A 20 year old's 30 day Journey

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by ArtOfOld, Jan 31, 2021.

  1. ArtOfOld

    ArtOfOld Fapstronaut

    to anyone reading this , let me make i clear from the beginning you don't need pmo , this is a fact 30 days made me realize , you have nothing to lose , the benefits outweigh the 5 sec feeling that ruins your life 100 to nothing.

    here is my story , i got addicted when i was i think 13 am now 20 , started porn earlier , started from watching kissing scenes to the now extreme porn we have today , when i started i didn't know anything was wrong with it , i didn't even know what it was , i just kinda stumbled on it , so for the first 2 years between 13 - 15 , i was absolutely clueless , the only info i got about pmo were from my also addicted friends who also were ignorant and thought nothing was wrong with it , during those periods i pmoed compulsively , without going a day without it , i pmoed to anything imaginable not to get into details , anything pmo-able , have done it , i think it was when i was 16 that i started meeting people who were long time addicts who told me the real truth of what it truly is , i also discovered NoFap around that time.

    And that was the start of my reboot , it was hell , it was not easy , i was in too deep , convincing my already addicted brain that what it has been doing for 3 years is not good and had to be stopped was not easy , that is something everyone has to understand , there is no easy way out , no matter the method you use , there will be a point where you have to go toe to toe with your brain , until i accepted that fact i didn't make any progress , my highest streaks back then was i think 4 - 5 days, once i felt discomfort i gave in , this went on and on for years , i pmoed everywhere and anywhere , i felt as if i was just floating through time , it affected me a lot, my studies my relationships , with both friends and family , if you thought relationship as in girls NO because , my motive to talk to the opposite sex / confidence was zero , i was pretty much a zombie in every sense of the word , back then i played soccer , playing with friends or people i know i was a God , i played on levels like messi or ronaldo , when i joined a semi-pro local team where i knew nobody , my confidence was none existent , it was as if i never played soccer before , my whole life back then pretty much went sideways , i achieved nothing.

    then after a lot of trial and fails , i finally accepted my fate , if i were to stop this , i had to go all in , i developed a mantra where i tell myself i will literally walk through hell if i have to , which won't be that hard because my life was pretty much hell , that was when i started seeing result , so am presently 20yrs old and on 30 days , and i feel amazing , i was not a big believer of superpowers but here are some changes i noticed/experienced that i can't overlook

    - my overall mood got better , i just find myself feeling good

    - i noticed an increase in my confidence , i literally am a stare down king now , i can look anyone in the eye , sometimes i feel am looking into your soul (LOL)

    - i workout frequently even during my pmo days and i looked good , but during this past 30 days , i didn't really workout because of school and all , i just worked out intermittently and am looking ripped its as if my body is carving itself , i looked at myself in the mirror this morning and i like ,like is an understatement , i love what i see

    -i also notice i don't really give a shit about pretty much anything , nothing phases me anymore , the only emotion i feel nowadays is love , i now easily fall for the opposite sex , little things that i didn't notice before feels like heaven to me now , a girls smile , or way of speaking or character or humor gets me falling for the girl (i need to put that under control )

    - i think better, faster and more clearly , the only way to describe this is , it feels like a PC ram , after removing and deleting junk files , it gets more ram and processing power , i pretty much feel like Sherlock Holmes now

    - it may be due to the above benefit , i play soccer and it feels like i have developed a sixth sense , i pass dribble and score and its not me doing those , its like i make milliseconds decisions , have been trying to decode why i moved this way , how i knew this defender will go that way , and i haven't been able to logically explain it , it just happens

    so that's what have experienced up to this point

    stopping an addiction as strong as this is not easy , my advice is find what works for you, A's plan may not work for B , B's plan may not work for C , we didn't all get addicted the same way , and something that really helped me is to predict a craving or relapse before it happens and avoid its trigger , it helped me soo much and made my reboot much much easier , after doing that avoid all potential triggers no matter how insignificant it looks , this is a marathon not a race , and remember once addicted always an addict no one is invincible , not to scare you but i thought once i get to 30 days , everything about pmo will just disappear and i wont be tempted again , that's not how it is , at least not how it is for me , i still had cravings this morning , the whole point of NoFap is to get stronger to the point where all cravings are as powerless as a whisper , i don't know if it will eventually fade away permanently , but am sure as hell am much stronger than before

    Everyone can changed , if someone reading this time travelled back 2 yrs ago and told me i got to 30 days , i would have not believed thinking i was way too addicted to be free , everyone and anyone can change , you can all do this , just take it a day at a time , Rome wasn't built in a day , you can do this guys , you can beat this thing , be the pure beast you're meant to be , good-luck guys.
  2. AlternativeFalcon01

    AlternativeFalcon01 Fapstronaut

    Good words. Very inspirational
    Haywhy likes this.
  3. GoingHAM

    GoingHAM Fapstronaut

    Good job homie
    Haywhy likes this.
  4. Amazing story. I love the part you have to be all in it to succeed. I have not been giving 100% at all. Im going to start doing that from now on.
    Haywhy likes this.
  5. abandcned

    abandcned Fapstronaut

    hey, congratulations. :)

    just want to ask some few things. sorry if this looks copied-and-pasted or looks like a spam, because I'm trying to ask others about quite the same thing on similar forum post, which happen to be among my most important concerns:
    1. between those 30 days, what are the most tempting times/worst times that you've been through? how did you get through it?
    2. did some of your mental strategies fail you? did a mindset that brought you to pmo recovery fail you? if yes, does it happen once, or several times? how do you get through it?

    trying to learn stuff here..
  6. ArtOfOld

    ArtOfOld Fapstronaut

    The first seven days are always the hardest for me , chaser effects always gets me during those times , to the second question 'YES' they did , PMO isn't something you can beat with only willpower , getting those facts hammered into me made it much better , what i think helped me the most was not focusing on how i will reach 7 or 14 days , it was finding yourself , finding your purpose outside that screen , and chasing what you truly desire , and taking it a day at a time , wake up and be like today am not pmoing i don't care about tomorrow but today am not doing this , and repeat
  7. abandcned

    abandcned Fapstronaut

    The fact that I have tendencies to juggle between anxiety and sadness/mild depression makes me think that no matter how much I do things, nothing will work in the long run if I don't make peace with myself first.

    I'm not really sure, but after today's relapse, I realized that probably the most important goal/purpose I need to chase right now isn't to graduate with good grades from college, or to find some immaculate passion (I'm not a believer of the find/follow your passion trope, thanks Cal Newport), or some any other dream, but just to practice Stoicism well first and foremost while being self-compassionate. Something that I still struggle with.... but the journey continues.

    If for most people happiness comes after recovery, it's probably the opposite for me.

    By the way, thanks for the response man. Looking forward to have a good recovery path like yours.
    Haywhy likes this.
  8. spoto2

    spoto2 Fapstronaut

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