Porn addiction leading to hebephilia and pedophilia ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by TerryMalloy, Jul 10, 2021.

  1. TerryMalloy

    TerryMalloy Fapstronaut

    Hi :)
    I'd like to discuss about a tough subject, and I know this might be controversial. Do you think it would be possible to become hebephile or even worse than this because of porn ?
    I mean, we already know that porn addiction can lead heterosexual people to watch gay porn and gay people to watch heterosexual porn, so...

    Hebephilia is sexual interest in young teenage girls (ages 12-15). Some say this is normal, some say this is not. Pedophilia I guess you already know about - it is sexual interest in pre-pubescent girls.

    Now there's something I'm deeply embarrassed about : I think I'm a hebephile because of porn. When I was young I didn't have any interest in young teen girls, I would always think about girls age 19-29 being the hottest. I can't remember exactly when it happenned but at some point I started being more and more into teen porn (I'm talking legal, professional teen porn btw) and after that I started developing sexual interest for girls a bit younger than 18 (the so-called "jailbait" stuff).

    I'm 22 and I think it is not normal to be attracted to 12 years olds. I feel really bad whenever I meet young teens be it on the streets or whatever. Plus I wasn't attracted to them before I started watching porn. I would like to know if some of you feel the same and maybe recovered from being hebephiles. Overcoming porn addiction is really hard but I hope it will cure me of this. :(

    Btw just to make it clear, I never did anything with a teenage girl, I don't plan to, and I'm not a pedophile since I don't have any sexual interest in pre-pubescent children. But I guess we should discuss the topic as well. Some people here might suffer from this and maybe it will help them talking about it. o_O
    danielghbr and RobbyGo36 like this.
  2. Yes it's escalation
    I am almost relieved I escalated to gay porn rather than that to be honest... but...
    Having the courage to admit it is good - don't be ashamed of yourself - this is what porn does to your brain - shame keeps you in the shadows. You are a good person you pulled up into an effed up thing!

    yeah the good news is that taking a real pornography break , reducing anxiety and reading quite literature and journaling can all help you recover

    read as much as you can at the highly informative and inspiring 'your brain on porn'

    There is a direct link between your problem and pornography and you're not alone.
    "“My earliest clients were child molesters. They tended to have been beaten, abused or have some sort of dysfunction. I’ve found in the last 10 years that increasingly people who view child sex abuse material don’t seem to have that history. They are mundane, ordinary people from all walks of life.”"

    - get that - pornography screws up your brain as much as child abuse!
    RobbyGo36 and HolyTheotokos like this.
  3. TerryMalloy

    TerryMalloy Fapstronaut

    Wow this is dreadful. Hard to think that some guys ended up watching child pornography because of escalation.
    Thank god I didnk't take this path and learned about nofap at the right time... This is crazy.
  4. TerryMalloy

    TerryMalloy Fapstronaut

    I try to deal with the shame but it's very hard. I hope it will go away soon. As I said I have hope considering I wasn't always like this.
    RobbyGo36 and HolyTheotokos like this.
  5. Over time you will go back to healthy attraction
    RobbyGo36 likes this.
  6. Jhonnes_Jhonnes

    Jhonnes_Jhonnes Fapstronaut


    Regarding so-called Hebephilia, I know it is a highly controversial topic, but, technically, they are sexually mature, so it's more of a cultural thing to classify it as normal or not normal.

    The crucial point, in my understanding, is to what degree the attraction is exclusive or not. I mean, if once in a while you find yourself attracted to a 14-year-old, but is mostly attracted to 18 and older, that's normal. But if you are obsessed with teenager girls and not attracted to older women at all, then I would say you have a issue.

    Of course, full blown pedophilia is a completely different story, since they are not sexually mature and therefore you have no biological reason to be attracted to them.

    Stop watching porn and these desires should go away. But don't fret too much if you think a 14-year-old is kind of hot sometimes, otherwise you may end up with some sort of OCD.

    Just my two cents. Take care.
    PrioritySystem likes this.
  7. very possible, I'd also say more common than you may think
  8. The difference is that Endocrinological system is fucked up nowadays. Girls used to start puberty later then boys now it is the complete opposite due to environmental Estrogens and a physiologically Estrogenic body.

    To discredit culture for the sake of sexual pleasure is degenerate, there is a reason for traditions boyo, especially ones that hold up for a long time and proliferate as much as Western Christians traditions, of course nowadays people abandon it.

    A healthy male does not find 14 year olds attractive, despite seemingly mature bodies there are dead giveaways. Typically unhealthy males both mentally and physiologically have attractions on the more deviant side.
  9. Jhonnes_Jhonnes

    Jhonnes_Jhonnes Fapstronaut

    I see what you are trying to communicate but it doesn't seem accurate at all.

    Marrying young women aged 12-16 has been a common practice around the world up until the Industrial Revolution. In fact, it was so prevalent as to be the norm; a tradition, if you will. And that was way before environmental estrogens became a problem.
    Jonyx and (deleted member) like this.
  10. Marrying between young couples sure, not reproducing. And tradition where? There were traditions to kill newborn infants so rain will be plentiful; cultures such as this simply died out.
  11. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    Porn escalation can lead to silly and stupid tastes: For exampe: Attraction to gay porn or transgender is not the same thing when porn induced, as "true", homosexuality, since its not who you truly are.
    Same thing with Hebephilia. Porn induced tastes will go away, if you dont feed them. It might take a couple of years.

    Best thing you can do to get rid of shame and forgive yourself is to truy quit all porn.
    Meshuga likes this.
  12. TerryMalloy

    TerryMalloy Fapstronaut

    Trust me, the shame I feel whenever I look at teenagers is a clear proof this is not normal for adults to be attracted to young teens.
    As I said, I wasn’t always like this. When I was like 18 I didn’t give a f about young teens. I wouldn’t look at them and think they are cute or sexy. This is, I guess, the biggest proof this fetish is porn-induced and came when I started looking at teen porn (not underage but 18/19yo girls in porn)

    I’m desperate about this situation and really hope I can quit porn for good so that I’ll recover. If you want to see how messed up I am, this is an example of girls I can definitely fantasize about :

    and remember they were all 14 in this video. This is f**ed up. This is not normal at all and I didn’t feel anything about girls this young before watching P.
  13. wangkaiquan

    wangkaiquan Fapstronaut

    Like a drug addict must increase the dose
  14. TerryMalloy

    TerryMalloy Fapstronaut

    It might be very normal to be attracted to 15/17 years olds because they are almost adults physically speaking but not 11/14 years olds - these girls are still closer to being children than adults. I think this is something porn did to me.
    Also it doesn’t explain why grown women are never attracted to teenage boys (apart from a few crazy ones)
  15. TerryMalloy

    TerryMalloy Fapstronaut

    Physically speaking 17 years olds are clearly not kids anymore so being attracted to them isn't really wrong, at least physically.
    My problem is that I became physically attracted to much younger teens (we're talking 11 to 14 here... :( ) and that wasn't the case before I watched porn. And this, is definitely wrong. That's what I am trying to change.
    It seems like the debate about escalation turning normal people into hebephiles and even worse than this, has been going on for quite some time. I found another thread that was made in 2020 :
  16. HydraofLerna

    HydraofLerna Fapstronaut

    I have been in the same situation. Feeling a deep shame about my sexuality, I thought of myself as a paedophile, as a monster that should kill himself. When I started porn I was interested in the vanilla themed kind of porn, but it did not last. In a period of substance abuse (amfetamines) and loss of my girlfriend, I got into teen porn and jail bait. I hated myself for it but I could not stay away from it. For a long time I have question my sexuality and was terrified to be a paedophile or hebephile. Now that I am practising nofap I feel this is a situation of escalation. Porn has been a way to deal with loneliness and to feel some kind of intimacy, and I escalated to jail bait because I like cute girls that are not so intimidating to me. This preference is something I can see in perspective now, it is not my orientation, it has been a exaggerated characteristic I like in girls my own age.
    Probably your situation is one of escalation, so try to stop watch porn and ask yourself what you really need.
    good luck!
    RobbyGo36 and Imontheinternet like this.
  17. TerryMalloy

    TerryMalloy Fapstronaut

    I felt it too !! Definitely this has something to do with the fact that younger girls don’t look intimidating and I guess, easier to seduce.
    I’ve been off porn for almost two weeks now and I can already feel a few improvements. Like I still find preteens and teens to be cute and stuff but not that much on the sexual side. I’ll try to abstain for as long as I can and report everything here
    RobbyGo36 and (deleted member) like this.