Day 72 I sailed through

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Gm33, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. Gm33

    Gm33 Fapstronaut

    I sailed through a crazy ass storm yesterday. A good night sleep was what I needed. I woke up refreshed and ready to take on the day. I feel wonderful and full of energy. It almost feels like a crap shoot everyday. You have no clue what you’re going to get. As a guy with ADHD it’s even more challenging because I have a tendency to wander into fantasy land and this can lead to some very visual sexual fantasies that have all come from P. I have been learning how to manage it without medication and I now know the discipline required. I basically have to account for every single minute of my day. If there is free time, that’s when I tend to wander. The road to 90 days is a great challenge and it’s an even bigger challenge running hard mode. I feel very blessed that I can hyper focus on that goal. It’s been a huge set of ups and downs with the occasional blue balls. 18 more days and I’ll have completed the challenge on hard mode. TBH I never thought I could do it but here I stand before you. During these 90 days I’ve gained 2.5 pounds of muscle, saved and moved to a new place, joined the actors union, booked a feature film, and have completely reorganized my life. I feel wonderful but I know this is only the beginning. Stay up fam you got this.

    your boy
    ALPHAandOMEGA likes this.
  2. Thaala

    Thaala Fapstronaut

    Firm, imagine that Jesus will return in 20s, and you had failed a few minutes ago, would you feel worthy to be your servant? Never fail, you don't know tomorrow, stay strong because the end has no time or day. See you on the other side :).
    Gm33 likes this.