Looking for advice from people that have completed their challenge

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by joshuar, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. joshuar

    joshuar Fapstronaut

    I was wondering if I could get some help / ideas from people that have completed some major milestones on here. Was wanting to see what has worked for others in helping them maintain their abstinence all the way till the end of their challenge. This will be my fifth attempt at at thirty day challenge and so far have only made it to day 12. I thought maybe I might hear something from others success's stories that I'm not doing that could help.
    KingRecover17 likes this.
  2. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Why are you doing this challenge? You can use very specific techniques and mindsets depending on what your reasons are.

    But I have generic tips too. You have to invest that those hours that you previously spent on PMO and use them on something productive. Many people start exercising. Others start meditation, or learning a musical instrument, or a new language, or start reading that book you've always been interested. What are you passionate about and/or what do you want to be passionate about? Answering that question and invest all this new free time you have in that/those activities.

    Develop 'knee-jerk reactions' to your urges. Everytime you get an urge, what are you going to do? Plan this out ahead of time, before the urges attack. Write them down. Do that now! 20 push ups, drop your phone and go for a walk around the block, call your mom, whatever. Just make it a habit everytime you feel an urge. Don't think about the urge. Don't think about your reaction. Just do it, whatever you decided before it may be. No hesitation!
    mousta, Andre2807 and KingRecover17 like this.
  3. mousta

    mousta Fapstronaut

    I second @giggleshmack on that you need to replace the habit of PMOing with other healthy habits when you're hit by an urge. For me, a phone call to a friend or a cold shower fit the bill nicely.

    I just have another trick which make things so easier for me. In my past attempts, I used to abstain from PMO but I always had it in my mind. Flashes from the past, and erotic thoughts that I indulged in, and so many other types of thought patterns that weren't helping at all. What I found out is that It's so much easier when I consciously take care of my thoughts. As soon as my mind wanders in these kinds of thoughts, I immediately shift it to a positive thought. A goal I have, a pleasant experience, a funny moment, whatever. As long as It's not related to sex, It's fine. From my experience this trick make it so much easier not to indulge in any act close to PMO.

    Good luck.
  4. joshuar

    joshuar Fapstronaut

    @mousta. You are the second person on here to recommend the cold shower thing when I get to a point of trouble. I'll have to try that out. @mousta, @giggleshmack thanx for the hell.
  5. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    My opinion is that people try to hard to give up so focus your attention on a hobby is good to get 3 weeks under your belt. Of course never edge and just enjoy life but look away when you see triggers. As much as you want to give up you must also relax and let the time go by then my opinion is to not go on NoFap much for the first 3 weeks and then go on everyday so you can see the advantages of NoFap and this will seal your ability not the relapse. The problem you see is when you go against something it makes it stronger people don't know that so fighting it at the start makes it impossible to give up. You just have to forget about fapping and go and enjoy life but don't fap and don't edge.