15 months without MO, I need some advice because I'm thinking about quitting this journey.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by MPJ, Oct 1, 2022.

  1. MPJ

    MPJ Fapstronaut

    I won't write my whole life story because quite honestly, it has been shit for the most part because of my looks and self esteem issues, which lead me to being overall a huge pussy and I never learned to just man up and face life.

    I just moved out 1 month ago from my parent's house and reality is hitting back.

    I haven't MO in 15 months, but I've consumed plenty of P.

    I'm conviced that the universe at this point just wants me to relapse. I feel like everyone is just disgusted with the sexually deprived vibe my ugly akward ass is giving. Some people even told me I look horny. I feel like a bad person for not just rubbing one out like everyone else and stop trying to be such a special snowflake who will somewhat change is shit life just by not spanking the monkey.

    I just graduated not long ago and got a good job, got my appartment but I'm still a lonely dude like I always have been all my life. I'm conviced at this point suicide is the only logical option and the world AND the universe just wants me dead.

    I'm not looking for comfort, but if there is a single person out there who thinks there is a point in keeping on the NoFap journey, I'm all ears.

    Thanks for reading.
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  2. Chili Dog

    Chili Dog Fapstronaut

    Got a good job? Find a hobby that consumes you. For me it was kickboxing and Japanese Cars. If you went this long without the tug then it's clear you have much discipline and control. Maybe harness that into something that can help you and someone else. Don't give up on life; we lose 22 veterans a day to that now. Befriending military vets is a rewarding feeling. They too struggle with so much more than most. It would do you both some good. You can go to volunteer at a dog shelter. Play and wash dogs. They too got a story. If you still feel suicidal you can usually call a hotline or be admitted to a hospital for observation. I've never been suicidal but I sometimes struggled in my teenage years to understand so many things that it was damn frustrating and I smoked cigarettes as I was kinda a loaner. Call for help if you think you need it. If your really feeling bad, lock up any narcotics, prescriptions, firearms etc and call and tell them what's going on. Let's get you some help.
  3. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Maybe the name "nofap" has confused you but the primary reason behind it isn't actually to quit fapping(though if you do then that's great) but it's to quit watching porn, which you haven't done. It's the porn that is releasing the supernormal levels of neurochemicals in your brain and until you cut this out then really you're pretty much negating the entire process.

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2022
  4. MPJ

    MPJ Fapstronaut

    Hey thanks man.

    I lift weight everyday, but I just recently bought boxing gloves because I wanted to join a martial arts gym. But I'm in my late twenties and I feel like I don't belong in there anymore. I know it's dumb as hell of a reason, but I feel like this is a place for young guys in their primes, plus I'm a sweaty dude and I don't want to disgust people with my sweat.

    It's funny you mention the army, because with my degree I taught about joining as an officer instead to keeping the office job.

    I will try to stay around this forum more because I haven't had a group a partner sharing the same goals in a long time, and people around here seem to be positive for the most part.

    Good luck to all in your path to success.
  5. MPJ

    MPJ Fapstronaut

    Yes, I try hard to cut on this crap but it seems I always find a way to justify watching it. And the more I watch it, the more my OCD and psychosis kicks in.

    Stopping MO to me has been easy, its the P that's I can't seem to drop.
  6. holyjourney

    holyjourney Fapstronaut

    honestly speaking you cannot see any progress if you continue the way you are living. It sounds logical to give up if you have tried everything. But if you have not tried everything, giving up does not seem logical
    1. You are continuously watching porn and letting body get arouse but not finish, this is also an extreme behavior. You are going against nature
    2. If you have enough time to watch porn, it means you have not tried enough to keep yourself busy in other activities
    3. Change your friends or acquaintances. It does seem from social media, tiktoks and short videos that humanity have gone crazy which might be true. People are everyday living life to degrade others or show off. The reason i am saying this that If i was in your group of friends, doesn't matter how much you sweat or look bad, i would never say such a thing on your face or behind you. Instead I would always be looking forward to welcome you during training sessions. The world has lost simple courteous manners.
    4. You are in late twenties and yet already giving up on martial arts etc. I am 33, ruined life for 2 decades with PMO, suffering from so many physical issues due to PMO, have so many suicidal thoughts and yet thinking that if I ever manage to go on a long streak which might give enough strength to my bones, i would still go for a karate class to feel what i missed out in my prime.
    5. If you overcome P as well, you will emerge as a better person than a normal non-addicted human being cause you will have experienced that WILL POWER which majority of the world doesn't possess
    6. Until and unless you have tried everything (abstain from PMO, keeping your self super busy in side activities and find a better group of friends), it does not seem logical to give up. That is like saying you are diagnosed with stage 1 cancer (God forbidden) but because pain killer did not work so you will not try chemotherapy or other medical procedure and just give up. Does not sound logical at all
  7. MPJ

    MPJ Fapstronaut

    Hey thanks brother.

    I have perpetual toughts about suicide and how I ruined my life and there is not recovery, like God or the universe is fed up with my BS and wants me to end it because it knows I will never be a productive member of society, but this is the kind of truth I know could improve my life.

    I joined again this website, because it is one of the few place which seems to have a positive outlook on life instead of the incel mentality that is so toxic for the mental wellbeing of a man.

    If anyone is interested, I will keep posting daily update to keep a positive mindset around here. I do feel less like a failure when I don't watch porn.

    Today no P watching was done. I know it's not the right time, but for the first time in a year, I joined a dating app and tried to approach 1 women. I have not approached any women IRL in like 4 years, haven't had unpaid sex in 7 years, and only a handful of approach I made on some dating app throughout those 4 years. Of course I got no replies, but I feel like my masculinity comes back when I at least try to pursue some women instead of just quitting because I'm not 6 foot plus and handsome like the incel community keeps saying is the only way to get women.
    johny_533 likes this.
  8. holyjourney

    holyjourney Fapstronaut

    I would even suggest postpone the dating for a while, fot atleast 30 days and stay away from PMO and even the word sex itself to notice if it brings some changes in your life. People like you and me, almost never stay away from the concept of sex hence our brains are always full of anxiety, pressure and deptession. We need to see that if we give our brains a break, can it calm down and focus on other things in life even for as short as 30 days. Does it bring our anxiety, depression level down? We need to experience it to know
  9. MPJ

    MPJ Fapstronaut

    I think you are right on the postponing the dating for a while. Yesterday, a women actually replied to me and I'm getting matches, but my life is so boring and I have no social skill so I just don't know what to say at all. The conversation keeps dying.

    Maybe I should actually make the reasonable decision for once and focus on improving for a while instead of jumping straight ahead in the gaming world. But at the same time, being away from it for so long you kind of feel like a loser and a coward who never actually try to get girls.

    Sometimes I wonder if talking to girls is a skill to learn, or if you are truly happy things just comes naturally to you.

    Have a nice productive day everyone.
  10. MPJ

    MPJ Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot for the positivity brother.

    I'm a muscular guy but kind of overweight and out of shape cardiovasculary. I think I will focus on cardio for a while to shed some pounds before joining a martial art gym, but it will still takes courage and some balls for me because of my social anxiety to join such a gym. I did when I was in my late teens, and quite frankly I got my ass whooped repeatedly.

    I prefer to avoid both P and MO because I feel my libido is still pretty low despite my actually obsession with getting laid, and I feel bad everytime I relapse. That's why I'm currently on a 15 months streak. But I know it's not the only thing to do to improve myself. As far as P goes, it's really hard (right now my brain is trying to justify watching it to "wake up" my libido since it's dead). But I will keep fighting.

    Good luck to you in whatever path you are on right now.
    MindfulWarrior and stepitup like this.
  11. kuroji

    kuroji Fapstronaut

    Does get a good job mean you get a good pay? Why not try traveling the world? It must be very interesting. I think you can set this as your aim and go for it.
  12. MPJ

    MPJ Fapstronaut

    Ok, this will be somewhat of a rent but here it goes:

    To be honest with you, I'm currently taking ADHD meds and an antipsychotic which kind of lowers the libido and increase willpower. Without them, I would most likely have relapsed some time ago. I think a normal healthy man couldn't go that long without MO or any kind of sexual relationship anyway.

    Plus, I'm just recently starting to work. For the past 15 months, I was living in my mother's basement, just going to college, eating shit and being overall depressed. My libido isn't the same anymore at my age that it was at 18 on top of that.

    Now that I'm living on my own and facing the real world, my interest in women seems to slowly come back up, but the realisation and self awereness of the fact that I'm a lazy, disgusting, coward, immature and emotional man is hitting me lick a brick.

    I trying to improve so many things at once but it's hard because of the shame I'm constantly feeling of the bad decision I took in the past and the huge pussy I've become (or I always was).

    But, I decided to start blaming my looks for lack of success with women and take responsability for the situation I am in right now. And it starts with taking a big look in the mirror, being honest about what you need to improve about yourself and face your fears (which I have a lot of) in order to growth mentally, physically and emotionally.

    I know I need to improve my higiene, redo my wardwore (my parents were still dressing me in my late twenties because I'm too lazy, shy and poor to dress my self). I need to improve my diet, get in better shape (lose fat and gain more muscle). I need to work on my social skills, work on my passion and find something to do in my free time other than lay in bed and dream about women. I need to get a car which I haven't had in 6 years. I need to stop being lazy. I need to stop avoid stressful situation and face my fears. I need to accept my physical appareance and just work with what I got, and try to improve the best I can with it. I need to stop relying on pills to get my through life. Maybe even pay for some therapy to work on self-esteem issues. Quite frankly, I just need to get my shit together.

    Thanks for reading if you have been throught it all. I hope someone in a bad situation on this website right now find some motivation to work on a weakness of his today. Keep working HARD brothers.
    Conqueror_J47, OhWhenThe and kuroji like this.
  13. MPJ

    MPJ Fapstronaut

    I'm getting a good pay, yes. But I just never had an interest in travelling, because quite frankly I'm a coward and afraid of having the be alone in a place where I don't know anyone and my social anxiety stops me often from just going outside.

    It may be a challenge I could take, to travel sometimes when I get vacation. I just don't know where to go, maybe Asia?
  14. kuroji

    kuroji Fapstronaut

    Traveling doesn't mean you have to communicate with others. going sightseeing may be a good choice for you. you will be amazed by nature and history. I mean, there is still many thing to learn and experience in this world.
  15. juicysmolet

    juicysmolet Fapstronaut

    it's good that you realize what needs to be done in your life.
    take it slowly otherwise you'll be overwhelmed. on the flipside if you are overwhelmed, your focus will be on other things rather than P.

    there are plenty of resources such as youtube and subreddits for those things you mentioned(fashion, skin care, hair advice, etc).

    things come a bit easier once you truly realize what it means to not give a fuck.

    it will be a grind and nothing is guaranteed. if there's one good thing about the internet is that plenty of online strangers are willing to give advice and provide support.
  16. Conqueror_J47

    Conqueror_J47 Fapstronaut

    The kind of conversation you have with yourself matters a lot too. All these horrible adjectives you are using to describe yourself, are they really necessary? Why not be kind to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect, why should you hate yourself so much because you aren't perfect? Accept yourself just the way you are brother. Even if you are pathetic when it comes to dating, you are not the only one. But at some point you have to realize that your destiny is in your hands. Anything you desire in life -- including women -- will not just fall into your laps; you have to, somehow, find a way to build the skills that will enable you get what you want. Also in this life, persistence is very important in everything. Good luck.
    MindfulWarrior and OhWhenThe like this.