Is semen retention safe

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by kamado86, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. kamado86

    kamado86 Fapstronaut

    I was just reading an article that said you have to be really careful or it can damage your nervous system if not practised correctly.

    Apparently you have to get the energy moving in different paths by using Taoist methods etc

    I am a bit worried as I just want to abstain from it all for a while but now reading this article on longecity don't know what's the best thing to do
  2. Magor

    Magor Fapstronaut

    Link to article?
  3. SkyDoge

    SkyDoge Fapstronaut

    That sounds like a bunch of BS to me.
    Semen retention is impossible anyway because you'll have a wet dream.
    Why can't you just quit fapping without obsessing over semen like it's your high school science project?
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    You are referring to a belief @kamado86...

    Taoism (sometimes Daoism) is a philosophical, ethical or religious tradition of Chinese origin, or faith of Chinese exemplification, that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (also romanized as Dao). The term Tao means "way", "path", "principle", or "god", and can also be found in Chinese philosophies and religions other than Taoism. In Taoism, however, Tao denotes something that is both the source of, and the force behind, everything that exists.

    Not edging and masturbating to porn helps your brain to heal. But semen retention is unnecessary as @SkyDoge explains above! ^ o_O
  5. Semen retention is still semen retention whether one has a wet dream or not. It doesn't ruin the progress, just the same way wet dreams don't ruin someone doing NoFap.

    The OP didn't expand on this at all and does not understand the context (no offence to the OP), so it's understandable to see this statement as BS. You'd have to fully understand the Taoist text in it's entirety to understand what semen retention actually is, not just reading parts here and there and then labelling it BS.

    There are books out there on Semen retention. It is a fantastic thing and goes deeper than just the simple pleasures of NoFap, although, I do not expect you to seek those books. I'm only mentioning this due to the OP's lack of understanding. It would be ignorant to judge semen retention based on this one thread alone, or others misinformed perception of it. There are many great, unknown pleasures through doing semen retention, which I and many others are experiencing. You could just go onto forums or read success stories about this. They're all there.

    We can't knock things until we have tried it, or until we have at least tried learning some things about it, to get a more accurate documentation on things. No harm in being a bit more open minded about some things.

    Leonzh likes this.
  6. kamado86

    kamado86 Fapstronaut

    Wow how rude are you lot? You are right @AlltheRageBackHome I don't understand it that is why I asked about it. And @SkyDoge isn't nofap basically like semen retention? And I'm hardly obsessing over it am I?
    numpty likes this.
  7. kamado86

    kamado86 Fapstronaut

  8. Just read "Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" by Mantak Chia.

    Don't take other peoples words for things, just read the actual information itself by actual Taoists.
    kamado86 likes this.
  9. | Master Chief |

    | Master Chief | Fapstronaut

    You don't have to give up masturbation for ever, but fapping to porn is not natural and is quite damaging. Edging is also harmful.

    I think the idea is if you hold back your semen regularly enough, that will give you the motivation you need to get laid, so you wont need to fap.

    However, if you're asexual or you just don't like people and don't want to be in a relationship or get laid, occasional masturbation is fine, as long as it's not while opening many tabs of porn on your computer, as well as edging to intensify orgasm.
  10. kamado86

    kamado86 Fapstronaut

    Il be honest the reason I'm doing nofap is because I think I have done myself some damage by fapping regularly for a long time. I just want to know if it's safe to do and if it will help me heal. Plus I don't want to be forever just MOIng on my own quite depressing lol
  11. kamado86

    kamado86 Fapstronaut

  12. cutroot

    cutroot Fapstronaut

    @AlltheRageBackHome - well said, I'm glad someone else chimed in here.

    @kamado86 - I can verify that semen retention practices have their merits. You will have a hard time getting a clear picture by asking here. Too many people write it off as BS without ever looking more closely into the traditions and practices.

    If you really want to learn more and practice safely, you've gotta go on a personal research mission. The information is out there, but it's polluted with misinformation and argumentative banter. So if you care, be patient and diligent and thoughtful, and you'll find what you are looking for.

    As a related aside, if you are concerned about undoing the damage from PMO, and are open minded to things like Taoist philosophy, then you may find the theory behind traditional chinese medicine (TCM) to be helpful. For people with a PMO habit, imho, it is helpful to read about "Essence" (Jing), "Kidney Deficiency Patterns", "Original Qi" (yuan qi), and "Liver Qi Stagnation" (the withdrawal from PMO typically results in Liver-type emotional swings and anger/frustration).

    TCM is a totally different way of thinking about the human body, and I've found it to be quite illuminating. I'd not suggest prescribing your own treatment - it's way better to find a respectable TCM herbalist / acupuncturist and take their advice. They frequently have a much deeper understanding of the intricate interrelationships of the human nervous system / hormonal system / etc.

    Good luck on your journey to recovering health.
  13. kamado86

    kamado86 Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much for the info. I would genuinely love to do that I just find it difficult ESP with my brain fog and stuff but I will look Into it a lot. Do you think then from abstaining from MOIng it will help me or I need to go down a different route. Thanks again for your informative message
  14. IGY

    IGY Guest

    How so?
  15. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    They say that because they (or whoever told them that) are trying to sell books, on-line courses, etc. to teach you how to "move the energy by Taoist methods." Since ancient times, men of the East have taught the methods and benefits of semen retention during intercourse (the Persian imsak, the Indian tantra, and the Chinese tao). The ancients meant well, but without modern scientific understanding of neuro-chemistry and hormones, they could explain powerful sexual forces and feelings only in terms of movement of magical and mystical energies around the body. They didn't know any better, but we do! They practiced semen retention for thousands of years and it didn't harm them. Neither will it harm us--whether we retain semen by avoiding ejaculation or by avoiding sexual activity entirely. The male reproductive system has a wonderful ability to adapt to the level of sexual activity that it does or does not get.

    I can speak knowledgeably because I have read virtually everything on these subjects. Also (before I began NoFap), I seriously practiced edging with semen retention (non-ejaculatory masturbation) for 2½ years. During that time, I got my ejaculation rate down to ten per year with several extended masturbation sessions most days. I can tell you that it did me no physical harm whatsoever, and neither is extended hard-mode no-PMO doing me any harm. On the contrary, it is rewiring my brain to immunize me from the effects of porn. That is very positive.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  16. Good stuff, mate.
  17. kamado86

    kamado86 Fapstronaut

    What are you talking about? Can we just clear this up. Seriously I am really looking to sort my life out. I like to question things and gain understanding and nofap I'm still having trouble understanding it all. I'm sorry if asking a question is so wrong. Maybe I have come across as dumb or whatever you believe but I am not trying to cause problems or make anyone feel bad I was just asking a question that worried me.

    I seriously was shocked at the response I got from a question I am asking to gain a better knowledge of this subject As I am still confused about it all@IGY
    numpty and NoBrainer like this.
  18. cutroot

    cutroot Fapstronaut


    Sure, glad to help. As with anything, it's important that we use our best judgement and take the time to verify other peoples' claims for ourselves. What works for one person may or may not be helpful to another.

    Regarding the PMO abstinence involved in a reboot, I think it's perfectly safe in almost all cases. Unless you've got some type of venereal disease, infection, severe pain, etc. (in which case you should see a doctor asap), you'll be fine. As some others have suggested, it helps to rebalance our neurotransmitters and hormones.

    If you're concerned about the more subtle "energetic" effects that it may have on the nervous system, just take some time every day to sit and relax and do some deep breathing. Most of the more involved traditions would probably suggest this as a starting point anyways. Another option is Tai Chi, or Yoga - both help to balance sympathetic / parasympathetic activity.
  19. Knight Solaire

    Knight Solaire Fapstronaut

    I wasn't saying asking the question was wrong buddy. I just thought telling IGY and SkyDoge they were rude and then not listening to them is wrong. They weren't rude in the least. The rules that people who take nofap seriously are as follows:

    Normal mode

    • No edging (mastubation without orgasm)
    • No porn or porn subs
    • No fantasizing
    • No ogling or objectifying
    • No touching of the genitals unless washing or peeing
    • No mastubation
    • Sex is okay with real women
    Hard mode

    All of the above except you can not orgasm whatsoever. Sexual activity is not permitted

    Lots of people on here want to do something called rationalizing. I'm sorry if you are new and people who are rationalizing are already trying to get to you. Semen retention on nofap is when we do hard mode. Not some taoist method of sexual transmutation. We are here to get over a serious addiction and people are trying to "transmute" there energy by edge. This is not the way to go buddy.
    wildwood likes this.
  20. cutroot

    cutroot Fapstronaut

    I should apologize, since my phrasing was pretty strong here. I didn't mean to offend, and ought have expressed my opinion in a more neutral / respectful way.

    Best wishes friends.
    kamado86 likes this.