Ready to Admit I Need Help

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by daryl_zero, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. daryl_zero

    daryl_zero Fapstronaut

    I’ve written this post in my head a dozen times, but I’ve been avoiding posting it.

    “Maybe it’s enough that I’m signed up and I’m using the counter,” I’d think to myself. “I don’t need to actually post.”

    This, I now understand, was my addiction talking, doing whatever it can to keep me from getting healthy.

    I’m 37. Like most of you, I’ve been using porn since I was a teenager, although, back then, it was still images that crept into your PC through a squealing phone line. Once it became possible to stream videos—well, I don’t have to tell you. It got bad for a while. Then I was able to push porn into a corner in my life, say, fifteen minutes a day and done. But, give or take some week- and month-long breaks, it’s been a constant, through dating relationships and now in my marriage.

    Then...look, you all know what’s going on. Things are stressful on a planetary scale. On a personal level, my wife is pregnant with our second kid and my job stress is off the scale and now I’m working from home and home schooling a what I do when I’m stressed (what I’ve always done since I was thirteen, I’ve come to realize) is I turn to porn. Except it’s not working. It’s out of control, eating hours of my life at a time, and it’s not working. It’s progressed (embarrassing confession time) to chatting with other guys while watching porn. I’m not gay, not even remotely, but I’m doing it whenever I get the chance. It leaves me feeling sick and ashamed and unsatisfied. But I can’t stop.

    I recognize it makes me miserable. I know it’s possible to be free, but I can’t do it without help. So I’m getting involved. I’m going to be honest. I expect it will hurt but if that’s what it takes, that’s what it takes.
  2. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap!!!
    Maj. Benson Payne likes this.
  3. MexFighter

    MexFighter Fapstronaut

    Hey, welcome to NoFap!
    Thanks for sharing your story.. it takes courage to accept our addiction and fight to get out of it..
    I guess you already tried blockers and softwares.. so I would say it's time to confess:
    Talk to somebody about you addiction. Someone close to you, someone you can be clear, honest and sure he/she will support you.. Maybe a good friend or fam member.. You need to speak it out.. say it loud.. It gonna be embarrassing but also healing.. Of course you need to keep with that person as an accountibility partner..
    2. Set a realistic goal: If your best is 6 days then set a 7 days streak as your first goal.. And prepare your mind to deal with urges, cravings.. etc..

    I've been trying to quit PMO for 11 years now.. My longest streak is 4 months! And still feel motivated to keep fighting!
    There's hope!
    Good luck!
  4. daryl_zero

    daryl_zero Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your advice! My goal right now is a week. I've gone that long many times in the past, but it's been nearly a year. Four months looks like an "I climbed Everest without an oxygen tank" level of achievement to. If I ever make it that long, I'm going to buy champagne and have a serious celebration.

    I'm using a blocker that takes real effort to circumnavigate. I don't have a smartphone any longer, which is less a porn issue and more wanting to focus on my family and my work without constant distractions (but no porn is a bonus.) I've also altered some registry keys for my browsers so that I can't get to most porn sites. The issue for me is that I have a few hours very early in the morning after my wife leaves for work and before my kid is awake when I *should* be working, but I'm always tempted to look for porn, and I have time to work around some of the barriers I've put in place.

    I've been trying to think of who I could tell, but I genuinely don't know who it would be. This is one of my problems; despite what it probably looks like to other people, I'm really very isolated, and this is a disease that thrives in isolation. I guess one of my goals should be to build some relationships to the point where I could talk about my problems.
    Maj. Benson Payne likes this.
  5. Nice honest post. You have come to the right place. You’ll learn what it takes to overcome your addiction here. We’ve all been there and we’ve all done things that we are ashamed of. Things too embarrassing to talk about (or write about for that matter). Your biggest challenge will be consistency here. I’d say about 90% of the people who join NoFap stick around for less than 3 months. Stick with it. Commit to setting goals, commit to getting back up every time you fall, commit to doing whatever it takes and you’ll get there. It won’t be easy but it is possible. Good luck and welcome!
    Maj. Benson Payne likes this.
  6. daryl_zero

    daryl_zero Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your reply! I'm adding another personal goal to my list: to stay involved in this site for at least six months.
  7. bidorm

    bidorm Fapstronaut

    Hey welcome to NoFap. Im 35 and i have been trying to quit porn by myself for many years...and havent achieved good results...i decided to join this community and i have beated my best no pmo score of 11 on day 22...this site is helping me and its going to help you.
  8. daryl_zero

    daryl_zero Fapstronaut

    Because of replies like yours, I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Congratulations on making it 22 days!
    Maj. Benson Payne and bidorm like this.
  9. restless

    restless Fapstronaut

    I made this connection myself just the other day. It didn't start that way, but as I became an adult I've turned to porn not just because of sexual desire but because of unhappiness in my relationship and life. I'm hoping that understanding that will help me recognise when that's tempting me and be able to fight it.
    As an aside I think turning to social media occupies the same part of my mind. It's mostly a waste of time and if I examine why I'm turning to it it's because of unhappiness.
    Maj. Benson Payne likes this.
  10. daryl_zero

    daryl_zero Fapstronaut

    I agree with the social media thing. I'm off every kind of social media right now; I want to know who I am without all all the distractions. I will say this--I'm a few days into rebooting and all the bad feelings that I used to numb with porn (or social media, or whatever) are very present and very hard to deal with. I need some new, healthy coping mechanisms. Somehow, while I wasn't paying attention, I turned into an adult man who can't even handle ordinary, day-to-day stress without porn.
    Maj. Benson Payne likes this.
  11. Dude cool avatar. Nice realization too I hope it really propels you into some positive changes you wish to make for your own peace of mind

    & AWESOME! Motivates me to attempt that.
  12. daryl_zero

    daryl_zero Fapstronaut

    Thanks. It's not easy (none of this is easy) but I think it's making me healthier. I definitely get more done's amazing how much time I have now.