Make the most of your winter

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by BravelyKegger, Dec 26, 2021.

  1. To put it simply, being cold is a choice. I am one of those "crazy" people you see who will walk around in a tank-top in freezing cold weather, if you are interested in the mindset of people such as me then stick around and I will tell you how you to can do it. It all started many years ago at a basketball game, it was freezing cold and windy out and I was shivering badly. Out of nowhere, the thought hit me, "why am I so cold"? Almost instantaneously I stopped shaking and was present in the moment completely, I had learned at that moment that being cold is a choice and it is all in your head. We as humans tend to go through the thoughtless motions when it comes to seasons and what attire we wear, when it is hot we wear less, when it is cold we wear more, it does not have to be that way. I strongly recommend cold showers for building your tolerance to the cold, they greatly helped me I strongly believe, I 100% believe being cold is all in your head and you are only hurting yourself by trying to fight it, learn to embrace the cold, and let it forge you into a stronger person capable of handling anything thrown at you.
    SuperBaowi and Quezatolah like this.
  2. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    You’re right man, you know what else is a choice? Getting wet when it rains. It’s all in your head bro.
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  3. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    And what do you believe about pneumonia; hypothermia; frostbite etc. :rolleyes:
  4. I thought about mentioning stuff like that but I figured people would know by default there are limits to what you can withstand.
  5. Yah I am not saying you can go to the artic and swim naked and be fine but what I am saying is you can train your body to handle a lot more then you think and your body will adapt.
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  6. That is not my point and you know it, it is not about getting wet it is about how you handle it.
  7. Watanabe

    Watanabe Fapstronaut
