One More Reason to Quit (trigger warning)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Handzfree, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Handzfree

    Handzfree Distinguished Fapstronaut

    (This post contains a link to an interview with a woman who was a former porn star. The story contains graphic language and the real life dangers of being a "star." Please use your own discretion and decide if your boundaries allow you to "go there." The page side links may cause issues too. I think the interview is valuable, but I certainly don't want to trip any one up! Cheers, HF)

    I used to think my actions were harmless? I knew all the URLs by heart, right? I'd check out the videos, scrub them forward until I saw what I wanted. If that didn't do it I would search for something even more depraved.

    What about the women who work in the industry? They're beautiful. They like it, right? All fun? WRONG!! Think again. The majority of women who get sucked into the industry come from troubled backgrounds. Run away teenagers, sexual abuse, drugs. Think the Playboy Club is nice? Just read the recent news about a book from Holly Madison! Even Cosby now admits to giving Qualudes to women he wanted to have sex with and he was a big Playboy Club visitor. Hef and him were good buddies. (BTW, when Hef is finished with his girls he PMOs.) Like I want to be that guy, right??? In his 80s, popping Viagra and the girls take drugs to handle the idea of getting nailed by grandad!

    Here's another story to consider next time when we are tempted to go online:

    Come on men. Let's all demand a hell of a lot better from ourselves and appreciate the beauty of women in a way that lifts them up as a person instead of demeaning them as a piece of flesh.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
    Limeaid, Iggyismyguide and Arley like this.
  2. Iggyismyguide

    Iggyismyguide Fapstronaut

    Well said, and I'm really starting to admit to myself that this is a reality and a disgusting one. That I participated in. Why? Because I was depressed, or lonely, or bored, or liked the release. My lord, pathetic. I used to make sure I turned off the light in my room and put headphones on to make sure I didn't create any excess noise. Just to PMO. By myself. I KNEW it was wrong. I didnt want anyone to see. Shameful. Who would find that attractive?

    Sorry for the rant. Quick question though.

    I haven't had the desire to watch any porn since I started 10 or so days ago. I still have urges to fap, but I usually remind myself of how pathetic it sounds. I basically shame myself into not doing it. So what's my question...

    Is my addiction not that bad, when I don't have anything loaded on my computer or cell? It never crossed my mind to watch porn on my phone. Maybe that sounds silly.

    Basically I'm trying to gauge how bad I got it. Thanks for any help, and apologies if I have hijacked this thread. But I agree completely with the idea that we need to move beyond seeing women as pieces of flesh. I desire a sincere, intimate relationship. And I know by my personal will and help from my Lord that I will get it done.

    Or die trying. :)
  3. Handzfree

    Handzfree Distinguished Fapstronaut

    hi iggyismyguide,

    IMHO... I think it's great you've moved past a desire for porn. For me knowing how the industry works is just one more reason to stay clean. I used porn as my safety blanket when things were not right in my little world... Stress, loneliness, exhaustion.. You name it, I ran to my "god".

    Regarding fapping... for some I assume it's no big deal. Not for me though. I do have a God giving sexual drive which in itself is pure and clean... If you consider the Internet, it's neither good or bad... It's how you use it. I went through a lot of soul searching to stop beating myself up because I notice the beauty of women. I also had to come to terms with accepting sex with my mate as pure and loving. Those are tough things to do when you're sneaking dirty, smutty, porn and living a secret life. That act in itself solidifies sex is something perverted.

    So unfortunately, I can't give you a yes or no answer. I'm a Christian and I could argue abstaining from M or accepting it as part of your life from a Biblical perspective. For me, it's a pretty easy step from M to M bingeing or porn. So at this point in my life I'd rather play it safe.. No P, no M, no O.

    I would encourage you to seek out other views too, I can only speak from my experiences.

    Best wishes
  4. Iggyismyguide

    Iggyismyguide Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother-

    I certainly used it as a comfort, although when you really think about it, it's not that comforting.

    I do find it comforting that I'm sitting halfway to my first goal!
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  5. Darker

    Darker Fapstronaut

    Very good topic. I see those women as an other side of the coin of porn. In some way, we are victims of the porn industry, because it is very difficult fight with this bad feeling when they throw porn in our face all the time, trying to take advantage of our weakness. But we help to support this monster, with our money or just visiting a page,. The porn stars uses their body to seduce people who have a weakeness in order to make money, and I don't think this can be considered an moral action. But in the other hand, they are explored by this industry and by the users of porn. They suffer a lot of abuses.

    It is up to us to break this cycle. This ex-porn star did her part.
    Iggyismyguide likes this.