Should I quit school to beat this addiction?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Nautica, Oct 9, 2020.

  1. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    I'm not trying to be negative, but be careful not to do something when the reasoning could be based in delusion. People who are addicted are often somewhat separated from reality, that's why we run to porn to "solve" or "escape" our problems. If it were me I wouldn't make such a huge life decision while I'm still in the middle of the addiction. It may be worth investing in counseling or finding professional help. Some local churches offer free counseling and things like that too so you can get help and real life accountability.

    Just my opinion.
  2. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Finish school or change you major to music!
  3. Nautica

    Nautica Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice but I've decided I will be leaving school. I am very intrigued by the risk doing this presents.

    I won't be able to waste a bunch of my school refund checks on pointless material objects and this will force me to manage and budget my money. I haven't been saving aswell as I should have been. The risk aswell that comes from dissappointing my parents and family if I drop out and fail on my goals push me to want to do better, because things are not going to be pretty when I tell them I'm dropping out. I will find a way to make money off my passions and take off in a career with them, without school, and nofap is going to be a big part of that aswell as, developing discipline, self control, and good habits.

    Staying in school allows me to stay in that line of mediocrity and comfortability in which I won't fall to the bottom of society, but I won't take any risk to get to the top either.

    I'm sick and fucking tired of being comfortable, I want to be uncomfortable and in a situation in which I have no choice but to succeed but with the risk of also starting from the bottom of the barrel again if I fail. I don't care anymore. Absolutely anything is better than being in that horrible mediocre comfort zone.

    I WILL be successful!
    ruso and SynapticMagic like this.
  4. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    I dont think it´s worth it, I wont be doing a doctorate for instance, I wanna start investing before I´m 25, and even now, I still take NoFap, during masters so yeah, you can do it, you just gotta flex it.
  5. patd

    patd Fapstronaut

    @Nautica love that attitude!
    Fall forward like Denzel Washington said <3
    Don't listen to people. If you believe that it's a good decision and you want to persue it, just do it (and it will happen)! I feel like I lost so many years listening to people. Even though I'm 22 :D
    I'm not gonna lie agriculture sounds like... sucks. Don't waste your 20's. You can look for alternatives if you will be 40 but it's not actually a true story. Age doesn't matter. Just do things to not regret when it will be too late.
    Hope that you will post some updates about how you doing. Best luck!
    Nautica likes this.
  6. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    Well I wish you the best of luck! You certainly don't need school to be successful, and some of the greatest growth comes from uncomfortable situations like what you're saying. No matter what you do, you can beat this addiction and move forward in a successful and joyful life. Good luck!
    Nautica likes this.
  7. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    Good, you made the decision. When shit gets rough or even if things go really well and you think of the “what if I finished UNI” (because our minds can be an asshole like that) remember this post and reread it, even outloud.
    Nautica likes this.
  8. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    To be fair it can still be finished, in his future 60s.

    I had colleagues on that age group who did similar things, the idea is set the income base first, then go play with the degrees once you have more free time.
    ruso likes this.
  9. Listen to your heart bro , but take that risk only after you have a detailed plan of what and how you are going to do
    Nautica likes this.