Blocking accounts on Twitter

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by ifthisislove, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    Have a question:

    Just spent the last 20 minutes or so blocking porn accounts on Twitter and won't lie - got aroused as I was doing so even though I blocked them. Though there was P involved while blocking these accounts, it was a necessary evil. I didn't M or O however. Can I keep my streak? I'm being as honest as I can with you too.
  2. raging_manatee

    raging_manatee Fapstronaut

    I had to do this on day 11 of my last streak. Unfortunately it did cause me to MO so I started over.

    I agree that this is a necessary evil. In my opinion as long as you didn't MO and kept your mind in a good place while blocking accounts (thinking about why you are doing noFap), then its ok to keep going. You didn't look at the accounts with the intention of MO'ing. You looked at them with the intention of preventing urges in the future.

    Congrats on the self-control. You are a better man than I.
    ifthisislove likes this.
  3. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the support and also that's good - such a relief. Every so often there would be pics but I blocked every account I needed to.

    I think I need to stay here for a while as a sanctuary, so as to not get tempted.
  4. raging_manatee

    raging_manatee Fapstronaut

    Yup, browsing noFap definitely rekindles motivation. I find the best way to cleanse the mind is just to shut down the computer altogether for a few hours, go into a different room and find a project or activity to do. Think about your goals and making them top priority again, also read through a written list of why you are doing noFap. Very powerful.
  5. Sign of the Times

    Sign of the Times Fapstronaut

    I had to get rid of Twitter completely cause porn is way to easy to find on it. I also had to do the same with you tube and facebook. So far this has proven to be going quite well for me.
    Thechosenone likes this.
  6. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    I would get rid of Twitter, but because of the nature of my work (I'm a freelance journalist/writer) it's pretty necessary that I have an account.

    I find that I'm far, far less aroused or finding triggers on Facebook or YouTube though. The former I kinda need to keep in touch with family and friends. Plus building my networks..
  7. Sign of the Times

    Sign of the Times Fapstronaut

    I totally get that. I understand the usefulness of social media as a tool for many in the digital age. For those working in the dissemination of information quickly and efficiently it can be invaluable. But for many (and I was one) it was an absolute waste of my time. Distracting me from other more important things. Its amazing the process to delete face book is like completing a maze! This stuff is new too and it remains to be seen how all of this is going to play out for some people in society. I personally think it has the capacity to dumb people down and make them less likely to think for themselves. But again I totally understand your position as a writer would entail being connected to these platforms.
    ifthisislove likes this.
  8. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    We live in an information age. Never before in the history of mankind has there ever been accessible knowledge at the reach of our fingertips. I'm pretty sure that you could obtain all the info needed for a degree on Wikipedia. But what we do with that knowledge and social aspect of Facebook and so on, is like using the Matrix red pill, blue pill analogy. I think in the near future, you'll start to see Facebook defragment into separate entities, like you're seeing now with their messenger app - you can use it on your phone without the need for an FB account whatsoever.

    In other news, I relapsed last night for 2 reasons: 1) I was out with a friend for dinner and he showed me pictures of girls on his phone - really unhelpful. 2) whilst blocking, my brain tricked me into peeking and I fell for it. I'm so angry because I have an interview and test for a REALLY REALLY important course I want to enrol myself in.
    Thechosenone likes this.
  9. Sign of the Times

    Sign of the Times Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear about that man. How many attempts have you done so far? My best is a meager 9.5 days and I struggle to get past that which is somewhat worrying. Just dust yourself off and get back into it you will be fine.
  10. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    I've had a few attempts. My best so far is 31 days. I actually feel positive and okay right now despite everything. I don't feel like shit, I'm not anxious, no self-doubt either. I put all that down to meditation for 10 minutes each day and I wholeheartedly recommend it. I no longer put too much pressure, neither am I hard on myself. I do however feel lazy and lethargic. I just get this feeling also that I am SO SO close to cracking this and completing 90 days.

    Tomorrow is such a big day. I'm being interviewed for a course and test on Multimedia Journalism in order to land a job at a newspaper or magazine. I do not want to blow this opportunity away..
  11. Sign of the Times

    Sign of the Times Fapstronaut

    Hey I can empathize man truly I can. I was recently looking for work and before going to interviews I would act out because I was nervous and stressed. Then I would get to the interview and not be my best self (confident and assertive etc). It is so paradoxical! We do it to thinking it will make us feel better (and maybe in the short term we delude ourselves that it does) but then we remember we have our lives to live and our best selves to show off to the world. If I could make a suggestion? Before going to your interview, draw on your experience from when you did your 31 days and try to convince your mind that that is where it is. Visualization and all that stuff. Maybe it could be tricked? But yeah I know the feeling. Its awful. Good luck despite that though and remember that just by being on a site such as this and engaging in abstaining you are a credit to mankind in general.
    ifthisislove likes this.
  12. ifthisislove

    ifthisislove Fapstronaut

    I think I will do some meditation, then get on with some work to keep myself busy and do some prep for tomorrow.