day 41, feeling shit

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Hold the Line, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    feeling bad since day 0, gotten worse since, not a single benefit
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  2. ati1210

    ati1210 Fapstronaut

    Jesus bro, why? Did you relapse? I believe you are experiencing the "flatline".
    I'm not an expert though.
  3. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Hopefully you will start to feel better soon. Do you exercise, walk, stretch, eat healthy, stay hydrated etc? Do you use drugs or smoke or drink? Are you fine mentally? Nofap probably wont cure everything alone and it atleast for me requires some beneficial activities with it.
    To quote a friend of mine: "Enlightenment is simple; when you feel good, enjoy it it does not last for ever and when you feel bad do not worry, good things are on the way. God bless you, good things are on their way!
    Flatline is something that causes feeling bad - but as everyone successful says it will come to and end!
    Tonytone and Aspect_16 like this.
  4. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    as told, 41 days with no PMO whatsoever, no improvement
  5. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    eating very healthy, drinking alot, stretching alot, daily walks, workout once every other day, not using drugs, not smoking, not drinking.
    i have depression and anxiety, i was diagnosed 10 years ago (22 yo now)
    and the pills somewhat helped with my anxiety but never with my depression and shit-feeling.
  6. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Okay sounds like you have all of those things good in your life which is nice! It might be flatline causing this then. Do you still use pills for depression? Also this covid can take a toll on you, so you can not enjoy the benefits that would occur if everything would be normal. It does make me sad as well that you are feeling like shit. I do sometimes as well. I have found that lack of touch/ hugging etc can cause bad mood. Of course during this pandemic it is not always possible. We will however get through this! Are you religious btw?
  7. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    i stopped taking them years ago, i don't do religion
  8. nonfap

    nonfap Fapstronaut

    Congrats on 41 days! I wish I was there... keep it up, you're doing good.
    I've found some foods you can try to see if they help with mood/feeling. Green tea, blueberries and almonds. There may be others.
  9. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Good to hear you are not taking them. For me religion/ spirituality was the main thing that got me out of depression and really gave me a motive to become better. Also reading philosophy. I do not know if you mean depression or just physical kind of feeling shit. I do however think that getting rid of an addiction will in the end make your life better. Keep going strong!
  10. Mr.newguy

    Mr.newguy Fapstronaut

    My first question to you, are you thinking of porn or any videos that you seen earlier.
    If yes, then try this whenever your mind pops some thoughts like that try to control your mind, unless you take control of it the path is going to be tough.

    If your mind Is not bringing such thoughts and neither you thinking of it then do this, try to keep yourself happy by doing wat you believe that'll keep you happy. May it be workout or dancing singing whatever it may be try that once. Or
    Try to make friends not with grownups but with the kids in your street they never let you be alone. from my experience I've been living in a house for 5 yrs but I never spoke to anyone in the neighborhood but after starting this journey whenever my mind start playing it's trick to me I walk out and talk to the kids now most of the kids in the neighborhood are my friends atleast a couple of kids stay with me during the day.
  11. silenthunter

    silenthunter Fapstronaut

    Keep going, at Day 41 I wasn't feeling almost anything neither. Just now I see some small gains beginning to happen, as increased confidence, female attention, better social skills, MIND CLEARING. And it still isn't much, I notice that it's just about going to start.
  12. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    im gonna tell you the truth, yesterday late at night i had huge huge urges and i felt like i wanted to cry that im holding myself from doing that one thing that actually feels good in my life, it was so hard and depressing, knowing whatever things i'm doing (workouts, yoga, walks) i still feel very anemic about enjoyments and nearly nothing makes me smile.

    i kept saying myself: ''this is the old me trying to fuck me over, fuck you, old me, i will win, because i'm amazing, and you S U C K''
    Arkin, OhWhenThe and DeeJ4y like this.
  13. silenthunter

    silenthunter Fapstronaut

  14. silenthunter

    silenthunter Fapstronaut

    Today for example I had a day without any brain fog. I used to have a lot of it before beginning this streak. But I have to be careful, I don't want to be too enthusiastic yet and relapse through not being careful. But I tell you, it feels great! Maybe with yesterday it's the first "free" (= with a clear mind) day. I was the first two months entirely in flatline. But, like I said, I better be careful, and take it day by day.
    punch54 likes this.
  15. Mkwarrior214

    Mkwarrior214 Fapstronaut

    When i first hit 90 days i thought that i would be a changed man, but i believe years and years of porn won't take just 30 or 90 days to recover! I'm still experiencing withdrawals ( anxiety, depression, brain fog) and still get urges and P flashbacks!
    I will get some good days and moments here and there , when my mind is clear and my confidence and mood is much much better, but the ups and downs are so hard and confusing.
    Hope this journey will teach us all patience and persistence!!
    Porn is the worst drug in the world and catastrophic to a man's soul !

    I suggest you to start these activities if you are not already. I'm doing those and i strongly believe that our brains can create new pathways with time.

    Exercise : At least 15 minutes of cardio every day ( just with less if you can't of do or fast walking for longer periods)
    Meditation : start with 10 minutes per day ( lots of youtube videos)
    Calisthenics : push ups , pull ups etc ( do 2 or 3 sets to start with)
    Wim Hof breathing: Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing - YouTube ( this is really good for the withdrawal)
    Cold showers : every day (even for only 20 seconds) (Also amazing for anxiety etc)
    Read books : Power of now ,the power of habit , the willpower instinct

    The brain is very adaptable to change but it takes time and effort.

    Stay strong and never never give up!!
    FrenchOliver likes this.
  16. FrenchOliver

    FrenchOliver Fapstronaut

    stay strong bro, benefit will come and they will hit you strong.

    Follow advice of Mkwarrior + watch some videos about how to increase your testosterone naturally

    it will keep your spirit up

  17. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    Do you have any traumas or fears that could cause feeling like shit? For me unresolved traumas have caused bad mood - even when I have not been aware of them existing.
  18. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    Have you been getting morning wood? In my current Nofap streak, I had nightmares in a row for 2 days straight around days 7-9, I'm suspicious it has to do with a lack of morning wood case in previous streaks this didnt happen.

    On a sidenote it may be a chance for you to surpass your previous streak like I did.
  19. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    i have not been getting morning woods, my erections are weaker and softer, i dream alot more than before nf, both normal dreams and nightmares
  20. Mkwarrior214

    Mkwarrior214 Fapstronaut

    You are still in flatline, especially if you say your erections are weaker and softer.
    Don't worry too much. Fill your day with healthy activities and things will come!
    Stay strong