30 Days No PMO!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Mr.Tony, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. This is the second time I hit this number, My main goal now is to his 60 days!

    .30 Days No PMO!

    Let's Go!
  2. BuiltOdd

    BuiltOdd Fapstronaut

    Get it!
    Are you experiencing any particular benefits that stand out? Or any significant differences from your first 30 day streak?
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  3. It's getting better day by day thank god.
  4. That's great Tony! Just remember: all you have to do is make it through today.
    Mr.Tony and A Conqueror like this.
  5. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

    Keep going steadily ... all the best. I completed 130 days on monk mode today
  6. A Conqueror

    A Conqueror Fapstronaut

    These posts always makes me proud, very good effort brother. Let's go for the second month

    That's crazy, excellent
  7. Mr. Tony,
    One thing you might consider is thinking about going longer than 90.
    Because once most people reach that day 30, they have a lot of momentum.
    You are basically through the hard part now.
    Which means this part of the reboot, from now to day 90, is only going to be
    5-10% as hard as the first 30.

    So I make this suggestion to mull over because you can keep gleaning out
    every possible benefit for your life if you go past 90.

    LMK if I can help! Keep crushing it, my friend!
    Mr.Tony and A Conqueror like this.