
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Jae, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Abomb16

    Abomb16 Fapstronaut

    You posted this just as I put up my other response. In response to this your latest post. The Devil wants to harm you, to have you suffer with him and his demons for all eternity, because he is, for lack of a better phrase, a sadistic prick. He's going to suffer and burn for all eternity and he wants as many people as possible there with him.
  2. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    43 dude.
    We have been fooled by priests for years that hell is a horrible place and there is nothing but torment down fact Devil is our friend he wants what is the best for us both here and in hell, I will drink my wine served by the queen bitch of the hell itself 70 years in the future.
  3. Abomb16

    Abomb16 Fapstronaut

    I take it you've never read the Bible. Matthew 13:49-50, So shall it be at the end of the world: the angles shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
    You won't be having a good time, drinking wine, in Hell. You'll be looking up at Heaven, at all of the people up there, who tried to point you in the right direction, point you towards God, and you will beg God to let one of them come down and give you just a single drop of water(Luke 16:19-31).

    Also just going to put this out there, not all denominations have priests. Most have preachers or pastors.
  4. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    How do I know that the Bible is the real word of God? How do I know that 2000 years ago some fallible men like me, you and everyone else didnt just wtite a book with no divine inspiration and then we were fooled by the church that this is the word of God?
  5. Abomb16

    Abomb16 Fapstronaut

    Throughout the Bible there are references to things that were not known to man at the time of it's writing. For instance there are many passages in the Bible that say that the stars are innumerable, some over a thousand years before the telescope was invented. In Isaiah 40:22, written around the 8th century B.C., there is a reference to the earth being round, two centuries before Pythagoras proposed the theory. Also in Job 38:31 God asks Job if he can loosen Orions belt. Due to proper motion the stars in the belt are slowly moving apart. There are many more things like this if you take the time to search them out. It might not convince you, but it does a mighty fine job of reassuring me.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
    Jae likes this.
  6. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    There are just as many things in the Bible that were flat out wrong and science proved this, things like the earth is the center of the universe and the sun is moving around the know what happened to Gallileo when he proved bible wrong couple of hundreads of years ago, right?
    If not, google it.

    The fact that the stars are innumerable is not something that couldn't have been know at the time, you need nothing more that your eyes and a clear night sky...they looked up and saw how many starts are there and assumed that are infinite but they can't see them. You need no divine knowledge for that.

    How about the time when God commanded to Sun to stay still, lol? Wasn't God supposed to know that the Earth is the one moving around the Sun not vice-versa?
    Right the earth being round like a plate, there is a bid difference between spherical (like a ball) and round (like a plate).
    The Bible also says that the Earth stand on pillows, but you will tell me this is a methapor...but why cant I tell you that every example you give me is also metaphorical so it doesn't count.

    Anyone can convince me of anything if he brings logic and evidence to the table...otherwise we should all believe everything because there must be faith...
  7. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Huh? Where does it say the sun is moving around the earth? :confused:
  8. Abomb16

    Abomb16 Fapstronaut

    I'll let you have the stars being innumerable. Also from now on would you please give references for what you get out of the Bible. Makes it easier all around.

    For the sun standing still, note that in Joshua 10:12 it's not God saying for the sun to stay still, it's Joshua. Also note that the Bible, while the Word of God, is nevertheless transcribed by human beings. There are still people around today who think the sun revolves around the earth.

    Now onto the matter of the earth being on pillars(which I assume you meant) Job 26:7 says "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place and hangeth the earth on nothing".

    As to the diffrence between spherical and round, round can mean shaped like a sphere so to argue it is pointless.
  9. Abomb16

    Abomb16 Fapstronaut

    He's going with one possible interpretation. The passage he referenced is Joshua 10.
  10. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    If the Earth is the center of the Universe then obviously it is the Sun that moves around the earth not vice-versa.

    Flat Earth?

    Job 38:13 "That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?"

    Job 11:9 "Their measure is longer than the earth And broader than the sea"
    Spheres don't have length...

    Proverbs 8:27- "When he prepared the heavens, I was there, When he drew a circle on the face of the deep."
    Isaiah 40:22- It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, And it's inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, And spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.

    This is a circle, not a sphere, according to this passages the Earth looks like a pizza.

    The Earth that is standing still:

    Job 38:4"Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding."
    Job 38:6"Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;"

    "The Lord reigns, he is clothed with majesty; The Lord is clothed, He has girded Himself with strength. Surely the world is established so that it cannot be moved."

    Moon has its own light...

    Genesis 1:16 "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also."

    "moon shall not cause her light to shine"

    Do I need to mention where the Bible states that Earth came before the Sun?

    The sky is also a solid thing and has support right?

    JOB 26:11 The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof.

    @Abomb16 Ok, if the things written in the Bible are written by fallible men, they are still devinely inspired so this should be not an excuse for their mistakes.

    Bible advises us against washing our hands as far as I remember...should I listen to this as well when they tell me about masturbation?
  11. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Haha, nicely done ;)
    I knew somebody IRL who loved doing stuff like that.

    The Bible does have great advice as far as hygiene, goes, though. There's a reason the Jews weren't affected by the Plague.
  12. JethroTull

    JethroTull Fapstronaut

    MO can be a portal to true beauty and self love, or a gate to dark places of sadness and narcissism. MO in and of itself isn't bad OR good. In the same way that knives aren't good or bad but they can be excellent kitchen tools or murder weapons.

    I think that when MO becomes a compulsion or something that leads you astray from being the best you can be to yourself and others then it's probably worth considering taking control. In the same way that food binging may become compulsive. Alternatively MO may be an essential part to your homeostasis as a person. We are all here for different purposes and at different levels of addiction.

    Even as a Christian I think it's worth taking the bible out of the equation and considering simply and logically the cause and effect of MO. The bible can help you in certain areas, but the real understanding has to come from within. Jesus came to make us think for ourselves in the context of love for God and our neighbour. I like to think of the parable of the man who wanted to know how to reach heaven and Jesus said "give up all your possessions and follow me". This doesn't mean we all need to give up our possessions - but what are we scared of giving up that is the block to is experiencing God's presence?

    TL;DR: only you can know of MO isn't good for you, but it is neither good or bad as a thing on its own. The Bible is an essential guide in the Christian faith, but let the understanding come from your own brain.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    Are you a philosopher or something?
    JethroTull likes this.
  14. GodIsLove

    GodIsLove Fapstronaut

    Man masturbation wouldn't be Bad if you wouldn't cheat your brain with woman which isn't your wife, un other words you cant fap on thinking about morning sunshine on blueberries.
  15. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    Wow...wait a Jae married with a woman?
    @Jae do you have any confessions to make?
  16. GodIsLove

    GodIsLove Fapstronaut

    Meaning of wife was "why would you need to fap if you are married?"
  17. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    I am not getting it.
  18. GodIsLove

    GodIsLove Fapstronaut

    If you are married, you mostly have regularry sex with your wife. Why would you fap instead?
  19. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    I don't know just ask the hundreds of married guys around here...
  20. GodIsLove

    GodIsLove Fapstronaut

    Question was for you to understand how stupid it would be...