Are we ignorant of the root cause of PMO?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by jcl1990, Apr 10, 2022.

  1. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Is the real reason we do PMO because we want to embrace the feminine and touch the feminine and feel the feminine energy?

    Should this no longer be viewed as a battle of good versus evil, but as a state of ignorance..:

    For example, I sit here, and desire a woman. So I turn on the computer and access the female sexual energy from the computer screen.

    What if somehow balancing the male/female energy within us is all we need to rid ourselves of this PMO “addiction”…

    Perhaps the true reason for PMO: we want the female energy.

    So instead, if no girlfriend or wife is present, we must access it within ourselves. How this looks and how to do it, I do not know. But maybe this is a better perspective than calling PMO “evil”. Instead, we are just imbalanced. Maybe?

    But then the question, why do we feel bad after PMO?

    It is because PMO is a false substitute for feminine sexual energy. So it’s like we are eating fake, processed food. It may satisfy us at first, but then we feel bad after, just like a big meal at a fast food place
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2022
    Assyrian and Leon12 like this.
  2. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Nah, I do not see that at all.

    First of all, the most common reason for relapses are nothing to do with sex. They mostly happen because of negative emotions and circumstances. It is a maladaptive coping mechanism.

    Secondly, gay PMO addicts are not trying to access female energy. o_O
    Kieran2121 and Puretim like this.
  3. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Some good points. But when PMO or MO first started when we were younger, we were mostly ignorant of sexuality at that time. And then yea, over time, we would turn to PMO when under stress, but this could be seen as just another aspect of our sexual ignorance being used to try to fix other things in life.

    As far as gay PMO addicts, I don’t know much about this, so I won’t try to respond
  4. The last sentence I do agree upon it. Also don't forget how pmo destroy our brain chemicals or pathways overtime. Back in the days when I was doing pmo heavily, I was a bit naive thinking it wasn't a big deal till I was trying to quit. Despite wanting to quit, the addiction was too deep n too far. So it still taking me a lot of time with severe and harsh withdrawals to return to normal.
  5. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Those are some good points you make. I just wonder though if there are too many scientific explanations for something that is at its root an “energy problem”.

    Say, for example, a PMO addict went to a recovery retreat where he was given massages and hugs and a lot of sweet talk from women. Also some making out and even some sex. My guess is that this form of “therapy” would be very effective

    No such therapy program exists though
  6. To be honest, I have no clue how you even thought to theorize this.
    jcl1990 likes this.
  7. Davyfreedom

    Davyfreedom Fapstronaut

  8. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    I was watching YouTube videos about Sadhguru talking about Shiva. Then the idea came to me
  9. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Well, I view the plate I eat my food on as an object. I don’t look at women as a plate. Also, I think men want to give women sexual pleasure as well. It’s not just a one sided thing like using a woman as a masturbation device. I truly don’t believe the majority of PMO addicts think of women that way
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  10. I've thought about this general idea before, but I think there needs to be some qualifications.

    First of all, once you escalate into all kinds of genres of porn and so on you or your mind has strayed far away from the simple male/female balance dynamic, all kinds of weird associations, fetishes etc. enter into the picture. If nothing else this should tell us knowing the cause itself won't necessarily clean up our system on whatever level because the delusion becomes very complicated.

    And your idea of going on retreat where you get massages and hugs and so forth has a couple of issues. One is it is very easy to conflate sensual with sexual, strictly speaking what is sensual is just "of the senses" and while that is closer to the nurturing aspect of the feminine, it is not sexual in and of itself. Another thing is you're getting this from outside yourself and from other people, if the goal is to balance the energy within oneself then it would be a matter of doing some kind of practice and working on yourself.

    When people talk about the male/female energies it is rather vague, but it should be noted that it doesn't necessarily have to do with sex. Nurturing is a feminine quality but it may not involve any kind of sex at all. And it's tricky to talk about this in terms of sensual nurturing like massage because for many men it has probably been deeply ingrained that it is about sex and people who get a massage at a spa will ask for women, even though once they get to a point where they basically need corrective therapeutic care there is no guarantee someone without the training can resolve the issue they may still be biased towards going to a woman while in pain. But at a certain point of course people come to their senses, but in that case it is likely they shift gears and look at the body in terms of the mechanics and then it's looked at mechanistically and not in terms of nurturing in any way.

    Finally "balance" is a very different idea than integration. The former has this implication like it's a 50/50 thing or something, whereas integration is more about working together as a coherent whole. So yes in a very general sense you can say it's a lack of one side, but then there's the more complicated and nuanced question of whether the two sides are communicating with each other. This is of course as much an intrapersonal issue as it is interpersonal, we just see it played out with relationships on a visible level whereas without really good psychological awareness one would probably not notice the details in themselves.
    jcl1990 likes this.
  11. Davyfreedom

    Davyfreedom Fapstronaut

    Men who watch porn are naturally objectifying the woman's body. In order to stop objectifying their body you need to start looking at them as a person with feelings and who also desires connection other than just sexual relations.
  12. If you consider the idea of objectification itself, whether sexual or otherwise then a lot of our behavior and use of language reveals we objectify all sorts of things just because we relate to them as physical. This is interesting to contrast your original idea of looking at it in terms of energy. All porn involves media that depicts the object of the human body doing different things, whereas the energy involved starts way before that. Whether it's PMO or seeing someone on the street, or just thinking about sex in some way actually is probably the best example, the energetic movement has happened and there's just an inclination to act out on a physical level, but you already feel the way you do and the associated thinking is already in your mind.

    In that sense it's more about the awareness of whatever pattern of energy is in your mind or what you come across. Basically the pattern is mind->energy->physical behavior right? So identification with physical nurturing reflects the awareness is focused on that level instead of from the beginning.
    jcl1990 likes this.
  13. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Men who watch porn feel a lack of something inside of them, they turn to porn out of ignorance and habitual accumulation of this ignorance. Sex is not a bad thing and not something we “take” from women.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  14. Davyfreedom

    Davyfreedom Fapstronaut

    Who said sex was a bad thing? We were talking about pmo, which is an addiction to objectifying the female body.
  15. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    For sure, I just meant as far as your statement about women desiring connection and not just sexual connection. Are you a Christian by any chance? I am writing from more of a Eastern/Hindu mindset right now, it seems these ways of thinking always contradict with the Western/Christian way of thinking.
  16. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    For sure, these are all good thoughts and perspectives. I was just talking about in relation to that previous comment. But yes, overwhelmingly the goal would be to "balance" out without any sort of outside help. I 100% agree.

    And yea, my initial post, I was just talking about viewing things from a different starting point. My thought process while writing the main post was from an Eastern/Hindu perspective, or at least my view of it at that particular moment in time.

    And yea, as far as actually balancing this "energy" out... I have no idea. For years of my life I have been basically brainwashed to think from the Western/Christian perspective, so to see things in a different way is all brand new. For this reason, maybe this is why meditation is so hard for me and feels so unnatural. Also, viewing things in the "good/evil" dynamic... is also a very Western mindset...
  17. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Yea, you are much more aware of these thought processes than me. I just wrote my initial post because it was a fresh idea that just came to me. But I guess what I really mean is, that to maintain the mindset that when you are feeling sexual desire, it is because of yourself wanting to feel the feminine energy, and a desire for the feminine energy. And to see things from this perspective as the "truth" versus the Western idea that you are having "sinful thoughts".
  18. Davyfreedom

    Davyfreedom Fapstronaut

    I don't really like identifying with any belief actually. I guess you could say I'm an Universalist. Every faith has a bit of truth in it. Both Western and Eastern beliefs are meaningful to me. I can see why you viewed my post as such, but I understand where you are coming from.
    jcl1990 likes this.
  19. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    For sure, yea I can see your points as well, I just have bad memories of being "talked down to" at Christian churches in the past and being told I am "sinful" for my sexual desire. So I sort of am trying to change course on my thinking, or at least I am today
    Davyfreedom likes this.
  20. Leon12

    Leon12 Fapstronaut

    I agree brother, most of us have PMO'ed in because we crave the feminine, and that's completely natural.

    But my theory is that most people that really get hooked deep and "Nice guys with low self esteem" in my opinion this is the population that suffers more long term effects of porn that any other population. Porn because sort of an escape from the "Ugly reality, that girls are beyond their reach" so they go the easy way route, and how can you blame them.

    Stress, negative thinking, low self esteem play a big part, and in my opinion are the core motivators behind PMO'ing.

    There is also the lack of patience for a serious relationship and lust for instant gratification.
    jcl1990 and Freeddom_Taker like this.