Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by getafterit, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. Thanks bro, my best ever streak is only 17 days and today is day 8 so I'm like almost half way back to my best. We got this!
    metobefree and ADarkChild4444 like this.
  2. We' ll finish this year stronger!!
    metobefree and Ruhns9593 like this.
  3. getafterit

    getafterit Fapstronaut

    Connecting the greens

    | The Monk | and ruso like this.
  4. yeaahh, colour em all !
    getafterit likes this.
  5. ImDanny

    ImDanny Fapstronaut

    Joining the team brothers! I'll finish this year STRONG as well! Keep it up guys, love You, let's have each other's backs <3 We're fighting a common enemy here!
  6. getafterit

    getafterit Fapstronaut

  7. I do also join in.
    No more PM for the rest of this year
    We'll make this all together!
    getafterit likes this.
  8. getafterit

    getafterit Fapstronaut

    Congrats to everyone still hanging in there, not long to go now.

    I fucked up.

    I started drinking after over a year of abstinence.
    I've been getting drunk almost every day now since the 19th.

    I've been relapsing several times. I feel like shit, I feel depressed, I feel ashamed, embarrassed and I apologize to every strong person in this thread for failing. Don't be like me.

    Honestly feeling rather hopeless right now. But I guess I still can finish this year on a streak. Not much of a streak, it would be 6 days I think. But I guess if I manage to finish it like that I can't possibly feel any worse than what I am feeling right now.

    Again I am sorry to everyone here for failing and I could not feel any more ashamed.

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2020
    Mauritius likes this.
  9. No, you didn't fuck it up, you had a setback, okay, but that doesn't mean you've lost it all. You have been strong for at least 9 days. That's not nothing. Keep you head up, look forward!
    Today I managed 16 days, but there were times when I wasn't able to do no pmo for more than 3 days. This took me many attempts, there were several setbacks, but, believe me, if I can do it, you can do it, too.
    getafterit likes this.
  10. ADarkChild4444

    ADarkChild4444 Fapstronaut

    Bro. We got you. Don't beat yourself for being human. There is nothing more you can be but human. I'm not asking you to make excuses, I'm asking you to wake up and "keep moving". NEVER EVER STOP MOVING. Also, 6 days is 144 hours, thats good if you ask me. Just don't forget to reach out whenever. We are strong together.
    getafterit likes this.
  11. Agent 6

    Agent 6 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Jocko is your profile picture. His saying is your username. If you are familiar with his work. Then...STAY ON THE WARPATH.

    Feel bad for yourself for a second. It is ok, we all do at times. It is NOT ok to stay there. Get back in gear swiftly. Ground yourself in your routines, and focus on your goals. Whatever happened between your initial streak and now does not matter anymore.

    Discipline Equals Freedom

    ADarkChild4444 likes this.
  12. Alaa_al_kadi

    Alaa_al_kadi Fapstronaut

    Happy new year to you guys and I like to tell you that I did finish strong this year and I did overcome the erges of yesterday
    ADarkChild4444 and Agent 6 like this.