My addiction to traps

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by AzrielTheHarbinger, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. AzrielTheHarbinger

    AzrielTheHarbinger Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I just want some words of advice because what I'm feeling is seriously irritating. So as you guessed from the title, I like traps. It wasn't always like this, just the last year which I've seriously been struggling. I've been masturbating for 9 years now and the past 4 years I've even been masturbating like 4-7 times A DAY. 2 years ago HOCD hit me (homosexual obsessive compulsive disorder), when after discovering traps that almost immidiately left (so around a year ago), the difference with HOCD and traps is that with HOCD I didn't and I couldn't fap to actual men, I wasn't aroused, with traps I am. When I say traps I usually mean hentai traps, real traps and femboys, I'm almost never attracted to them except if they are really cute and feminine, oh and wear a cute outfit because for some reason that plays a major role in my attraction, well no, actually in general, I love cosplays. Some might say that I like them because they are feminine but I am attracted to them, dick and all, although if they aren't feminine enough I just can't seem to like them. I've tried nofap before but the best streak I've done is like 2-3 days due to my lack of willpower to stop masturbating. Any tip of advice or anyone who is going through the same hardles?

    Edit: I should clarify that I've been kind of abusing hentai the past 4 years, in the sense that when fap, I either fap to hentai or Asian girls in cosplays/naked masturbating
  2. Lencho

    Lencho Fapstronaut

    I'd say your on the right path. This is about self discovery in the sense of finding out why you have these fetishes. Maybe you had an overprotective mother, or maybe childhood abuse physical/verbal by family or peers.

    One of the more important things is to practice self love and respect. Self esteem. Be kind and loving to yourself. If your fairly new to this approach of NoFap and fairly new to trying to kick this fetish and addiction, you're on your way and you just need to research, read, and apply.

    I remember a year ago when I first started and read posts about the importance of self esteem and self kindness. I thought I already was pretty good at it. But as I read more on it, as I applied more things to my life I started to notice how far from self love I was.

    And I'm not saying thats your problem but its very likely with issues as yours. Example would be that you don't value yourself as a man enough that you get off to dicks. The fact that they look like cic females is just sugarcoating.

    Hope this helps.
  3. RiverBlue

    RiverBlue Fapstronaut

    Yes, they can be pretty cute. ;) But it's pretty normal to feel attracted to cuteness. That's a basic human quality. And I don't think on it's own its really an issue to be too concerned about.

    But where anything like this becomes a problem, its when it becomes a problem in real life. Sounds like you have a pretty severe porn addiction -- 4-7 times A DAY. I doubt this really comes from an attraction to traps or any other body type/gender. I think you've got to step back and figure out why you do this. You can just try to force yourself to stop, but you're not likely to succeed until you figure out what's the underlying cause for your habit. For most people its not about the porn per se, but escaping from something. Like any drug it's about avoiding and numbing yourself. So ask yourself, what are you avoiding through pmo?
  4. AzrielTheHarbinger

    AzrielTheHarbinger Fapstronaut

    I don't think that I am escaping anything though PMO, I just like feeling good. Also when I say I fap 4-7 times a day, I don't mean to traps, to traps I fap once a week or even less, because it kinda goes like this, I fap to traps, I wanna fap to them for the next day as well, then I don't care about them for a week and then it happens all over again, it's all a repetitive circle, when my mind is telling me to fap to them, it kinda becomes like an obsession till I do it and while I try, I can't escape it...
    (.)Kara(.) and (deleted member) like this.
  5. RiverBlue

    RiverBlue Fapstronaut

    I'd suggest giving it all more thought. There is some reason you fap as much as you do. Your post indicates you've tried to quit, but you haven't. It implies you're having difficulty stopping. Attributing it to just feeling good doesn't quite ring true. Anyone can give up a pleasure for whatever period they like, if that's all it is. The thought though that you can't give it up, suggests something deeper.

    Just my two cents. You know yourself better than I do. So if its just something you enjoy that have at it!!
  6. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    Be careful of double standard padawan, one might here read that heterosexuality is just being sexually aroused by vaginas and female look is just "sugarcoating".
    Yes i identify as heterosexual, yes i am attracted by MTF transgender but anyone telling me i am not "man enough" will be missing the good old days when he could chew his own food(provided he is smaller and less buffed than me or just doesn't know any martial art).
  7. Lencho

    Lencho Fapstronaut

    @Melkhiresa I had to read your post a few times to make sense of it. Clearly I was talking about a possible perception as to why people are attracted to Trans and not saying all sexuality falls under the same perception.

    And the point of these forums and threads are to help us out and share insight. Not to offend anyone. Yes, if someone told me that I wasn't man enough to belittle me, I'd be offended but we know that wasn't what happened here. Its about self study, if you feel man enough while sucking off Trans, good for you. But that's not the kind of man I'm looking to be. And I don't say that to give you an impression that I think I'm better than you. Its genuine. Its ok to have different goals, ideas, and methods. We won't always agree and that's ok.
    (.)Kara(.) likes this.
  8. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    being sexually attracted to trans doesn't automatically mean you want to suck off their dick, but if you want to play this game then the kind of man you would rather be is the one that lick off a female vagina then?
    (.)Kara(.) likes this.
  9. Lencho

    Lencho Fapstronaut

    You're right, I apologize. You might not be interested in that. But don't twist things up. So I'll start from the top.

    That tittle is "My addiction to traps". Not attraction or love to traps. Not addiction to cis females. So it begs the question, why traps? Well, in the most common porn, if you compare a cis female and a trap. Traps usually have cis male genitals. And then the word used is "addicted". No need to explain that or compare the word to attraction. So therfore, I see it as "addicted to people that look very femenine and have male genitalia." So now we can assume that the only outlier is the genitals. And here is where the sharing begins.

    I, I, can relate to the thread because I feel that I have an addiction to Trap porn. I will share my ideas. I have had fantasies of being with a trans. I have asked the question, if there is porn about cis females and traps, why do I choose the traps over the females. (For give me if I stopped using "cis" females. You get my point). Well, I, have noticed that the fact that the trans has a penis, I feel more aroused. And so then I wonder, why a penis over the other. And now we get into psychology and life. I've struggled with male inferiority. I struggled with an abusive and overprotective mother. In real life, I have had moments where I don't feel man enough. In my experience with trap porn, I feel that traps usually have an element of domination. At least the ones I watched.

    There's a lot more to it but I hope this helps shed some light on a POSSOBILITY.
  10. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    True i have also jumped the gun, when i say that i am sexually attracted to trans it not their genitalia that arouse me(not only that anyway) rather their feminine appearance is a must. And since i am also attracted to female in general it might be more accurate to say that i am addicted to female body(and demeanor) regardless of their genitalia.
    But anyway this is my own messed up self and have nothing to do with this tread, moving on...
    Garou99 and Lencho like this.
  11. ProminentPosterior

    ProminentPosterior Fapstronaut

    Hit the gym harder than you’ve ever beat your meat (while also abstaining from porn, of course). You’ll feel that masculinity come about strong, and you’ll find the appetite for the ‘adjacents’ decreases substantially over time. I haven’t had an appetite for them in over two weeks, and I feel cleaner and more confident.
  12. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    My mum was pretty over protective. So that’s really interesting.
    But I think there’s a load of other elements to the attraction:
    I didn’t used to be into the idea of them at all, it progressed from, curb crawling- escorts- femdom - and finally trans escorts. (Fuelled with porn along side)
    Being very imaginative, highly sexual and feeling the need to escape. A transwoman is the closest thing to a mythical sexual creature! ( Not sure if you’ve seen the Sex scene in the film 300 where there’s all of them freaks indulging in Taboo and lust? ( Not calling trans freaks but you get my drift) It’s almost satanic and naughty. In fact the more shame and guilt I put around my acting out behaviours the more enticing it becomes. Recently I’ve not scalded myself as much for following my urges into this genre and it hasn’t been as bad afterwards . Plus less appealing in general, (thinking of them as a messed up lad who’s had surgery seems to help put me off)
    When fucking females I feel the need to do a great job as a way of getting self approval. With trans I can go and let down my guard and give in to my lust without all of the pressure.
    I’ll find I’m mostly triggered to this type of sex when I’m in a low, stressed or paranoid mood. Especially if I’m cross with myself. So as a way to punish and escape my initial emotions. So it’s got an element of self harm: A rush from pain inflicted, then a low feeling of worthlessness
    For me i also think there’s something linked to cock size and obsession with my own.
    I’m not sure of the statistics but how many men would suck themselves off I they could reach! So maybe putting it on a hot bitch makes it doable.
    Also there’s trauma and the need for connection maybe you miss somebody and are searching to the ends of the earth to feel something you’re missing.
    People in dominant positions seek mistresses to escape their position of power too. Just some ideas :)
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
  13. RiverBlue

    RiverBlue Fapstronaut

    I really like this! A nice idea I think.

    Yeah, I experience this same sort of excitement around doing anything sexual that isn't generally accepted -- tgirls, public sex, etc. Vanilla can feel kind of boring.

    I dunno about size (I'm a good size), but definitely something about cock. A tgirl falls somewhere short of going completely gay. I identify as bisexual and have had plenty of sex with guys, but fall on the spectrum closer to straight than gay. So the feminine side of traps appeals, but the cock is a bonus! LOL
    TiaS and Peaceful magic 21 like this.
  14. ProminentPosterior

    ProminentPosterior Fapstronaut

    Finding one that’s passable is. Some are only kinda passable, but your smol pp brain doesn’t care too much about that when it’s getting the sucky sucky. But man, you think the post-nut guilt is bad when you fap to it, it’s something else when you act with it.
    Peaceful magic 21 likes this.
  15. If this is not a natural fetish, go through the reboot. I will be cheering for you and am here to support you as someone who is going through a similar addiction.
    fusion47 and Vanquisher12 like this.
  16. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Yea some of the porn star TS escorts, are very feminine, but afterwards look disgusting and weird as soon as I’ve cum. Therapy is really helping with limiting shame and at the same time making it less appealing. Post nut Is always depressing as fuck though and some t’s will gloat that I’ll never be able to quit and I’m going to be skint forever with this addiction. What triggers you mainly to act out with these transwomen?
    fusion47 and TheNewestCreation like this.
  17. Playmaker97

    Playmaker97 Fapstronaut

    I have this same obsession with the size of my cock and always comparing it to others, I never really understood where it came from, but I used to base a lot of my value and self-esteem based on my size and constantly compare myself to gauge my place in this hierarchy I had set up in my mind. The only event I can think of is one time when my mum would give me and my 3 year older brother a shower together, and he pointed at my penis and said "haha he has a small penis" and I remember I started crying a lot and my mum tried to calm me down. Now that I'm old enough to understand that size isn't everything and it doesn't affect your intrinsic self-worth I can still sense the obsession sometimes almost coming from my subconscious. It's weird I don't really know how to let it go.
  18. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Yea it certainly cuts deep. I know exactly what you mean by basing your self worth off it. I had a load of crap go around about me and my Willy at a time I was really anxious and messed up on drugs. So this really exaggerated it and ended up giving me bad mental health. With all the stress I carried and probably too much masterbation ( even though most teenage boys are at it a lot) maybe the guilt from masterbation and being a virgin made a difference; but my balls didn’t drop and I was all shrivelled up. My erect size is pretty decent but I couldn’t really walk down the street with a boner to prove possible believers of rumours that I was ok. So I shied away from banter and became very self conscious about it. So being known as a guy with low masculinity and confidence I didn’t get the action I thought/actually deserved. So I started visiting escorts. After a while I got pretty good at it, being a passionate and intense person. So the positive feedback would give me a short boost plus all the endorphins and opioids I needed. This in turn would relax me and make me hang and become more engorged. But a few days later I might do some training, experience cold weather and it would shrivel up again. For some reason if I jacked off that would make it shrivel but I’d had interaction with a female it would hang. If I was hanging I’d feel good or normal but if it was shriveled I’d be overwhelmed with anxiety about it. So I can see one of the reasons I got into an addictive cycle using escorts. If I am to wear a penis ring and be really turned on something femdom then transwoman porn did with the extra boost of blood and chemicals I would become really engorged and the site of my own dick big would give me another rush. Maybe all the comparing and obsession with my dick had an impact on chicks with dicks. Thanks for letting me share all that :)
  19. Luvspin68

    Luvspin68 Fapstronaut

    Question for peaceful magic.......

    just curious to know if Penis size was a factor in choosing certain TS escorts?
    And if the size of the TS enhanced your experience?

    it would seem if one was self conscious about penis size, a large penis on an escort may further emasculate you.
    But maybe experiencing a large one props up your masculinity?

    Your perspectives and thoughts give me insight. Thank you
  20. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Most severe porn abusers have specific genres, rituals, or PMO habits they are consumed by. Traps are a very common case. The shock and confusion of seeing a penis on a feminine body can overload our brain's sex centers, making them highly arousing.

    Besides a normal reboot and rewire, the only thing I recommend is just not caring that you're attracted to them. The anxiety and fear you feel when looking at traps actually heightens your arousal. Just accepting "Hey I like traps" seems counterintuitive, but it can stop the overload of stimuli.

    Other than that, a typical hardmode reboot and rewire should be fine