The Kali Yuga?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Damaged_Stoic, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. Damaged_Stoic

    Damaged_Stoic Fapstronaut

    This summer for some reason has piqued my interest and theology and philosophy, specifically, beliefs that aren't associated with mainstream U.S Christianity (As I feel its a product consumerism and a poor understanding and sense of nationalism)

    What I am most interested in the current moment is the Cycle of Yugas in Hinduism. I feel a lot of the characteristics of the Kali Yuga ("Age of Vice") fit perfectly in our contemporary world, yet I don't feel confident enough to speak on this topic as I don't know much of it.

    Are there any Hindus or people who have studied theology extensively that understand the esoteric meaning behind the Yugas or is it meant to be taken literally (With the example of yugas lasting hundred of thousands of years). I really would like to more, especially from the perspective of somebody who lives and breathes this religion.
    SoaringEagle likes this.
  2. jigarkechalle

    jigarkechalle New Fapstronaut

    i am from india, not a scholar but can help you in getting to understand more. you can msg me your discord/telegram
    Damaged_Stoic likes this.
  3. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    You’ll find very few/none such people here.

    I’m a Hindu by Birth, And man, let me be honest,
    Many people don’t even understand the Bhagwad Gita. They’ll know the “shlokas”(verses), entire “Adhyay”(chapters) from the Gita by heart, and yet not know what it means.

    Most average people believe that Chanting out Various stotras And Making Pricey offerings of Gold to a specific Idol, a Specific Statue in some specific part of the country at specific days will rid them of their sins!
    Forget about knowing Sanskrit!

    People bathe in the Holy Ganga!
    People of my country Call Ganga ‘Holy’, say they respect ‘Ganga maate’, and at the same time, they’ll wash the dirt of their bodies, pee into, Wash utensils into, Dump the ashes of the dead into this ‘Holy’ river.

    I feel really disappointed and sad to say this, but The beauty of My religion Has been Covered by THICK Bushes of Superstition.

    So my point is,
    When you seek for information about this, make sure you are talking to an Enlightened Person.

    You’re from the US?
    Do you know of ‘Art of Living’?
    You could, maybe find a genuine person who probably is one of the teachers at one of the ‘ashrams’ of Art of Living.

    Wishing you luck in your endeavours! :)
    Stay aware, Stay Strong!
  4. Here goes another opinion. Good thing this is an open platform. I think you are looking for something to hold a belief in. Christianity has not done it for you and now you are looking to find truth in something else. Another religion, another dogma, another belief to hold onto for some sense of security. The basis of all belief is security. So we search and hold onto it because the opposite of this is the unknown and it frightens us. I don't know why we look to written text and gurus or so called enlightened people to find the answers to this meaningless existence. Have we completely lost trust in ourselves and our own ability to look for truth that we need someone else to tell us what to think and how to behave? Come now, open your eyes and look around you. The truth is there right infant of us all. Reality is now and it is up to you to understand it. It takes a clear mind, free of preconceived ideas to see that truth is moving. If you decide to follow this Kali Yuga then you are just a part of yet another system that will only serve to separate you from the other silly systems that exist. Just another follower accepting blindly what is being said and living a mechanical, conditioned existence. I know this world is a scary place but it cannot be escaped through belief. It has to be seen totally to understand that Beaty and ugliness are not separate. Life and death is not separate. It is only your minds reaction to it that creates this separation and following some system is yet another reaction. Another escape from what is. Anyway, this is not a popular opinion, probably because it points towards something rather daunting and uncertain when we want to find the easy way out. How can you understand something pure and beautiful if you are not able to stare at your own fear dead in the eyes to understand exactly what it is. Anyway this is your life so point it in whichever direction you choose. If you find someone who calls himself an enlightened being who knows the truth, then he is probably just as asleep as the rest of humanity.
    Comfortablydumb96 likes this.
  5. Damaged_Stoic

    Damaged_Stoic Fapstronaut

    Exactly why I wanted to talk to someone who practiced it! Thank you.

    I was talking to someone yesterday and they discussed your same worries about it being tainted by superstition.

    I have heard the name Art of Living but I haven't researched it. I shall thank you.
  6. Damaged_Stoic

    Damaged_Stoic Fapstronaut

    I'm not really looking for a new belief system. I haven't been a practicing Christian since I was baptized.

    I'm more interested in learning about different systems and see how their beliefs apply to the physical world because from my research every belief system has similarities with the other.
  7. I see. There Is obviously nothing wrong with learning about these things. The problem comes when we take what we have learned for absolute truth and live our lives to that particular system of belief. I just think we don't need to believe in anything to understand this physical world. Reality is just there and it's our beliefs and ideas that get in the way of our perception of it. Belief has a narrowing effect on the mind. It keeps it stuck to a particular way of thinking that also creates a division between people with other beliefs and ideas. There is no end to this. As long as we identify with some form of system, we will continue to separate ourselves from those who identify with something else, hence the wars and conflict. Why believe in anything if this is the result of it? Im not talking to you personally, I don't know what your motive is for this research. I'm just sharing some thoughts on the matter. I found personally that I held onto belief for a sense of comfort and security. I wanted to believe in Christianity, then Buddhism, then Taoism in an attempt to look for the truth of life that was right infant of me the whole time. I think the similarity in these things is that they attempt to point us in some direction of the truth. But they are just stories, written in the past which is the very thing that needs to die in order to see truth. Truth doesn't stand still, it isn't something written in a book or in scriptures to be understood. It is moving from one moment to the next. Don't take my word for it though, go outside and watch the leaves moving in the wind, or the cars driving past the window. The moment can only ever be seen again in memory, but reality (truth) moves on. Belief is memory and memory is the past and the past is a truth no longer.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2020
    Comfortablydumb96 likes this.
  8. Abzu

    Abzu Fapstronaut

    absolutely, we shifted from a decent modern house to an older house solely due to facing being not correct and they think it brings bad luck just because my maternal grandpa died due to cancer at the age of 73, i do think he lived reasonably long enough. There are millions of people around the world living their house's facing in that direction doesn't mean all have of them are going through some sort of tragedy.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2020
  9. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    I don't know a lot of it either, but let me share a bit of information that you may take as you wish.

    A lot of people through all the ages have believed in different systems of repeating eras and quite a lot of these people came to the conclusion that the very era they lived in took place within the shittiest era. Regardless of how seemingly good or bad their time actually was.
    Damaged_Stoic likes this.
  10. Are you an In Hearts Wake fan? Just curious because coincidentally, they released an album called Kaliyuga very recently.
    Comfortablydumb96 likes this.
  11. Well I think it would have equally fitted the world in middle ages, dark ages and prehistoric ages. Disease, death, murder, bloodbath (whether between different tribes in ancient times or different states in modern) etc. etc. have always been dancing on this planet.

    To call a certain period black is to be delusional and think that there was ever a time where everything was nice and dandy and rainbows and unicorns galloped in every corner of the land.
    PeskyAlien, Qvezak and Damaged_Stoic like this.
  12. Damaged_Stoic

    Damaged_Stoic Fapstronaut

    I am not. However, Ghostmane has released a song titled Kali Yuga. Really good, but my interest stemmed from learning who Julius Evola was.
  13. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Well that's a funny coincidence. I came across his name not so long time ago and ended up reading about him. Things learned back then were what inspired my first comment in this thread.
    Damaged_Stoic likes this.
  14. Damaged_Stoic

    Damaged_Stoic Fapstronaut

    Very interesting character. While I don't agree with his views on race and gender. I find a lot of what he says a tad appealing. I recently bought his book, "Revolt against the modern world" and I intend on reading it to see what his belief system is really and if its something I agree with.
  15. PeskyAlien

    PeskyAlien Fapstronaut

    I am born Christian but from decades ago I have trying to convert myself into Hinduism. Vaishnavism to be precise. I am handicaped man, and can't cook for myself. And earn for myself because i have very weak eyesight. Among 100 blind or weak-sighted persons only six are employed, mostly in our Capital. Employment was merely 2 percent until European Union instilled our Government to try to employ bigger percentage of such persons.

    So, I can't afford myself vegetarian food although I would very eagerly accept it.

    I read in past time Bhavishya Purana, Markandeya Purana and few of them. I read almost whole Shrimad Bhagavatam. I wuld like to try to learn Bhagavad Gita mentally, so I can recite it for myself.

    As for Kali Yuga... it begun roughly 5000 years ago. And will last for 427 000 years.

    Man, there are in literature such tremendous descriptions of Kali Yuga, that Biblical descriptions of Last Times are weak when compared to Puranas. But there are contradictory stances about this Age. Somewhere it is stated that women will gave birth to many scraggy disobedient children, and somewhere that women will be less procreative than today. They will get pregnant unlawfuly at the age of 7-8 years, and lifespan will be 15 years, or eventually up to 20.

    Alegedly we are coming into mini Golden Age in Kali Yuga. This entering begun something after 2000s and will last aproximatly next 10-20 years. After that we will become more spiritual. This age will last 10 000 years, and after that condition of humanity will be worse than today.

    Kali Yuga will be even dificult for animals not to say for humans.
    GhostRider@11 and Damaged_Stoic like this.
  16. PeskyAlien

    PeskyAlien Fapstronaut

    Did you ever spoke your mind out? If you did, what people said to you?
    Damaged_Stoic likes this.
  17. PeskyAlien

    PeskyAlien Fapstronaut

    I am very glad to find guys who are born a Hindu. So I can't help myself to be curious, and would like to know what you think, what would happen if you spoke your mind out, in gentle manner? At least in fron of your loved ones?

    Sadly to say that from the time I said I believe in reincarnation, my mother and dad didn't accept my change of religion and said I was Hater of Jesus, although this is far from the truth.

    I think that the believers in Abrahamic religion are usualy far dogmatic than Hindus or Budhists.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
    Damaged_Stoic likes this.