Porn controls me .help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mark _reyes, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. Mark _reyes

    Mark _reyes Fapstronaut

    I just fapped to porn something cameover me i knew i should not but something came over me. As im typing this my eyes are tearing up of sadness i feel like i dont belong here. I think porn will always overcome me its owns me. I dont think theres hope for me . I tried everything to stop but i couldnt do it. I was someone else. I was 20days in. And completely fucked it up. I dont know how to stop guys. I knew the whole time what i was doing, i knew i would regret it, as im typing this im hyperventilating at the idea that i will never win i will always relapse porn wins i have no control. I feel so pathetic. Im doing this for myself and my girl i feel like i betrayed her and myself of something great. Thanks for reading this guys.
  2. you can do it; keep working at it. You deserve a better life. 20 days is good. keep fighting
    Elduderino likes this.
  3. Mark _reyes

    Mark _reyes Fapstronaut

    Thanks prodicalson. Im scared. But overall disapointed.
  4. Elduderino

    Elduderino Fapstronaut

    You can do it dude. You went twenty days! That's over 20% of the 90 day goal.

    Relax, be easy on yourself. :)
  5. I recently lost it at day 30. One thing I getting more control and more self discipline if that's is any hope.
    Mark _reyes likes this.
  6. Mark _reyes

    Mark _reyes Fapstronaut

    Thanks, for that moment i didnt care about nofap or repercussion , it was all triggered after i saw a pornstar on facebook.
  7. Mark _reyes

    Mark _reyes Fapstronaut

    Excuse my ignorance but what will this do. I will most def. consider this
  8. terminator1

    terminator1 Fapstronaut

    If you give up you will be a slave and an addict for the rest of your life. Everyone relapses it is a common part of this process. But you will learn from each relapse. This is a long road to recovery. We have really screwed up our brains and it takes some time to rewire!!

    But it is possible! Many people do it! So can you!
  9. Mark _reyes

    Mark _reyes Fapstronaut

    Thanks termintor. The fact that im an addict alone is scary. I wont give i have to overcome this. So everytime we relapse all the progress we made is lost right?
  10. Nothing controls any human being bro. Whatever happens to us is because we've allowed it, because we enjoy it and want it in our lives. I'm sorry but I'm not one to sugar coat my words. I just say it as it is, as tough love is going to be the only thing to help people change, by giving them a wake up call. Some might think I can be really serious at times, but they often thank me later in a private message lol.

    You've just got to take responsibility for your own actions dude. Don't make any more excuses. Stop saying it controls you. Be absolutely honest and just admit that you love it. You love porn. Being honest is one of the things that actually helps you break free from an addiction. Establish exactly how porn makes you feel. You enjoy it, but equally establish how bad it is for you and that it is ruining your life.

    What's more important is to really dig deep and look at the reasons why you use porn as a means of escape in the first place. What are the underlying emotions? Is it loneliness, do you have feelings of insecurity? Do have feelings of unworthiness towards women?
    I'm not necessarily a PMO addict myself, but any time I have turned to PMO as a "stress relief" , there is always a buried emotion behind it, and for me I know exactly what it is (not really necessary to go into).

    You've just got to find out your own personal reasons.

    Just the same way people have underlying issues for abusing things like alcohol, the same way people have underlying, unhealed emotions as to why they use PMO regularly. It's no different. As human being, we do not do things for no reason. There are emotions driving every single little thing we do.

    Never say that porn controls you. That is a false statement. As I said, it's more beneficial to just accept that you love it and let yourself move forward. Read all of the success stories. There are people who have been severely bound by PMO and they have broken free, so it means that anyone can do it. It is just a mindset change that needs to take place.

    I'm really good at sounding nice and pretty in my wording, but when it comes to PMO, I say it how it is, because I care that much that I want you to also see how serious this is. It's not a game, man. It WILL destroy your life if you allow it, so make changes so that it doesn't happen.
    Mark _reyes likes this.
  11. Mark _reyes

    Mark _reyes Fapstronaut

    Ur right i admit that i do love the feeling of fapping to porn. I know i shouldnt do it. Believe me when i say for that moment i didnt care i was like fuck all this. I knew i was goin to feel like shit after. I have admited before that i like fapping to porn i know its wrong. Its a problem thats why im here. But you are absolutely right. I went searching for it because i love the feeling. And i was very stressed out. I dont want it to destroy my life. I wont give up thanks @AlltheRageBackHome for these tough honest words. And everyone out there lets beat this.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  12. When I say tough love, know that I genuinely do actually mean the love part. I love everyone here who is severely struggling with PMO. That is the reason I'm here above anything else. I've done 90+ days before. I know I can do long streaks, but I'm here mostly just to help others.

    I have much love for you man, and I want you to genuinely do well and get past this thing, that is why I don't sugar coat my words. I know how difficult this thing can be for people and the only way for people to change is by showing people the reality and the damage that PMO can have on the brain. I don't see it as a game, and neither should anyone else.

    I believe in you man, but if you really want to stop, just be real about this all and start to make little by little step changes to build a different life for yourself. Don't do it for your girlfriend either. It's not her problem, it is only yours. Even if you were single, you should still be eliminating this addiction from your life. It shouldn't depend on anyone else. Doing this shit alone, single, is the harder part. All the guys on here who have girlfriends ( and there are many of them) are lucky. For me, when I was in a relationship having sex daily, abstaining from PMO was WAY easier. The shit gets real when you're single and live alone.
    Red421 likes this.
  13. Mark _reyes

    Mark _reyes Fapstronaut

    Ur right dude no more excuses. Im goin to beat this. I have to take control of my life. Hopefully i can give the same honest advice like u . Cheers
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  14. I'm always here if you need me, mate. We can all do this together. No one is left out. Give any of us a shout or myself if you are struggling, but do your very best to say no to PMO for good. It just starts with a choice. How bad do you want this? Is the question you have to keep asking yourself on a daily basis. Just got to say no every single time the temptations come up. I know, it's easier said than done, but you've really just got to fully engage your will power every single time. Remember that nothing has power over you unless you allow it. You are powerful, remember that, and you can erase PMO from your life just by making one decision to never go back.

    Trust me, mate. Leaving this behind will literally be one of the, if not, the best decision you ever make, because PMO impacts so many aspects of your life. It seeps into everything. I'm sure you know this already. Just got to keep asking yourself, why allow my life to be ruined, just by a 5 second orgasm? It's not worth it man. Always remember that porn is fake. It's not real. It is all geared to make us forget how powerful our sexual energy really is. Just don't allow yourself to any longer fall into their trap. You're better than that, you're better than their games. Porn is just an illusion, set up to make us forget what is real, and many men and women are falling for it.
    Mark _reyes likes this.
  15. Mark _reyes

    Mark _reyes Fapstronaut

    Yea man thanks dude . I really appreciate all the feedback.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  16. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Mark --

    I've been where you are. I think a lot of us have.

    I've had progress, and thrown it away. I've known that PMO was poison, and drunk the poison all the same. I've acted out with porn, loving it and hating it, all at the same moment; fapping, and thinking, why am I doing this? But not stopping. Then, when finished, feeling just as rotten as you did.

    No empty promises. The path is hard work. But you can do this.

    Have you taken a close look at the circumstances in which you act out? The days and times? The moods? What was happening before? What happened after?

    Be smarter than your addiction. That's power, and it feels good.

    Think about what you will DO to deal with the circumstances in which you are most vulnerable. If you fap when you're angry, address the anger or frustration (that was often me). If it's when you're bored...think about other things you can and WILL do instead of sitting around, bored, in front of the computer. You get the idea? This is what you do.

    Keep coming here, and learning. Browsing through porn takes time. Lots of time. Spend that same time browsing through this site, learning. Learning is power. It feels good.

    We're all here to help each other. Keep checking in. I'm praying for you!
  17. Mark _reyes

    Mark _reyes Fapstronaut

    Thanks septimus i will focus on the good things in life. When i first signed up here i never expected feedback it seems we are a big team working to help each other. Thanks and i will spend more time and read alot of the posts on here. Cheers, I will try harder this time .
  18. EyesToSee

    EyesToSee New Fapstronaut

    Thanks vets. I'm new here too. Mark, I can relate to a lot of things you said in your original post. Stay strong man. We CAN overcome this thing somehow. We just have to realize that when we feel strong urges, they are symptoms of withdrawal, our brains playing tricks on us to get the 'high' that it needs. We have to give our minds the time to rewire, free of the poison of porn, and then I believe it will get easier. That's easier said than done, I know. You can do it though man, but NEVER give up, or else you have truly lost. Even if you keep messing up, NEVER stop fighting it. Good luck buddy!
  19. terminator1

    terminator1 Fapstronaut

    I use to think every time that we relapsed we lost everything and went back to square one. But the more I walk down this road the more I learn that is just not true. You learn valuable skills and positive ways to cope when you are not viewing pornography and masturbating. And your brain is just not wired in that way. It is so use to running to porn when there is stress and looking for relief.

    Building different neuro pathways takes time and they are just not obliterated on a relapse. They just need to be strengthened with each passing day.