
Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by jurte, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. jurte

    jurte Fapstronaut

    Please, let me never wake up again. My parents are gonna be sad, but sooner or later they’re gonna feel better without me, they won’t have to deal with me anymore and my shitty emotional swings. I’ve harmed my mom so much with my ruthless words and breakdowns, she will be sad, but still she will feel better eventually. My brother will be devastated, but it’s okay, no one will be there to annoy him and curse at him. My friends (very few) will be shocked, but eventually they will forget about me, as they should with someone like me. Girl I like, will be shocked, but she will giggle after my death and forget about me the next day. My ex, will be crying like crazy, but no one will be there to break her heart anymore and play with her feelings, eventually it will be better for her. Because, that’s how it should be, I bring nothing to this world except misery, toxic thoughts, depression and despair. Lack of personality, charisma, addictions this is me. That’s the whole me, God doesn’t want to hear such bastard like me, and I understand that. I just pray and hope for a quick ending, so the world won’t have to bother with me anymore. I just can’t take it anymore, I don’t have strength for NoFap, reboot logs, prayers, improving myself, etc. I’m too weak and too tired. I’m sorry everyone andI’m sorry God, this will be my finalpost on here. I give up. The end.
  2. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Don't give up dude, wtf. You need to be strong and live! Right now, your mind is messed up, you have suicidal thoughts because you are not thinking right dude! It's all due to porn addiction. Don't listen to these thoughts, be strong and better yourself!
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021
  3. Awi007

    Awi007 Fapstronaut

    go outside and go to hospital where you can find people who wants to live but they can"t
    jurte and 2080Future like this.
  4. That_random_guy

    That_random_guy New Fapstronaut

    I’m not sure if you’re going to see this, but before you do whatever your planning on, take a moment to go outside. Go on a walk or run around your block and just pay attention to everything around you. I’ve relapsed into porn more times than I care to admit, but every time I just go outside and think to myself how amazing everything out there is: the trees, the sky, the fresh air. It’s all something to live for. Your friends and family are something to live for. When your life is at its lowest, it can only get better. You CAN overcome this, but it’ll take time. Time that you won’t have if you go through with this.
    Christian Warrior and HelperX like this.
  5. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Is like fucking reading my self inner chattering when I was your age.

    I will say just one thing, YOU ARE WRONG.

    You are stronger than you can even begin to imagine, people care more about you than you think, and have a very different view about you than what you think, your stupid swings will get better, you will have to learn to forgive yourself, and ask for forgiveness.

    Take care of yourself, baby steps, rome wasn't built in a day.

    All the best.
  6. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem--and it prevents you from seeing the future success you might have had. Because of its irreversibility, it should never be considered even an option. There are a thousand other ways to find improvement, none of which can be found in or after death.

    God does not want you to destroy yourself. He loves you. Your mind is lying to you to say otherwise. God will happily welcome you into His arms--even if you have sinned. Jesus died for sinners, as all of us are. Put the blame for your troubles where it belongs--on Satan. Don't let Satan have the victory in seeing you give up. Never give up!
    Abel100% and Break every Chain like this.
  7. jurte

    jurte Fapstronaut

    I know. So many people are begging to live or at least exist. And here I am, blessed with the gift of life, but see no other option than to end it. Pathetic fuck I am.
  8. The Bible teaches Christians to "die daily." It doesn't mean to commit suicide; it means to ignore the old lusts of the flesh as if they were part of an old, and dead, self. Live for God, and let those addictions be the part of you that dies.

    People with gangrene, cancer, etc. sometimes have to cut off a part of their body in order that the rest of the body may live. That is what we all must do with these addictions. In order to have a blessed and happy life, we must cut them off. It hurts; the knife/procedure is a real trial. But the life it brings is well worth the temporary pain.

    Do it for yourself. Do it for your family. Do it for God--the one who will grieve the most if you give up.

    We all get discouraged sometimes and lose our grip on hope. I hope someone will share words of encouragement with me when it is me in your place.

    You can overcome. Others have, and you can too. You may find the tips linked in my signature to be helpful. I know you can see better days, and you will if you don't lose your faith.

    Take courage!
  9. I swear never do that

    I swear never do that Fapstronaut

    Death cannot solve any problems, plus you don't know what will happen in your afterlife, so suicide is NEVER NEVER NEVER an option. That you have this kind of thought is just because you want to bury your head in the sand. Time to face your heart.

    We need to face the reality and our heart. Don't listen to your thoughts. You can do some meditation or find a doctor. Never give up.

    Pick yourself up from where you've fallen.
  10. Christian Warrior

    Christian Warrior Fapstronaut

    Glad to see that you're still with us...
    God answered my prayer for you...
  11. I hope you find happiness, in this life and the next. You can't reason with the suicidal mind, but you don't have to take it on as your own.
  12. BensonJames

    BensonJames Fapstronaut

    Hey jurte, glad to see you were online today. I know how you feel. I’ve felt pretty worthless for awhile now, but I’m trying to better myself. That’s why I signed up today. Sometimes you just have to struggle one day at a time.
  13. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you need rebirth not death. And you get that every morning. With the right attitude.

    Baby steps is right. You are in a bad place, a place that MANY of us have been, and things arent going to get bettwr over night. So work out what you have control over and move forward from there. Sleeping and eating are great places to start. A pleasurable evening routine and a set bedtime will improve your life in ways you wouldnt imagine. Run yourself a bath, practice a gratitude meditation and read an enjoyable fiction book. Self improvement doesn't have to be unpleasant!

    Sounds like you are fortunate enough to be close to your family too. Maybe you can focus on being kind to them. If it is difficult to talk write a letter of gratitude. Remember you can always decide later whether to actually send it or not.

    None of the above are a substitute for professional help, btw, which you should be beginning the process of getting now. Not sure how it works in your country but your regular GP is usually the first person to speak to, just tell them you have been feeling suicidal, seriously considering it or planning it and they will put you in touch with the appropriate care. Best of luck buddy :)