retaining motivation during recovery

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by rentzdan000, Dec 10, 2021.

  1. rentzdan000

    rentzdan000 Fapstronaut

    Hey fellas,

    So I believe Ive discovered the underlying problem of why I struggle to retain a streak longer than a couple days. It seems my motivation & all runs thin after a day or two into it w/ me saying, "Just this one time will be alright." & not being able to remind myself of what the real struggle truly is & what im suffering from w/ it. I got PIED & all kinds of problems have arisen from this yet i tend to forget a day or two after a streak. Any advice out there for how i could retain that motivation & stay on top of this w/o relapsing so constantly, being able to remind myself right before relapse what the struggle truly is so i dont turn so suddenly on PMO zombie mode & am able to stay much more persistent in this battle? Also B/c it seems each time this occurs i throw all coping strategies out the window & go straight for the drug. i appreciate all input.
  2. Whiteghost

    Whiteghost Fapstronaut

    I hope this can help a little. Whenever I have an urge, I refocus on something or someone else and make sure whatever or whomever it is, they are real life and not fake. Remember that fake love destroys real love every time for me, stay strong and as I always say, if you don't like what you are watching or listening to, Change the channel!!