why am i attracted to 14 and 15 year old?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Hold the Line, Sep 16, 2021.

  1. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    I'm 22 and although i am attracted to women of my age, i am more attracted to younger girls, 18-17 years old and even 14 years old girls.
    explanation? i don't know exactly why, i am positive it has to do with my unconcious mind, with something called transference.
    Is this something normal?
  2. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    No, it's not normal at all.

    Something wrong is going in your brain, dude.

    Try to rest your brain for 3 months away from porn, see what happens.
    Repentance8000 likes this.
  3. LLouch

    LLouch Fapstronaut

    Most probably your brain is extremely desensitized to normal soft core sexual stimulation, probably from overconsumption of porn and normal porn doesn't satisfy you anymore, that's why you might crave more and more extreme sexual stimulation. Abstain from anything sexual for a while, let your brain heal and it should get rid of your unusual tastes.
    Beekind, zilean and 88991s like this.
  4. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    Thanks everyone for the replys.
    I am 22 years old and been exposed to porn from age 9, PMO was a daily prectice since age 11-12.
    It was one of the only things that made me feel good.
    At first when starting nofap which was about a year ago, i could barely go 2-3 days without pmo untill i could'nt get it out of my head, i would start shaking and feeling anxious untill the unevitable relapse.
    Thankfully i consider myself somewhat self aware and capable of understanding whats right and wrong, so i understand this attraction can never be more than thoughts.
    I really want to rid myself of wrong thoughts about women.
    Although i am more than capable handling a deep and serious talk with women, if she looks good i can't help but fantasizing about her during the talk.
    My record was 48 days i believe, no PMO, for Porn i managed nearly 3 months clean, however during that streak i still MO to pictures so still not great.
    I would love to hear some more advice.
  5. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    I don't think there is anything wrong with it purely from a biological standpoint. Regardless of what your country says is the age of consent, the fact is a woman is her most attractive after puberty.

    However we don't fully mature untill 24-25 years old from a mental standpoint, the best thing imo would be for everyone to wait untill marriage.
  6. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    Hi, well, ever since i remember feeling attraction i was always attracted to girls at my age, but obviously not any younger when i started PMO, the youngest age is like i mentioned about 15-14.
    I don't batter myself for thinking about sexual thoughts, but i want them to stop harassing me constantly, that's unnatural and just poisonous.
  7. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    well i didnt actually got raised at all as i see it, i grew up with my mom and we've never been such good friends, most of the time growing up i was playing video games, only talked to her when wanted food and such
    i never got punished, or even frowned upon, my mom was too gentile and i grew up to be a spoiled kid and didnt know one thing about life
  8. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    I don't think it's fully unnatural, because ever since the Stone Age and right up to Medieval peasant families, the average life expectancy was only 30-35 years, and a lot of people married in their early-mid-teens in order to have all the time they could to have enough children for at least one to survive to adulthood and continue the family bloodline. That's why, even nowadays when living to 100+ is getting more common, we still reach puberty at the mere age of 12-13, and the reason why we're especially horny in our teenage years. To us this is barely an eighth of our expected lifespan, but to a caveman, Ancient Egyptian, Celt or medieval serf this was almost middle-age. I think this may well just be one of your primal instincts desiring a young healthy girl to be your cave-wife.

    Of course in modern society this is quite rightly frowned-upon, in part because we don't need to resort to such practices anymore due to our far greater lifespans, and in part because our collective conscience has expanded since those dark ancient days, and by channelling your inner strength you can listen to that conscience to help steer your mind away from those unwanted instincts and ignore girls who are too young for you as soon as you first hear them tell you their age.

    I agree with @StarRider in that being the offspring of a single mother certainly doesn't help you because you're lacking a male role model in your father (that's one of the reasons why I condemn both single-parenthood and same-sex couple parenthood - both deprive the child of the combination of same-gender role model and representative of the opposite gender they need to develop a balanced mindset). Porn certainly doesn't help either, because it warps us into desiring sources of pleasure we wouldn't normally consider in our right minds. However, none of that should stop you from listening to your sense of right-and-wrong above all else. People are heeding their conscience less and less these days in their desire for pleasure, and need to rediscover and prioritise the law of morals.

    Making friends with other chaps who are good, respectable and respectful certainly helps, in particular if they introduce you to female relatives and friends in your age-group, and by all means think about improving aspects of your male character that are lacking, but always be your own man above all else - don't try to be anyone you're not, don't do anything just to please your friends or to be 'part of the cool cats gang', and don't do anything that your friends might do that you don't agree with or don't feel comfortable with. Always keep a balance between respecting yourself and others, and always listen to your conscience.
  9. Jeremybeans

    Jeremybeans Fapstronaut



    When a girl starts getting periods, that's when her body, her biology, is saying she's ready to take some seed and have babies.

    But... We, most of the world, are "civilized" societies. (some puritanical, like most of the US). And that means there are laws and norms and such that say she cannot accept seed from a man yet.

    And, yes, you shouldn't be doing that. But doing and thinking/desiring are two different things.
  10. You know it’s morally wrong inside, and 2 do you want to end your life on that note? The second you act on any irregular thoughts you end your life, the worst part is you’re still alive but your life is over.
    Hold the Line and HelperX like this.
  11. Jeremybeans

    Jeremybeans Fapstronaut

    Ooof. Ended lives. Still alive. But life is over.

    This is some deep dookie right here.
    Controller69 and Hold the Line like this.
  12. Tannhauser

    Tannhauser Fapstronaut

    Most of your post was very true. But I can't pass by the "average age" myth without saying something.

    If we look again at the estimated maximum life expectancy for prehistoric humans, which is 35 years, we can see that this does not mean that the average person living at this time died at the age of 35. Rather, it means that for every child that died in infancy, another person might have lived to be 70. The life expectancy statistic is, therefore, a deeply flawed way to think about the quality of life of our ancient ancestors.

    The truth is that childhood and old age were seriously dangerous in pre-modern times, but people who lived to be 15 had roughly the same chance of making it to 60 that we do today.
  13. Hold the Line

    Hold the Line Fapstronaut

    Doing pretty good on the streak so far, hope to get more and more days without even having a hard time, i really hope that WHEN the urges hit, because its not a IF, i will be strong enough to push through and resist, i hope to get out of this mental prison, and hope to have a better, fulfilling life.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    this guy...puberty start at 11 yet the human body does not become fully mature physically until 18, you get a girl pregnant before that she will likely have a miscarriage and other long term health effect. And most of the things "normal" guys find attractive in women is not there yet at 11.
    Glossi3r and HelperX like this.
  15. ProminentPosterior

    ProminentPosterior Fapstronaut

    At the risk of going off-topic, yea that is something a lot of people don’t understand. Those that survived into adolescence and adulthood were the cream of the crop of human genetics, so they were long-lived and healthy, with greater physical activity to boot.
    Dares Greeneye likes this.
  16. Jeremybeans

    Jeremybeans Fapstronaut


    Babies used to come around 13 - 14yrs old, with regularity.

    I'm not condoning fucking - much less getting them pregnant - 11 year old girls. Or even 13/14 year old girls. Or any girl who is legally underage.

    It was all right there in the words written.

    And humans keep developing into their early 20s.
    Controller69 likes this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    yeah back when 80% of kids did not survive infancy, i do not want to dig through whole lotta research but a very quick google search show me that miscarriage affect especially girls under 15. And beside what does a 12 years old girl know about raising a child when she is practically one herself?
  18. rebootingtome

    rebootingtome Fapstronaut

    Online dating websites have reams of data showing that many (probably most) men continue to find 18 year olds very attractive throughout their lives. Many find 18 year olds are on average more attractive than women over age 18. Women over age 18 don't like it, but it's normal. Even 17 year olds have won the Miss America competition... and that's the youngest age allowed to compete.

    I've taught high school freshmen. In terms of size, gross anatomical features, etc, the more mature looking 14 year old girls are basically indistinguishable from 18 year olds. Finding the "early bloomers" similarly attractive to 18 year olds is therefore also not a sign that something is wrong with you psychologically. (There's a reason the term "jailbait" has kept in circulation.) It's less common for 14 year old guys to look like 18 year olds, because of the combination of size and facial hair required, but that happens, too. Most "early bloomer" 14 year olds aren't actually fully mature, but most of the remaining changes aren't very visible from the outside (e.g., brain development).

    That's ordinary human maturation patterns and a massive caloric surplus for you. Of course, you shouldn't try to get with 14 year olds for a long list of reasons that have nothing to do with their physical appearance, but that's what that is.

    Now, if you find 14 year olds more attractive than 18 year olds as a group, as opposed to finding some 14 year olds disturbingly attractive, that may be a sign of some psychological issues.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2021
    Tannhauser and Cyberpunk3000 like this.
  19. ProminentPosterior

    ProminentPosterior Fapstronaut

    That’s mostly because of more abundant food availability
    Akbarmagnus likes this.
  20. Jeremybeans

    Jeremybeans Fapstronaut


    You're focused on the wrong thing.