Who's up for a JULY challenge?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Kristian, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Kristian

    Kristian Fapstronaut

    Keep fighting brothers - most of us are half-way through July!
  2. Real_OGH

    Real_OGH Fapstronaut

    I wish I was. I failed. I wanted it so bad. now I cant stop hating myself :(
  3. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    How many days in July did you Fap? How many times? How often did you used to Fap in an average day before you started?
  4. prostate-orgasm

    prostate-orgasm Fapstronaut

    I wonder how many percent that is left now?
    If you just continue with nofap without bing there will not be that much 'harm' done, i suggest you start using a calender for motivation.

    I beleave you all need to think over why you do nofap and what you want to gain with it, personally i do not expect any superpowers but i hope there will be some wet dreams. I also want to feel the effects nofap has(my coriosity is enough).
    Real_OGH and DKR like this.
  5. DKR

    DKR Fapstronaut

  6. ThatOneGuy56

    ThatOneGuy56 Fapstronaut

    Not gonna lie, today was sort of tough. Urges were pretty strong but I was able to turn them down and thank God I did. I just went for a run and that made me feel a million times better. Only one day away from my best record from a year ago.
    Markguy and DKR like this.
  7. falleneagle

    falleneagle Fapstronaut

    I was able to pull through last night -- read nofap forums and then worked for a bit till I was pretty much half asleep.

    Pretty excited to reach half way mark of July!!!
    Markguy, AllanTheCowboy and DKR like this.
  8. MyWaytogo

    MyWaytogo Fapstronaut

    I relapsed a couple of times this month. Good job for everyone that didn't! I am still positive though.

    Last night I dreamed about P, and instead of turning me on, it scared the hell out of me. Now I am holding on to that thought to keep me going. I also stopped watching facebook during the day.
    Mostly because it is really time consuming and meaningless, but also because it brings temptation to PMO and kinda makes me feel lonely and sad. I convinced myself to only check fb before going to sleep
    to not miss out on anything and because a realized that it is also pretty hard to quit entirely.

    I want to share a picture that I have as desktop wallpaper right now. It is about the 2% mindset that I think I could get by giving up PMO. Tell me what you think.

    Attached Files:

    Jodokus likes this.
  9. Markguy

    Markguy Fapstronaut

    Overall, I really like the mindset image and focus on confidence, fulfillment, embracing the unknown, without fear. Thanks for posting. I do have to be a little careful to not use things to feel like I'm a failure if I'm not being completely successful in my life. I like that it's a mindset and not a measure of accomplishment.

    I'm grateful for over half way for this challenge. Pros: already more self confidence, energy, focus, eye contact with people, purposeful, hopeful, feeling stronger, developing will power, more present. Cons: trouble sleeping, impulsive eating at times unhealthy, sometimes feeling irritated. Results: Totally worth it! Onward!
    DKR, MyWaytogo and Real_OGH like this.
  10. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    Hello friends,

    'was about to whine how my troubles are troubling me, that I am kinda satisfy my general internet-addiction through NoFap-forum and so on.

    But I decided that won't help. Nobody. Still I want to report:

    Yesterday I had a difficult task and I failed. But I resisted. Then I had a big quarrel with my partner and since we had bought beer to celebrate s.t. I also get drunk. Sat on the computer til late in the night. Fortunately I made up with my partner but that lead to another temptation to masturbating (beside her sleeping) I resisted.
    Today overslept even missed an appointment. Again I found myself with a coffee in front of the screen. The urge to masturbate was strong again - resisted.

    I'm sure in a mess. But so many occasions occured where I usually would fap. I'm proud that I didn't do it but I know I yet have to develope other behaviours. I want to replace the fapping with something contrary.

    Many of you guys have other issues that effects your life and carrier strongly, too.
    As for me, I'm convinced when I stop PMO and at least better my MO-behaviour I will get positive energy from it in so many forms.
    Some of you have religious backgrounds with strict morality. My family was rather liberal, but even for me this whole issue is connected to secrecy and shame.

    This is all I wanted to say. I could try to make a conclusion but that wouldn't work out so well. Better to let it open for discussion!

    Thanks to you all and the forum I made a big first step. Please stay strong and aware!
    DKR, Real_OGH and Markguy like this.
  11. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    @MyWaytogo I like the image, even if I do not totaly agree about the 2% / 98% thing. It's a great visualisation! When do plan to go out of the circle?
    MyWaytogo likes this.
  12. When you have an argument with your partner, just allow yourself to sit with the emotions it causes you to feel and just let those negative emotions exit your body. Then, you'll no longer have the urge to PMO, because the underlying issue (which is the feeling of being misunderstood by your gf) would have been dealt with. The key is to identify the triggers for your PMO use and then just allow yourself to feel those emotions and work through them.
    ptcompetitor81 and Markguy like this.
  13. Kristian

    Kristian Fapstronaut

    I will never give up and relapse ever again. Even though this is my last thing ever, until my last breath, I will never relapse. No major urges, but I am sort of drunk and depressive. My record will no longer be taken away from me. Fuck the day I PMOed for the first time. 6 years. No more.
    DKR, Real_OGH and Markguy like this.
  14. prostate-orgasm

    prostate-orgasm Fapstronaut

    Now i have broken my old record, there is no way i am going to fap this month. When i am determined to do anything i also do it, it is as simple as that. A guy on flashback that i hate made 28 days and there is no way i am going to be any worse than that.

    Good luck with your addiction, alcohol is a poison and definitely more harmful than porn.
  15. 18piet18

    18piet18 Fapstronaut

    I guess i can count myself in becouse i am trying a minimum of 2 months (july, aug and sept). Every one good luck and try to other things then sitting at home for te pc!
    DKR, Markguy and Real_OGH like this.
  16. falleneagle

    falleneagle Fapstronaut

    First month clean from PMO... !! I feel great about the fact that I could do this ... For the last 3 years -my new year resolution has been to get a control on my habit ...but I would regress.... This is the first time that I've had any meaningful glimmer of success!

    Just that feeling that I decided on something and followed through in and of itself feels great! Everything else is gravy!

    Urges are still there. Infact today I felt that I've developed a heightened sense of women's bodies around me... and I notice more now ... and that is creating more urges. Now that porn is not an outlet... my system is reacting differently.

    Next step on this journey. Maybe it is harder... but atleast I've got some success to build upon.
  17. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    If I had to guess (and really I am guessing; not speaking from much experience) I would say that two things are happening. The first is that you've got a bit more built up sexual tension than you're used to, so that's driving you to be more aroused by women in general. But also, I imagine you're seeing the women around you, rather than craving the ones on a screen. Now it's simply a matter of learning to moderate your reaction to the stimuli, and become accustomed to it. It's not a big deal - you've just come out of the basement into a sunny afternoon, and you'll need to squint for a while, until your eyes adjust to the sun.
    falleneagle and MyWaytogo like this.
  18. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    I dreamed of relapsing again. My dream was just like reality:
    I came across some porn scene. I persuaded myself that this was too good not to watch it. I fapped.

    When I woke up strong urges. However I had not to struggle with myself. It was like my body was waiting for my mind to give the signal to MO. I even recognized how my right arm was kinda full of this movement already.
    I took a cold shower.
    falleneagle, Real_OGH and DKR like this.
  19. Lol, well I'm glad you didn't give in brother.
  20. Bro, my advice.

    Just allow yourself to work through the deep rooted emotions as to why you feel you need to be even checking Facebook in the first place. All of these social media devices are like blood suckers. They are vampires and are just intended to suck things away from you. I'm talking about even just the simple fact that they are distractions altogether.

    Even allow yourself to feel about why Facebook makes you feel sad and alone. Just allow yourself to deal with those insecurities. We have to deal with the causal emotions that trigger you to PMO in the first place. Just literally allow your body to feel and experience that loneliness and emptiness while you scroll through Facebook. Just let those feelings pass through your body in it's entirety and they will exit your body. I promise you. Once an emotion exits your body, it cannot come back. Why? Because the emotion has been processed. This is what is called Emotional Processing.

    Work through why you feel you need things like Facebook. You're not missing anything by closing your account. I'm not saying that you need to close your account. It's your free will as to what you do. all I'm saying to is, be honest with yourself. You might find there are insecurities surrounding why you have a Facebook account in the first place. It's likely that you have an account only due to emotional addictions you have.

    I closed my account, and I don't care. I'll be frank with you. I've re opened my account on there sometimes, only because I use it as a way sometimes to speak to women LOL :D Other than that, it's of no use to me and it will remain closed. The only social media I use is youtube, simply because it's the only one I feel that is useful, and I genuinely enjoy it and it's not something I use because of unhealed emotional reasons.
    falleneagle, Real_OGH and MyWaytogo like this.