Just can’t seem to quit

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ace-36, Aug 15, 2021.

  1. Ace-36

    Ace-36 Fapstronaut

    So it’s been a while since my last post on here, yet the same issues remain. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I have more of an issue with P than I do with MO. I can sit and watch P for hours at a time and not get bored. It’s to the point where I’ll sit and watch P and start to M but never finish (basically edging) for hours. This is how I’ve come to realize that my issue is the P. It’s like I get to a point where I find myself checking my favorite sites multiple times a day hoping I don’t miss out on a great scene or a cam site hoping I don’t miss out on my favorite girl. The P is causing issues in my sex life because I’ll get so wrapped up in it that it’ll consume me and I end up the finishing the deed and sit in disgust and disappointment when I know I shouldn’t have let it go this far. I have a girlfriend now (my first serious one and my first one in years) and it’s causing issues with us. I’d rather watch a scene I love and do PMO when she’s ready and willing and basically begging for it and that’s what makes me feel terrible inside. It’s like I don’t have to do the PMO but I’d let it take over and give in instead of getting the real thing and that’s how I know I have a problem. I don’t know how to beat it or what to do to even get on the right track of curing myself. I need help. I just can’t seem to quit.
    learning likes this.
  2. scarecrow1

    scarecrow1 Fapstronaut

    You make the decision as sober you now.

    You are going to have to cut off your internet and put passwords or something else on your phone. Limit your “alone time”

    You ARE going to get horny again. If you have easy access to internet and solitude you will be failing.

    that’s my advice anyway.

    Good luck
    ANewFocus and Just_a_guy_25 like this.
  3. use cold turkey its the best app to block porn and do an internet fast for a month ... take your gf for a date , talk and share your problems and ideas with her , i am sure you will recover my man !!
    Just_a_guy_25 likes this.
  4. TrentBenjamin

    TrentBenjamin Fapstronaut

    My friend I had a similar issue. I much preferred pornography over my girlfriend. During sex I would have to imagine myself in a porn scenario to get me aroused. When it was over I would pretty much instantly go to another room, load up my favourite site and pleasure myself there.

    The main thing you need to do is take away the ability to view these sites. Install blockers, if you have an iPhone, restrict access to adult websites.

    One of the best things I have done is install blockers that requires passwords/passcodes to access (such as Purge). The password I would generate from a website so that I don't remember it or just enter a completely random sequence of numbers that you wont be able to remember off the top of your head. I then save that password into a lockbox. Lockbox allows you to essentially keep your passwords safe but also you can select an amount of time that it takes that ''box'' to unlock.

    So for example. My porn blocker password is locked inside a ''box'' that has a 5 hour unlock timer. So say right now I had an urge to look at a site to see what new scenes I missed, I would have to wait 5 hours for the password to be available. By that time I have usually supressed the urge and came to my senses.

    It is one of the best decisions I have made, I have no choice but to wait and that has saved me relapses on so many occasions.

    Google - Pluckeye lockbox if you are interested in it, it's totally free!
    Dares Greeneye, HelperX and ANewFocus like this.
  5. Ace-36

    Ace-36 Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot
  6. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Dude, this is one of the absolute best advises I've seen around here in a while. The lockbox advise is just pure genius.
    You should make a thread and advise others, if you feel like making one.
    TrentBenjamin and ANewFocus like this.
  7. TrentBenjamin

    TrentBenjamin Fapstronaut

    Thank you dude.

    I read a post before where someone suggested it and I can't recommend it enough! it takes away the ability to give into your urges pretty much.
  8. Infidel.48

    Infidel.48 Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Have you heard of pluckeye lol