Collection of HABITS

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Xavier02, Nov 15, 2021.

  1. Xavier02

    Xavier02 Fapstronaut

    This is a open thread to accumulate helpful habits to free yourself from porn and your own habits that you think are the most important for you in generell.

    Feel free to post your habits or you think we can share or collect helpful habits in a effective way. ( e.g. do you think its better to write only a few and most important habits or a longer list with all habits that you do and consider good)

    I'll start with mine:
    • meditation ( I personally do "vipassana"-meditation; you just focus on your in- and exhale and observe yoursef without judging)
    • weekly habittracker
    • weekly self-reflection and evaluation of the habittracker
    • planning my day daily
    • some form of excersice
    • I try to be outside in nature daily ( but I usually didn't manage do to it)
    • clear sleeping scedule ( wake up and sleep around the same time +/- 1 hour)
    • I do cold shower if I take one
    DeterminedRebooter likes this.
  2. Cirilla

    Cirilla Guest

    Here's a few selected ones I gathered from an online resource, always on the back of my mind. Disclaimer, it's all taken from an article I didn't write any of those, I just gathered the ones I found relevant
    1. If you sit much of the day, stand up from your desk every 30 minutes and do 5 minutes of movement.
    2. Stretch for 5 minutes first thing in the morning or after your shower.
    3. Perform a specific number of squats every morning before your shower.
    4. Drink an 8 ounce glass of water first thing in the morning.
    5. Drink a cup of green or white tea every day.
    6. Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. Consider having it only on weekends.
    7. Take 5 minutes a day to contemplate everything you are grateful for.
    8. Write down positive affirmations about the way you want your day or a particular situation to unfold and say them out loud to yourself in the morning.
    9. Take up a mentally challenging hobby like crossword puzzles, Suduko, or other brain games to keep your brain active.
    10. Begin a practice of morning or evening meditation, prayer, or contemplation, starting with just five minutes a day.
    11. At defined times during your workday (mid-morning, after lunch, late afternoon), take five minutes to close your eyes and practice diaphragmatic breathing.
    12. Write a vision for who you want to be and how you want to live, and take one action a day to make the vision real.
    13. Begin to let go of attachments to material things by giving away or throwing away things every day.
    14. Take an hour a day to simplify everything in your house. Clear out clutter, give away what you no longer use or need, organize rooms and closets.
    15. Write down three main goals for the day and begin with the most difficult or challenging first.
    16. When you begin working on a project or task, set a timer for 30 minutes or an hour, and work non-stop until the timer goes off.
    17. Determine your most productive time of day, and schedule your tasks accordingly.
    18. Develop the habit of removing distractions when you work. Turn off your phone, clear your desk, close browsers on your computer, close your door, etc.
    19. Practice batching similar tasks together, such as making all of your calls or responding to emails at the same time.
    20. Begin the habit of waking up earlier each morning. Start with just 5 minutes earlier and work up to an hour over a few weeks.
    21. Set daily, weekly, and monthly deadlines for completing tasks and goals.
    22. When you have big goals to accomplish, break them down into smaller tasks or habits and work on them one by one.
    23. Create accountability and incentive by announcing your goals and tasks to other people and report back to them when you complete the task or goal.
    24. Decide the position or job you want and what it takes to get there. Take one action a day toward making it happen.
    25. Brainstorm 10-20 things that would increase revenue, make your boss's job easier, or decrease expenses and begin implementing them or sharing your ideas.
    26. Continue to develop and enhance your knowledge and skills outside of work to support your career goals.
    27. Work on your resume for 15-30 minutes a day until it is ready for prime time.
    28. Take up learning a new language and spend time every day working through a language program.
    29. Challenge yourself to become more proficient and comfortable with computer technology and learn a new skill daily.
    30. Take online guitar lessons and practice the guitar for 30 minutes to an hour a day.
    31. Complete a course or book on money management or investing.
    32. Make a list of basic skills you don't know (like changing a tire, building a fire, remembering names, etc.) and tackle one every day.
    33. Research what it takes to start a business, and take a few actions a day to get your own business off the ground.
    34. Take care of your personal appearance every day. Dress nicely, get your hair styled, put on make-up, and groom yourself well. When you look your best, you feel more self-confident.
    35. Determine an area of weakness you would like to improve upon and take daily action for improvement.
    36. Enforce or create the habit of getting enough sleep. Start going to bed 15 minutes earlier a night and add to that time over the next few weeks until you are getting the optimal amount of sleep.
    37. When you prepare a meal, get in the habit of putting things away as you use them and clean as you go.
    38. Create a consistent bedtime ritual to prepare yourself for a good night's sleep.
    39. Mindfully decide how much money you want to save each month, and put aside a specific amount toward savings daily or weekly.
    40. Decide to cut back on purchasing a Starbucks drink, and put that money in a jar each day instead.
    41. Set aside an hour each day for simple fun and relaxation.
    42. Take a 15-minute technology break every day where no one can reach you or disturb you.
    DeterminedRebooter and Xavier02 like this.
  3. Xavier02

    Xavier02 Fapstronaut

    Wow that's quite a lot of habits you' ve collected. Which ones are you doing right now?
    DeterminedRebooter and V∧DΞR like this.
  4. Cirilla

    Cirilla Guest

    I'll be honest with you, this list I shared is all of the habits I'm still planning to establish haha.

    The daily habits I've put in place for now are to drink 2L of water a day, eat one portion of fruit, two portions of vegetables including a green one, completing all my 3 rings on my Apple Watch, emptying my computer downloads folder, taking vitamins and medication, emptying my Notes, emptying my YouTube download folder, improving my Notion, emptying my iPhone camera roll, emptying my Spotify favourites, inbox zero on Gmail, Outlook, Instagram and Messenger, checking all of my tasks on Todoist, checking my calendar items, prioritising my tasks on Todoist, making my bed, waking up before 9am, praying, completing Habitica, brushing my teeth, flossing, washing my face and moisturising, completing Weward and charging my Watch. Quite a few :)

    I also have a few habits I reward myself for exclusively on Habitica:
    _ 1 korok on BOTW
    _ working on font (one point per font worked on)
    _ everytime I purchase water instead of soda or alcohol
    _ everytime I meditate
    _ 1 point for each 0.5L of water drank
    _ 1 asmr video
    _ 1 YouTube video
    _ 1 point per inbox zero
    _ 1 point per day without alcohol
    _ 1 point per 30mins of exercise done on the Watch
    _ 1 point per portion of vegetables
    _ 1 point per portion of fruits
    _ 1 point per 30mins of work increments
    _ 1 point everytime I reach 200% calories on the Watch.

    Hope that gives ideas :)

    I also recommend the Get Things Done weekly review!
    DeterminedRebooter likes this.
  5. Xavier02

    Xavier02 Fapstronaut

    Okay that's cool. I also think that a weekly review is a good idea. I'm using a weekly habittracker and review them on saturday together with self-reflection of the week.
    DeterminedRebooter likes this.