Tried every tactic, anyone got any advice?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by luke775, Oct 2, 2020.

  1. luke775

    luke775 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    I'm an 18 year old and have been doing Nofap on and off for about a year now. When I get down or unmotivated I always find myself relapsing, and then I go into a spiral of relapsing for a few days to a month. Not just with PMO but with eating unhealthy, missing the gym etc. I can't stick to any goals I set. It kills me to read my Journal from 6 months ago saying "i'm changing Today" knowing that if I stuck with it, i'd be completely different Today.

    I really struggle to keep on track and have tried a lot of tactics. I've used porn blockers, limited my time on internet, distracted myself, set goals,and even wrote down my dreams that these bad habits are stopping me from accomplishing. If anyone has anything that has worked for them or just really helped, please share it!

    Thanks :)
  2. Michael050701

    Michael050701 Fapstronaut

    My simple advice to you it that if you've stuck to this piece of shit habit of PMO for a long time, its imperative that you have to change your disciplines for the better, what do I mean by that? It means deciding that you WILL let go of PMO there is no other option, there is no keeping stashes of porn in your phone, computer or any other medium. There will be no more looking at girls or models in social media or even the internet to get you to stop from seeking the dopamine high. Think about it you've always gone the easy way out which was PMO, you're ancestors never had access to that shit, I say we all man up and go talk and have a real interaction with a real woman not the easy way out which is PMO or even the internet full of alluring women. I want you to decide to let this go forever, I want you to have a reason to severe it from your life for good, burn it to the ground rip its roots apart in you that have grown so deep, and cast it out this world and from yourself forever.

    But with that said that was only the conscious level, chances are if you've held on to PMO for a long time now, your brain will have to rewire itself in a subconscious level. Saying "No I will never fap again" is not enough. The truth is your life is like a cup filled with black filth, the only way to change your life is by changing your habits, actions, and disciplines. The only way to change is by pouring in new clean water in that cup you have, and slowly that cup will be replaced with clean water until all the dirt inside has been replaced and cast out.

    I was like you once, I was on and off in this NoFap thing. My longest was 47 days i've relapsed 3 times since then and now I'm on this journey again. One of the greatest lessons I've learned during these periods of relapse was that before I thought I had no choice of resisting, that it was okay to fap, but I realized it was just my mind playing tricks on me saying its ok to fap well guess what it wasn't. So everytime my mind was saying shit like those I'd catch it fight my way through the urge. And lastly the most important one, my greatest mistake before relapsing on the 47th day on NoFap, was because of fear. You know you can only surpress a feeling for a long time until it resurfaces and stabs you in the back, this is why when the urge came on that day I wasn't ready to face it that is why I relapsed.

    Now i realized that when faced with the urge I want you to face it, I want you to not run away from it, I want you to look at it dead in the eye and say I will never ever fucking fap again. In the end it was my fear that sent me down that spiral of sadness because of a relapse, but it was also my courage that gave me the strength to face this urge once and for all and to truly know the reason why I was fapping. I had to burn it to the ground and cast it out of this world forever.

    Good luck brother, we're all going to make it

    "PMO will face OBLITERATION"
    luke775 and Anjing like this.
  3. luke775

    luke775 Fapstronaut

    That is solid advice man. I will start to implement everything you've said and make it past this shit habit. This is not what I want my life to be and only I can change that. Thanks again brother, I appreciate the wise words.
    Michael050701 likes this.
  4. Little Prince

    Little Prince Fapstronaut

    What I did was quit video games, tv series, movies, memes, video compilations and reduced the amount of music I listen to. After a few months I have quit porn and I've been getting better.
  5. eric9000k

    eric9000k Fapstronaut

    When I was 18 the big thing for me was quitting smoking. I would steal cigarettes from the gas station I worked at to have a smoke at work and then throw them away on the walk home and feel guilty about it and discarding them was kind of like punishing myself for smoking (not for stealing but anyway). I quit at 23 for a few years and started again at 26, quit again, and started again, and now I've not smoked for about two years and I'm 32.

    So what I'm trying to say is your original post did remind me of my own approach when I was 18. If I was to give you advice I would just frame it the same as I would be giving advice to my prior self and that is you know emotional pain sure, you are and have been a teenager for some time now, but you won't learn true, grinding, long-lasting hardships of life for many more years.

    That's not to take away from juvenile hardships as they can be profound and in their character they are distinctly different from adult hardships which wear you down slowly like stone on stone. Therefore they require different responses. Take it from me, at 32, I am basically the guinea pig generation for internet porn. People my age started consuming internet porn at 12 or 13 and that included illegal stuff shared through p2p networks like KaZaA. The people older than us didn't have internet porn as teenagers and the people younger than us have always had it in high definition streaming quality.

    Anyway, PMO addiction knows no bounds and I would not be so ignorant as to say you aren't right for trying. I'm just saying it's hard to really commit to something until life beats you up again, and again, and again, and you have to cope with being an adult rather than internalize trauma. That sort of phase shift happens in the twenties I think, and perhaps optimism and positivity will your best ally in your battle.
  6. rob13_

    rob13_ Fapstronaut

    Man are you me? You sound exactly like I did prior to the past month and change. But, I discovered the secret to true, positive change: taking it slowly.

    Start out with a TINY habit today, one that's so easy you won't quit it. Some examples would be read 1 page in a book, or meditate for 30 seconds, something like that.

    Do that thing every day. Make sure you do it every day. Then, after a few days or a week or any amount of time, do a little more. Expand the habit, so instead of 1 page reading, you're now doing 2 pages.

    The idea is that you're building the discipline muscle in your head. By slowly adding positive habits, you gain the strength and momentum to keep going. By building this muscle, you'll be able to get back on track easier if you mess up.
    Eventually you can add more habits tuned to your goals, and in a few months you'll look back like "damn, look how far I've come"

    I hope this helps you, because it sure helped me. PM me if you need further help or clarification
  7. +1 FOR THE MEDITATION ADVICE. Meditation teaches you to control your senses and developed a focused mind. I recommend starting with 15 minutes at least.