I'm ugly, no girl wants me

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by zeke27, May 19, 2022.

  1. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    it's time for me to accept the truth and stop suffering, honestly, I can't anymore, I accept it, no one wants to be with someone like me, when I accept this, I will stop suffering.
    @rm0uR and rakis like this.
  2. desmond3

    desmond3 Fapstronaut

    Same here bro. I believe PMO addiction plays a big part. I miss my clear skin and cute face when I was a kid. I started to have severe acne and big pores since 12, when I first started PMO. I am now 31 and these skin problems still remain. Any skin-care product I tried didn't work. Now I go NoFap to see if I can cure them, and I think it is very possible. You should try it too.
    Dynamogyan and you_can_UK like this.
  3. La Jolla

    La Jolla Fapstronaut

    If you say "you're ugly, and no girl wants you", stop right there. Saying these types of things to yourself will become a self-fulfilling prophesy, and then no girl WILL want to be with you. Do you know what many women value more than appearance and good looks? Confidence. Women want a confident man. Browse a dating app and notice how many women want a confident and decisive man.

    I was in Las Vegas a few months back and I saw several couples - many of these men had huge bellies and a 3rd chin. These men also had a hot babe hanging on their arm (no, I don't think they were prostitutes). I could also tell these men had a swagger about them. I'm no male model, but I believe I looked better than these men. What I did lack was confidence. I didn't learn this until much later in life. Men are visual - we love looking at the female form.. and we think women are the same way. You could be a chippendales model, but if you lack confidence and have trouble making decisions, that's a big turn off for many women.

    If we spend all our time fapping we will have no confidence in ourselves and it will be evident to the women around us. So stay on the NoFap path and take it one day at a time. You are so young and have your whole life ahead of you. If you don't feel confident among women right now, then fake it until it becomes second nature.
  4. jamesharris2431

    jamesharris2431 Fapstronaut

    What do you think is holding you back from finding someone?
    Dynamogyan and you_can_UK like this.
  5. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    My looks, myself in general, everything about me. No girl shows interest on me, never. My mind is tired of all of this that's been happening since I started to crave a relationship, to be loved, to be valued. It is disappointing when a man is not loved by a any woman, it feels so frustrating, and at the same time discouraging and soul-breaking. I don't even know what to do anymore, I don't know what to think anymore. All this BS of confidence, the mind is powerful, bla bla bla, you attract what you think bla bla, I'm just throwing the towel, I don't know what to do anymore.
    Dynamogyan and you_can_UK like this.
  6. CommonUser

    CommonUser Fapstronaut

    I share your situation. Yes, it is frustrating to simply not be born with what is considered desireable, but after a while, you simply learn to live with it.
    you_can_UK likes this.
  7. Aroma Girl

    Aroma Girl Fapstronaut

    There's so much more to relationships than just looks.. I can't speak for all of womankind, but I know lots of girls who'd pick good personality over good looks any day.. I wish you'll meet people with the insight to let you realise this truth..
    you_can_UK and zeke27 like this.
  8. La Jolla

    La Jolla Fapstronaut

    For some reason you seem to want to discard the advice of well meaning people here.. ok - you say you don't know what to do. I'll give you something simple to do - get out there and do a few hours of volunteer work on a regular basis - pick a charity that is of interest to you. I know, I know, it sounds boring. But this is more than just about helping others, you'll also be helping yourself - you'll improve your social and communication skills, meet new people, get you off of social media and P, but most importantly, you'll stop focusing on yourself and what you perceive to be your problems. Or maybe you think women are going to come knocking on your door, without you doing the heavy lifting.
    you_can_UK likes this.
  9. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    I've put so much effort in this believe, showed interest and nothing.
    you_can_UK likes this.
  10. The world we live in now stresses our minds so greatly and it looks for pleasures like food, comfort etc. We DO have free will to be the best versions of our selves (God created us with purpose). if we have struggled most of our lives, its best to start slow and try new things like taking care of you health (sleep, exercise, food), learning something new, get out in nature more, spend time with yourself and enjoy being alone. When we enjoy being on our own we will attract people who want to spend time with us.
  11. neboczv

    neboczv New Fapstronaut

    Bro, you should clean your gut. I don't know where are you from, but if you have company Siberian Wellness near you, check their antiparasitic program. Helped me a lot. And all that problems you have on your skin is because of toxic gut. Just to be clear, I'm not worker of that company or have any connection with them. Just using their products and I'm very happy with them.
    you_can_UK likes this.
  12. champakchacha

    champakchacha Fapstronaut

    I would say u are not ugly, u just feel like it, fail 100 times but try 101 times. stop PMO,
    atleast go on 15 day streak, go out meet men and women, just try to have conversation regardless of the out come. if you become desperate for relationship, it wont happen, just enjoy ur life get out of your comfort zone, you will find someone soon.
  13. iceman40

    iceman40 Fapstronaut

    I saw you post and I can say that there are a lot of ugly men out there, ugly women too. But somehow they have mated. There are some things that can over come ugliness.
    1. Money. If you have money, you can attract.
    2. Charm. This works every time
    3. Fit body
    4. other stuff
    Look man, there is no such thing as true love. If there was, the US would not a high divorce rate. People stay together for mutual benefits. They need each other either for money, physical or emotional stability, society status (rich marry rich to become richer) and countless of other reasons.

    Traveling helped me truly. I love foreign women, They are very cool and down to earth. So advice from me, make your money and travel and date. Let me know how things go for you. Have fun in life.
    minitasks and you_can_UK like this.
  14. TheLightOne

    TheLightOne Fapstronaut

    I see tons of super ugly males with hot chicks. Look doesnt matter that much man.
  15. Look man, there is a woman for you. You need to build up your life first.
  16. The OP's post is offensive. There are plenty of blind females ready and interested in dating.
    GigglingTrout likes this.
  17. I have to go to the hospital now because I split my sides
  18. You could cheat the system like women do and wear makeup
  19. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    I do, and those guys are bad, that’s why women suffer so much in life, because they don’t pick up the right one
  20. most people are pretty decent, expectations just don't match reality that's why people get jaded as well as not being realistic with their idea of others.