Took me a long time to realise I'm addicted

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Sep 21, 2021.

  1. I just want to change . I've struggled with porn addiction for almost 7 years now. It's a real problem for me. It affects how I feel about myself and how I see women . It reinforces negative stereotypes in my head . I've probably missed out on many opportunities due to my lack of self control . I just want to be free. I want to be in control . I'm such a loser but I am willing to make a change.
  2. Hachiro

    Hachiro Fapstronaut

    You've already took a large step in realising it.

    The next steps are to admit that we are powerless. Left to our own devices, we cannot beat the addiction.

    From there the recovery begins. Many valuable resources out there. Happy to help you as well.
  3. Thanks so much friend . I've tried so many times to stop by myself . I recognise I need help . If this was hard drugs or alcohol I would probably be classified as a disfunctioning member of society . I have meaningful hobbies but PMO has always been my outlet of stress . If this forum can help me , I would be so grateful. I don't have any friends so if I can at least be accountable here that's worth the effort of posting.
    Thank you.
  4. Julian Baker

    Julian Baker Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hi Outandaway,

    I LOVE everything you had to say about yourself, up until the point that you said that were a "loser".

    Serioulsy, there is nothing 'loser' about being mentally and emotionally aware of where you are at!

    And the fact that you have found the courage to reach out and seek help by sharing your truth so openly is another prime example of a person who is not just intelligent, but focussed on where they want to get to.

    I know you haven't asked for this, but the one peice of advice I would offer is this: Try and focus on your joy. I know that can seem like an impossibility when you're feeling so low, but when you feel better, I know it'll make more sense. I PROMISE!

    Learn to focus on your joy. Not your pain, or struggles. Try practicing to focus on the things you genuinely want to do. Not what you have to do. If you don't want to genuinely do something, then leave it alone.

    And if you are at that satge in life where you find you have to do certain things that you wish you didn't have to do, then bite your lip, and try hard to find that positive angle. For example; if you are finishing school and you hate it, then focus on the joy that can come your way if you push to get your best grades. just do what ever it takes to find and focus on your JOY!

    Do the things which allow you to breathe easy, and all those things that make you feel at ease and at peace, not those things that stress you out.
    outandaway and E31 like this.
  5. ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved

    ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved Fapstronaut

  6. Julian Baker

    Julian Baker Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Love being here brother. The struggle can be tough at the best of times, and this is what Im trying to focus on during this tough time I'm in.
    outandaway likes this.
  7. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    Being self aware is your ticket to greatness, now we need to pull your self-esteem out of the pit to get there.

    Have a wonderful journey my friend!
    outandaway likes this.
  8. Hachiro

    Hachiro Fapstronaut

    You're not alone man. Everyone on this site has in some way struggled with PMO - otherwise they wouldn't be here. I would definitely recommend finding an accountability partner/someone to share your struggles with and receive feedback. Sharing in my opinion is one of the most helpful things you can do in recovery; the more you internalise your struggles and pain, the greater they seem to become.

    DM me if you ever want to talk.
    outandaway likes this.
  9. MexFighter

    MexFighter Fapstronaut

    Keep figthing the battle!
    outandaway likes this.
  10. R23

    R23 New Fapstronaut

    We are real people talking to you.
    You're gonna make it. This is happening.
    Don't step back by any reasons.
    outandaway likes this.
  11. D'AverageJoe

    D'AverageJoe Fapstronaut

    Welcome, @ outandaway.
    First off, you're not a loser. That's part of what this addiction does to us, it robs us our self-respect.
    I admire you for recognizing your addiction at such an early age. It took me a LOT longer to admit I'm an addict.
    We're all here for the same reason, so keep coming back. We'll get through this!
    outandaway likes this.
  12. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement guys .
    I'm lucky to find a really great online community that are supportive .
    Porn addiction isn't something you can easily find help for offline.
    Thank you .