What counts as pornography?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by falcon123, Nov 27, 2020.

  1. falcon123

    falcon123 New Fapstronaut

    New member (as of today).

    I've been using porn sites (with masturbation) regularly for the past 15 years. This has progressively got worse, in that I enjoyed it less, felt compelled to do it more, couldn't stop and felt depressed. Realizing that this wasn't healthy I successfully managed to move down a notch to a web site called TheChive, which features "Hot Women" - sexy, attractive women but no nudity. I've been using this (with masturbation) now for about 4 months, and I'm happy that I'm not looking at hardcore pornographic videos anymore. Yesterday, I found this site, which I wish I'd found earlier.

    I have lots of questions, but firstly, from reading some of the content here, I get the impression that the material I'm now using is still damaging. It's not pornographic in a strict sense, but since I'm using this to masturbate, I'm assuming it's still inadvisable.

    I'd love to hear any thoughts on this. I'm interested in trying the 90s without PMO, and assume that after this, the ideal state would be masturbating to no material, even fairly tame images of non-nude women.

    Agent likes this.
  2. Little Prince

    Little Prince Fapstronaut

    Porn is whatever gets you sexuality excited. It can be pictures on social media, sexy music videos or video game characters, browsing dating sites. Thinking about sex is pretty bad as well but it's a lot better.
    Great choice to recover gradually instead of trying hard mode (noPMO) and failing for a few years like many of us did. I recommend you do indeed move to masturbating without material.
    becomingreat and falcon123 like this.
  3. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    What stimuli must I avoid during my reboot (did I relapse)?

    What about fantasizing during a reboot?

    Why do porn cues still trigger a rush (sensitization)?

    Are there any guidelines for healthy masturbation?

    How do I masturbate without porn?
  4. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    I think that the 'qualification question' is subordinate to what you really want, which is I suppose breaking free from a habit that serves you no good.

    What is an important factor here is intent. Do you go on that website to extract visual sexual pleasure to obtain an orgasm? Well, I'd qualify that as porn (again, the label is just a label). If a guy quits hardcore porn to subsequently only visit models on Instagram for some pleasure isn't he really just replacing a vice with another vice (it may become a question of the lesser of two evils)?
    falcon123 likes this.
  5. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing bro, well i recommend you getting off anything that makes you feel lust towards woman, sooner or later you will end up getting back to the old life
  6. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

    You’re in a not good zone.

    Seeking erotic images - nude, non-nude, softcore, hardcore, medium core (ha-ha), drawings, paintings, photos, whatever - is sexual attraction.

    Porn addicts (my opinion) are sex addicts. It’s just that porn is their drug of choice. Weirdly that can be maybe a better thing only in the sense that it’s safer than going with prostitutes or doing online hookups. Or, how about being a peeping Tom or exhibitionist, which are illegal? So is porn okay because it provides sexual satisfaction without landing you in jail?

    Let’s get real. If you have a problem with compulsive seeking of erotic material, then (duh) any erotic material is a problem. Because...

    1. You’re still hooked, obsessing and using the sh*t.
    2. The chance, in the long run, it will never go beyond that is about as likely as an an alcoholic drinking only beer.
    I always qualify my statement by letting you know, and reminding myself, I’m a porn addict with a 25 year history of failure, so who the heck am I go give advice. But that does, I think, qualify me to tell you what failure looks like.

    Failure is thinking you’re okay as long as you’re not using the hard stuff. Hope no one takes this the wrong way (stretching here) but I do see a lot of stuff on the threads here that, to me at least, looks like addicts trying to hope like heck they can believe they’re okay when likely they actually know they’re not.

    So, pardon my long-windedness here. I’ll end on this exceedingly brief note: Stop!
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  7. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    Everyone needs to make their own definitions.

    For myself, my goal was to cut pornography out completely. Attempts in the past to reduce usage or slim down certain aspects didn't just fail, they failed spectacularly and made things worse in the long run.

    So, right now, pornography is anything sexually stimulating that I search out be in online, social, tv, movies, real life, etc. This means your "sexy" chive girls counts. If i pick a netflix show because I know there are steamy scenes or an actress I find attractive, it counts. If I linger too long at someone at the pool or running on the side of the road, it may count. If I read sex advice columns just to put thoughts into my head, it counts. You get the point.
    falcon123 likes this.
  8. falcon123

    falcon123 New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all the feedback on this. I think when I asked this question, I already, deep down, knew the answer. It's more powerful when that's confirmed by others. It's not necessarily the answer I want, but it's the one I need to hear.

    It's helpful to define pornography as something actively sought out that is sexually stimulating, rather than by content (graphic nudity). I still do think there's something different about modern, online porn and the magazines of my younger days, and I think it's the infinite variety available now. Each session I would look at hundreds of images. That's a lot! That's thousands every month. Constantly looking for the right angle, shape, size that's better than the previous one. It's exhausting and must rapidly desensitize the brain - hence the limited interest held by a single image. Good for one day and that's it.

    I've decided to cut it all out. When I first realized this I was immensely sad. I look forward to that time of the day when I'm alone and can retreat into that world of images. But I know all the bad stuff associated with that. It's not really a happy experience - more a way to cope with life, and to feed this monster that I've let it become.

    I'm also angry. Angry at all the times people who've told me it's healthy to masturbate, that everyone does it. The normalization of masturbation and porn on TV and movies. I guess that's no different from alcohol. It's relatively normal unless you can't handle it. In which case, it's an uncontrollable danger.

    So again, thanks for all the thoughts on this. The list web pages suggested by modernstore99 is particularly helpful.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2020
  9. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

    Sounds good. You can do this.