How can I forget about my ex?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Ghost79, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    All those sweet little moments we had and the intimacy we shared. It all meant nothing for her in the end as she decided to part ways with me when she told that she didn't have anymore feelings for me after a relationship of 2 years, not even in person but online! A month after it was my birthday and she didn't even wish me a happy birthday just for good old times sake. Feels my heart is broken into a hundred pieces. She is so selfish.
    I already deleted all her pictures, phone number and any means to contact her, but the memories in my mind still remains. Especially when I feel alone they begin to play in my mind like scenes from a movie.

    Now I have no idea what she is doing in her life, maybe she has a new man that she is in love with but I'm so curious to know what was really her decision why she ended our relationship.
    I feel I will never get over this and it will stick to me like a traumatic experience especially because I'm sure I will never find a new woman in my life.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
  2. Sorry to hear of your recent breakup. Plain truth is it’s hard to let go of someone that you have grown to love. Whether it’s a breakup or a death, losing someone you love, for whatever reason, is just plain hard. I don’t know that I have any step by step advice for you but I do know that you can find happiness again, whether that’s with another person or on your own. Be kind to yourself. Try not to over think things. Find ways to destress. Keep busy and active. Feel the pain and keep going.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
  3. Sorry this has happened to you but i can tell from experience that you will get over it. It's going to take time. When it happened to me the best thing was for me to stay active. Thinking back to that time, they were probably some of my best workouts at the gym. I also tired to keep my mind as occupied as possible. I started to think about her less and less and now I don't even think about her. I did run into her once at a restaurant years later, just nodded a hello and kept going. It did not even hurt to see her.
    Ghost79 and Azzure like this.
  4. BrighterFuture

    BrighterFuture Fapstronaut

    Oh my friend it's very hard to "just forget" someone who you yourself built a deep connection with, it's best to allow all your feelings and I mean all of them, to go out at the moment, write down how you feel on paper maybe, cry if you need to, just get those thoughts out never bottle them inside of you, or else you'll get stuck in a cycle of hate regret that never ends.

    I always believe that everything that happens to us happens for a good reason, maybe there's a better girl out there for you, a girl more suitable, gentle and loving. But then again, it's just a belief around here, but it's a wonderful belief because it truly makes you see the better aspects of life even if you've hit rock bottom.

    what you did here is brave, remember you have every right to feel pain my man.
    Roady, Ghost79, Azzure and 1 other person like this.
  5. ProminentPosterior

    ProminentPosterior Fapstronaut

    Agree with aspects of this: do NOT bottle up your emotions. That being said, there is a difference between allowing your emotions to flow and wallowing in them. Allow yourself some time to be sad, angry, etc, but try not to let it impede the general process of your life and especially not on combatting this addiction.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery in all fronts
    BrighterFuture and Ghost79 like this.
  6. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I'm having change of heart constantly. One moment my heart is filled with hate against her and then switches to blaming myself for not appreciating her enough while we were together. I thought we would forever be together. I learned a valuable lessen in case I will ever find someone again but knowing myself this is very likely (((
    I feel I want revenge and I hope she will regret for breaking with me. But I will never take her back.
    Azzure likes this.
  7. What you’re feeling is natural, you’re human. Give yourself space and time to grieve. And cry if you feel to, cry out loud, it’s ok. I agree with @BrighterFuture on this point.

    You’re not going to feel this way forever. So don’t be doing anything you’ll ultimately regret later. Be mature. She made a decision. You feel hurt by it. You get to learn from it. You said you’ve learned a valuable lesson, what is it? What are the things you’ve learned from all this?

    One thing is certain, no relationship is ever a waste of your time. If it doesn’t bring you what you want it may teach you what you don’t want.

    When ever I’m in a rut or difficult place I find it helpful to consider how blessed/lucky I am to experience what I’m experiencing. Sometimes, I even tell myself: this is good for me. It could be a lot worse.

    You’ve got this!
    BrighterFuture likes this.
  8. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I've learned to appreciate my partner everyday because they may not be in your life everyday for whatever reason may it be a death or a break up.
    But I still feel betrayed, chewed and spit out by her. I'm longing for vengeance, but not by me but by karma if it exists.
    Azzure likes this.
  9. slyrack1

    slyrack1 Fapstronaut

    I'm in the same position as you, my ex girlfriend broke up with me because of my depression. I still describe her as almost perfect.

    I think about my relationship with a girl before, I was also very heartbroken and thought I'll never find a better woman, but I did. And this happened directly after I stopped being self-pitty. At this time I was exercising a lot and focused on my job, the rest happened automatically. Just don't focus on finding someone new, but on yourself. Exercise, read, work, chase your goals and you will find happiness.
    Grandsire Bhishma, Azzure and Ghost79 like this.
  10. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I already do all those, to escape the agony I feel. Sitting at home to wallow in grief is pure hell.
    Sometimes I think I don't want anyone anymore. Just wanna leave this world now.
  11. DohnJoe

    DohnJoe Fapstronaut

    Just work on improving yourself. Its natural to feel pain and be depressed about losing someone you care for and love. It makes you feel like you weren't good enough or they found someone new. And that sucks. After my first gf and I broke up, I felt down for a week or so, but realized I had to move on. I self-reflected and tried to find ways to improve myself. I found myself a lot happier and confident after. Of course you will never forget someone you had a relationship with, but you can't dwell on the past forever. If you do you will never reach your full potential. Focus on achieving your goals, big and small.
    Azzure and Ghost79 like this.
  12. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    Our breakup didn't happen recently but in April and I'm still hurting so much I think about our moments everyday and even in my sleep Do you guys think I should contact her? She didn't even concratulated me on my birthday a month ago and in a few weeks it's her birthday. I feel she has completely forgot about me and moved on. Maybe she even has a new man. I'm afraid she not not awnser me at all or tell me something hurtful. And then I will regret and feel like a fool for contacting her again.
    Azzure likes this.
  13. Hi man,
    you are going to tough times.

    You told that she broke up with you, not face to face but online.
    Does that mean that you never had a chance to ask her for an explanation?
    If you spend 2 years together, you probably have the right to hear what moved her out your relationship.
    Why don't you ask her for clarity? That may help you.

    But I do understand that you 're scared for being hurt even more.
    Take care of yourself first. Try to talk about your feelings with somebody in real life.
    If things doesn't get any better, don't be afraid to ask for some professional help.
    When I read your story, it may be possible that you suffer from some deep issues you may have to face.
    Azzure and Ghost79 like this.
  14. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    sorry to hear that. what helped me immensely were this two videos, maybe they can help you too.

    Ghost79 likes this.
  15. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I asked her for explanation and she gave me dubious answers like that her feelings has changed for me, that she didn't feel I loved her enough, that I am a selfish person and she just wants to enjoy her life. We were also engaged already and were almost getting married. Our break up is actually more complicated. She wanted to break with me already in Januari but after some talking she decided to continue talk with me online but not see me in person. I noticed that she then wasn't responding to me quickly as before and kept me waiting for a reply until and when she did I noticed no more emotional attachment to me. She said she had a busy life now and didn't have enough time for me anymore. I felt things really changed as if there was another man in her life now but I don't know for certain and she didn't want to answer me that. Until one day I had enough and we completely broke then in April. But I still miss her but she doesnt.
    Azzure and Roady like this.
  16. Ghost79, love hurts.
    The less love you have for someone the less it hurts.

    However, as @Roady mentioned, you need to take care of yourself first. This is really important.
    Find other ways to fill the emptiness or feelings of sadness you may have. You owe that to yourself.
    She has decided, for whatever reason - and it could be many or simply just one - but she has decided to walk away.

    So, how long are you going to miss her? Have you considered that? What if you get a new woman in your life, settle down with her, and have children - are you still going to miss this woman that has broken up with you? Well, maybe you will. How will that impact your future life/wife?

    Get all your emotions out, yes! But plan to move on too. When you're ready of course, but start getting prepared to move on.

    Oh wow, I've just watched the videos that @matt2k12 shared above. They say it all. Nuff said.
    Ghost79 and Roady like this.
  17. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I think if I get a new woman in my life, it would be easier to forget her and move on with the new. But that still doesnt change that my tie with her is strong and will remain so for a very long time.
    Azzure likes this.
  18. That means she already lost her feelings for you way back in January, and maybe even before then. So of course she’s moved on by now.. and I wouldn’t be surprised if she has another man. I’m sorry to tell you this, but it’s the truth. She did you dirty man, you have to let go. Are you practicing semen retention?
    Azzure and Ghost79 like this.
  19. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I still want to know the truth. You know when she wanted to break with me in January, she later cried on the phone that she didn't want to break with me! It makes me think that perhaps her friends are pushing her to end with me or maybe she calculates that it is better to end it but emotionally wasn't strong enough to break with me yet. And the fact that she still has not deleted me from her contact list makes me feel as if she is putting me in reserve.
    I try to do semen retention but I have not been able too yet as the urge to release sexual tension is very strong. Will take another go at it.
  20. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Very familiar story, and I understand the need for closure. The truth is, you probably won't get it. I doubt she is even being honest with herself why she broke things off, let alone is able to explain it to you in the way it makes sense.

    Best thing to do is to create lots of new happy memories without her, to stop you wallowing on the times she was with you. Don't sweat it if you keep thinking you'd rather she was there, or you want to tell her about it. Avoid going to places or doing things that were special to you both, but other than that go nuts. Hang out with friends or make new ones. Go on holiday if you can afford it, alone if necessary. And go on some dates - not to 'replace' her, just take some girls out, have some drinks, flirt and have fun. Hell, have some disastrous dates and laugh about them with your friends afterwards.

    Her birthday? Pour your heart out in a letter, and then burn it :p
    Azzure and Ghost79 like this.