The Second Super Saiyan Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Thadeus Tuffington, Jan 8, 2022.

  1. Done with day 6 and currently on day 7. Brains been annoying today but I can get through this!
    Uvuvwevwevwe likes this.
  2. Day 0 relapsed
    I’ll try much harder this time. 7 days has been the longest I’ve gone in awhile. Just fell back into it, not giving up though. Just leaving snake way and landing next to King Kai to start training again!
    Uvuvwevwevwe likes this.
  3. Uvuvwevwevwe

    Uvuvwevwevwe Fapstronaut

    Keep moving forward!
    Even if you fall 7 times, you'll stand up 8. Don't lose the spirit, keep getting back up. Learn from this and grow stronger! :)

    Day 57
    I survived the flatline, I was fortunate enough that the mere sexual dreams and porn flashbacks failed to destroy me. Life is slowly starting to be more balanced, but I'm prepared for the worst because life was never fair and that's an exciting adventure for me!

    Memento Mori
    Amor Fati

    "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;" - 1 Peter 2:11
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2022
  4. Uvuvwevwevwe

    Uvuvwevwevwe Fapstronaut

    Keep moving forward everyone. I reached day 60 for the first time in years, I'm happy but I can't stop now. Job's not done!
    V∧DΞR likes this.
  5. Day 0 relapse

    Congrats man, I am inspired by your success.
    Uvuvwevwevwe likes this.
  6. Uvuvwevwevwe

    Uvuvwevwevwe Fapstronaut

    Glad I could help! Remember do not feel discouraged. Mistakes are stepping stones towards success, you can either let failure define you, destroy you or strengthen you. Return stronger and wiser, you can do it!

    Day 62, so far today was wonderful and it was quite productive. "Female attraction" starting to appear but I pay little attention to it, don't care stay hard lol :confused:
    Tunnel vision all the way
    "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;" 1 Peter 2:11
    Job's not done, keep moving forward, silence the noise, and kill the distractions.
    Baki Hanma likes this.
  7. Uvuvwevwevwe

    Uvuvwevwevwe Fapstronaut

    day 65, I had a really bizarre and sensual sexual dream, so I took a cold shower not long after I woke up. I don't have time to worry about dreams like that. We suffer more in imagination than in reality, so I'm all good. Stay strong!
    Job's not done.
    "Beloved, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from the desires of the flesh, which war against your soul." 1 Peter 2:11

    You and everyone you know are going to die one day. Are you going to die with pride and without shame or are you going to die pathetically whining on your deathbed about how you could have lived your life better?
    Stay Hard!
    Have tunnel vision, don't let the world distract you. What do you truly desire? Remember, tempus fugit.
    Thadeus Tuffington likes this.
  8. Uvuvwevwevwe

    Uvuvwevwevwe Fapstronaut

    Day 66, yet another sexual dream, anxiety and depressive thoughts are coming back so I didn't get much sleep last night. Screen time increased today because I checked my phone for quite a significant amount of time in the morning, so my mind is feeling a little foggy and tired. Overall, this could potentially be another flatline, but I am prepared for this, but really though I don't know why I've been having more of these types of dreams lately.

    "You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength." - Marcus Aurelius
    "Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken." - Psalm 62:6
    Don't give up, Job's not done. Keep moving forward no matter what!
  9. Uvuvwevwevwe

    Uvuvwevwevwe Fapstronaut

    I am going to leave this forum for a while. I feel an intense hunger and drive to be better, it is drastically building up, but I really don't know where to start going all out in my life. Going on monk mode to kill all distractions. Keep moving forward!

    Thadeus Tuffington likes this.