able to have sex so i can have a relationship. so i can make someone happy in bed and outside of the bed. so i can have the energy and innitiative of doing something.
  4. Aghast

    Aghast Fapstronaut

    Ha your original post sounds exactly like me a number of years ago. Except I've never been able to go more than a month without porn. You are using porn as a substitute to get immediate sexual gratification for your urges rather than going through the effort of actually going out with a girl. Unfortunately this habit will actually keep you from getting physically intimate with a woman even though that is all you want. By always satisfying your sexuality with your hand and a computer screen you won't have anything left for an actual woman.

    But of course you know this. Hence why you're hear. Hope you quit soon so you can start enjoying a lady the way your mind and body is meant to ;).

    Unfortunately for me, I eventually did get into a serious relationship, but I kept using porn which used up most of my sex drive which I believe took a lot of intimacy out of the relationship. My advice to you. Drop porn now, forget it and you will live a much more passionate and intimate life with your partner/s.
  5. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    You need to work on getting to know women, talking, going on dates, and not worrying about what happens in bed. The bed doesn't make the relationship, it is actually a very small part of it. I would suggest reading a book called wack: addicted to internet porn. It is an awesome book by Noah Church, it isn't a religious book just his name, it will describe how to quit porn and just be a happier person. I would suggest everyone read it. Really makes me think of why a lot of relationships in my life didn't last. I always thought about how it would be in the bedroom, not even considering that getting to know them was the most important part.
  6. TrueLucid

    TrueLucid Fapstronaut

    OP, your title should read "Mad that I haven't gotten through this" - if you have the ability to get numbers for a bunch of different girls and flirt back and forth, you have a gift! If you can carry on a good conversation and enjoy your time with a girl, that's seriously at least 75% of the battle. You just need to develop an ability to notice your thought patterns as they begin to focus around masturbation, then replace that habit with another one - text a girl, do some push-ups, take a shower - something! It's not supposed to be easy, but the victory in the end will be much sweeter thanks to that struggle. Best wishes!
    Aghast likes this.
  7. Renekton

    Renekton Fapstronaut

    you guys are seriously helping me right now and with all my heart, i thank you all! 5 days without coming, i've edge like 3 times so far, but reading your replies is giving me strenght to keep going this path. i honestly can say that was a time where i couldn't talk to girls because i had no self confidence. so i changed my diet, i started studying more and going to the gym. i have more confidence now. i'm just affraid of actually manage to get a girl and take them to bed and fail, like i did 3 times already. it was so embarassing and one of those girls i really had feelings for her.

    thank you so much for the kind words. we are all here for the same reason. good luck on your journey and i'll be here for you guys as well. in a couple of months, if all goes well and i actually manage to get it on with a girl and have a good time, i'll share my entire story so i can payback the help you've given me, and help others as well.

    best wishes.
  8. chris4nj

    chris4nj Fapstronaut

    Renekton -- Great job so far!
    One red flag - edging. Don't fool yourself about that. Edging produces dopamine, which is what we end up addicted to. And, even if we don't touch ourselves, looking at images and even thinking about images produce dopamine. See if you can back off from all of it. And, I know it's difficult.