Not looking at women on the street

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NewBalance, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. NewBalance

    NewBalance Fapstronaut

    This is my first post on here ever!

    So I am on my 16th day of NoFap. I have caught myself getting excited over the slightest body part of a woman. I have left using Facebook because I get mad excited just scrolling down my feed and seeing fully clothed women.
    Also before going to sleep I just get crazily excited and my mind just starts playing tricks on me.

    Are these things normal and how did you guys deal with them.
  2. PMO wires your brain as to obsess about women; some argue such carnal desires are perfectly normal, but there's probably an unnatural fixation about it that PMO facilitates. So to answer your question; it's normal for someone exhibiting symptoms of long-term PMO addiction. Welcome to the boards.
  3. ropie

    ropie Fapstronaut

    This is your shadow self. Your challenge is not to destroy it, but to be friends with it, and to educate this part of yourself.
    I usually tell myself this: It's OK to be attentive towards women. It's natural. Sexual desire has it's purpose. There's nothing wrong with this feeling. But for now I choose to live this desire in another way. Not letting this energy to spread horizontally, but to make boundaries for it, collect it, to make my space ride upwards as a Fapstronaut. I hope you don't understand everything in this comment at first sight.
  4. Suvodip

    Suvodip Fapstronaut

    Avoiding looking at women on the streets may cause pain inside your head if you're not careful. Also these urges that you told are pretty normal for people starting their no PMO journey. Just relax as much as you can, don't exert too much pain on yourself as there's always time to improve, and there are friends here who're ready to help you anytime. Best of Luck.
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