1 year porn-free

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Paper, Aug 24, 2022.

  1. Paper

    Paper Fapstronaut

    One year is reached and it passed quite quickly.
    I am more than pleased with the results of NoFap than I could've imagined. I feel like completely different person comparing to last few years which were quite miserable and with their ups (when I was porn-free for short periods of time) and quite a lot of downs.

    To be honest this year was surprisingly quite easy, no super hard urges or whatsoever.
    Even now I do not have no slightest temptation to relapse as life has become so much more valuable to me, I just can not imagine myself slipping (relapsing) back to this misery....It is just unreal to imagine.
    Of course there are some flatline days where I feel quite low for week or two but then everything comes back to normal.

    What I have noticed in myself:
    • CONFIDENCE! It is a lot of it, I can come to any person and start conversation easily like we would be already know each other. I've met so many people by this time period that it is insane. I feel a lot more extroverted.
    • More physically fit even without working out
    • Attention from ladies. I've been to dates (I have never previously went to such) which were very nice, multiple times with some. I do not search for relationships for now but I just somehow got to positions that I am in a date, often initiated by those girls. But sadly they didn't workout, I just have to learn how to keep/hold the ongoing "relationship" but that's not a big sadness, I just have to work on myself more. In the clubs ladies hit one me, even If I do not try, they just come by themselves, ignoring my friends...straight to me with touching me or talking.
    • Got a lot manlier...I am more in control of what is happening around me and even if something slips out of my control, somehow I manage to handle it.
    • More precise, I always have an answer how, when, why etc.
    • Not afraid. Year ago I was scared to write first $hitless to girls...now, It is effortless, I just write "aye, I am going to this place, you in?" (Tip: Never ask "Do you want to?" just say straight up "Hey ,lets go"...be the man, be in charge).
    • Enjoying myself more, embracing my manliness a lot more
    • A lot more calm
    This summer was best summer which I have ever had in many years, I am so emotionally fulfilled (almost, I still want my project car).

    The reason why I started this journey is because I go tired to be the shadow of the company, be ignored or ghosted. I got tired of being that weird friend.
    And now, I do not have such problems...I have never been happier.
    Thank you guys for all your support!
    I have not been posting here often because I just forgot about nofap as a thing and I was just living, enjoying the moment and, therefore I will continue to live so.
    I sadly can not give any tips on how to hold urges but I suppose it is because I am always busy and working, even in the evenings I go somewhere (beach, walks, nightrides, meetings friends etc).
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask as I will be following this forum for few more days and I will move on. Probably in few months or year I will re-appear.
    Keep that pace, strength and love you guys ;*
    Squire, becomingreat, arahis and 34 others like this.
  2. 1amth3l1ght

    1amth3l1ght Fapstronaut

    Congrats man! You are a great inspiration!
    Intothesun and Paper like this.
  3. thanks for the inspiration bro, i hope i can be the next to reach that goal.
    arahis and Paper like this.
  4. skybrowser

    skybrowser Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing, I'm glad to hear your success.
    arahis and Paper like this.
  5. Hellboy222

    Hellboy222 Fapstronaut

    Are you doing hardmode?
    A Conqueror likes this.
  6. Paper

    Paper Fapstronaut

    Standard mode. Porn overstimulates, therefore I prefer everything natural. I suggest going hard mode for the first maybe 90 days (unconsciously I was in hard mode for 90 first days as I didn't even felt like going somewhere and studies + fulltime work didn't allow me any private/social life). I would say 90 days is suggestible but you can have sex and etc when you feel energetic, confident in yourself, super happy ...basically when you feel like things are going well for you and you are finally living.
    Joyful_Ape and lilpeep like this.
  7. Hellboy222

    Hellboy222 Fapstronaut

    Ok so standard mode is only sex right?
    Paper likes this.
  8. Paper

    Paper Fapstronaut

    Exacto! ;)
    Hellboy222 likes this.
  9. Clearminded_1234

    Clearminded_1234 Fapstronaut

    One year is quite the accomplishment. It’s so natural that you built the confidence you have now because you are disciplined enough to control your urges. Discipline equals confidence. It equals respecting yourself which in turn makes people respect you more. It’s a vibe lol. Congrats on a huge milestone and thank you for inspiring me and others along the way.
    becomingreat and Paper like this.
  10. Bartholem_phew!

    Bartholem_phew! Fapstronaut

  11. livinginhell

    livinginhell Fapstronaut

    Well done, it is inspiring to read. Do you keep journal of your progress? So that you remember how and what changed in you?
    Paper likes this.
  12. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Seems like a great tip here actually. Staying busy can be a huge help. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Paper likes this.
  13. Paper

    Paper Fapstronaut

    I have never thought of it from this perspective - I love it, thank you! ;)
    emma35 likes this.
  14. Paper

    Paper Fapstronaut

    I thought of it but in the end, I realized the more I think of the nofap the more this PMO thoughts/existence comes back to my life, therefore I just tried to live like there is no such problem and nothing is wrong with me. This helped me a lot to feel like a normal human being and not like an addict. It could be a cool comparison but I am sure we all are very aware of how we were like and what we are now.
    livinginhell likes this.
  15. Herc

    Herc Fapstronaut

    Are you still here, @Paper ? Do you recall at all at what point you have started to see the benefits of Nofap?
  16. Wiz03

    Wiz03 New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this inspiring story. I believe I will be like you in the near time future. Currently in my recovery state.